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Mini-garden in the pot: compositions of miniature...

Mini-garden in the pot: compositions of miniature areas in a confined spaceFor what kind of cunning do not go tireless gardeners, trying to bring in the appearance of the site new and unique elements that will become an extraordinary addition that can transform the terrain. A magnificent view in miniature or a park in a pot is able to begin a beautiful decoration not only of a balcony or terrace, but at least some corner in the garden.
Form the idea of ​​a future composition
The product of any composition, whether the design of a flower garden, parts of vertical landscaping or a mini-garden in a pot starts with an idea. It can be a small rock garden made of small pebbles and tiny plants, an unnatural garden with dwarf trees or an oasis in the desert. A work directed at a certain topic can even prompt a dear heart to a place in the garden, the complement of which is a short basin
Because of the base it is permissible to take a kind of a plant of small dimensions that already grows for a site or a container that is causeless and harmoniously combined with existing buildings and small building forms.
It is possible to extract decorative small gardens in different ways. They can act as a central decoration of landscape design, occupying a venerable room in the front zone of the site, or an unobtrusive addition to the greenish compositions in the garden. Due to its small size, this element of decor is allowed to be located virtually anywhere in the garden: for the porch of the house, along the path and around. Pondering the design of the decorative composition, the desire to determine in advance, where the mini garden is quite located, from which the sides are viewed, and whether it is quite open for general viewing. When choosing a room for the arrangement of a composition, it is necessary to take into account the conditions for growing the main parts of gardening, which you plan to fill your own small garden. Balanced accommodation option - a room protected through drafts and winds, but open to the sun. It's better if it's a fairly eastern or western side of the site
The essence of this mini-garden in the pot is its mobility: if it is quite common for one place, it is always allowed to move for special news without special bangs. In the winter period, the pot with the planted plants is rather moved to a calm room and covered with a layer of snow or non-woven material.
We select a container for the sake of a mini-garden
As a base for the creation of a composition, no matter what wide capacity is about 15 cm high. A huge horizontal space allows to create a more fascinating"landscape". The basis can begin enameled basin, pallet, vase or any other container. For the arrangement even the ancient shell is suitable - the election is limited only by the creator's imagination
Pots for the sake of a mini-garden can own, like a classic round or square shape, unreasonably and unique options, thanks to which you can get very unusual multi-level compositions. The only contract - the pots are required to have drainage holes (pretty small holes in the container's day), necessary for the drain of excess water. To prevent holes from accumulating over time, the bottom of the container is covered with a layer of rubble or pebbles, which will also protect additional small stones.
Wanting to perform a container is more attractive, its external walls are allowed to clothe. For this, it is necessary first to coat its walls with a consistence of crushed peat, sifted sand and cement, taken in equal proportions and diluted with water before the pasty mixture. Without waiting for the solution to solidify, the appearance of the container should be decorated with decor elements: small pebbles, colored tiles, shells and glass.
Flowers and decorative elements
Probably the variation of the placement of plants is steadily in stone. For this, a rock with a porous structure, which is gifted to absorb a lot of water, including tuff, shell rock or limestone, is perfect. The soft tribe of these stones is comfortable for the sake of processing: if necessary, they are always allowed to drill holes and execute small"pockets"near the plant. For the sake of water retention in the composition, it is permissible to add fairly"islets"from the moss of sphagnum. The selection of plants for the sake of composition is dependent on the theme of the mini-garden. For example: for the creation of a rocky corner or an alpine slide, an essay from cacti
When creating a small park of pebbles, it is better to extract cacti and other succulents: a stone rose, a diamonds, a sedum, havortiyu
The choice of parts of gardening should be taken into account, which plants have the attribute to grow. Therefore, for the design of small compositions, it is better to give importance to slow growing varieties. Between the pebbles, gelksin, saxifrage, pakhifitum and hasteria are also comfortable. The roots of these plants in search of water are able to seep into any cracks in the pebbles
When planning to design a mini-garden in the style of a park landscape, it is better to extract the currency tree, pygmy figs and myrtle as parts of gardening. These plants are presentable decorative form of the crown, for the sake of maintaining which must live pinching and pruning. In mini-gardens equipped for outdoor areas, dwarf varieties of conifers are superb: junipers, spruce, cypresses.
Between small-leaved slow-growing plants, it is also possible to distinguish fittonias, peperomas and purifications. A beautiful addition to the garden can be ivy, the flexible luxurious trunks of which will surround the composition and envelop the pot. Bring beautiful colors to the composition of beautiful flowering plants: synpolia, cyclamens, small roses and streptocarpuses. According to the measure of their fading, they are always allowed to substitute for new varieties that just enter the time of flowering
As decorative parts, animals, seashells and clay vessels are perfect. Decorative elements of the mini-garden in the style of the park landscape can come out pieces of furniture or dishes from children's toy sets: lanterns, sun loungers and garden benches, small park statues.
The main stages of the arrangement of such a garden
Cereal base product
For the bottom of the pot, pour small pebbles with a layer of 3-4 cm, in the role of which the clay or stone may protrude. The pot is filled with a grassy soil consisting of coarse-grained sand, turf ground and peat, taken in the ratio 2: 1: 1
In order to fulfill the soil more loosely, it is permissible to add vermiculite to its amount. Planning to co-operate a certain number of plant species, the desire to foresee the presence of"pockets", which fill with soil, more suitable for a certain standard. Separate"pockets"is allowed with the help of"paths"from pebbles or other parts of the decor. Suggestion. Some gardeners between the drainage layer and the soil make a layer of dry leaves and branches, which, depending on the degree of decay, will provide additional feeding to plants. Filling the container with soil, not reaching 1.5-2 cm in front of the edges, the ground is not compacted and poured with water.
planting of plants
The consent in advance to the deliberate plan, we begin"development of territory". Probably two variants of planting plants: if they are planted in one container, or placed in separate pots, dug in the ground. To be the first method of arrangement, the composition looks more holistically. The second variation is not bad in that it allows to solve the problem of combining plants in one soil, also allows you to be able to freely change or remove a plant at any time. Planting plants without pots, extracting them from"native"containers should be very careful not to spoil the root system
Planting plants should abstain the gap between shoots in view of growth prospects. The previous order of the composition is filled with low grades, the latter by higher plants
The agrotechnical properties of plants should also be taken into account when composing a composition and selecting a successful neighborhood: some of them are sun-loving, others - the first love the abundance of water, the second prefer watering according to the extent of the drying out of the earth.
Decorating with decor elements
Then the plants were planted, the empty places of the composition remained to sleep with a small gravel or to lay out with pebbles. In addition to the decorative function, such a coating will retain water after watering and quite hinder the appearance of weeds. To make the illusion of water help the glass with blue tint stones, which are laid in a small deepening between the plants of the garden
An unusual addition to the composition will be small swings and a degree, which can not be performed easily from wood blocks and skewers.
In order to supplement the park with a small pond, it is enough to choose a small vessel deserved in accordance with the size. It should be buried in the soil, and then the bottom of the"pond"should be covered with a small pebble. The pond can be decorated with decorative tiles, planted with dwarf trees or ground cover plants, such as: soleryerolia or a nerter. One of the last prestigious trends in the design of plant compositions is the ennobling of small gardens in over-staked and broken pots, with which the craftsmen make unique multilevel compositions
Education from the mini-garden is just about maintaining the necessary moisture regime and removing obsolete shoots and weeds.

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