We put order in the garden and flower garden
Before the advent of frost, gentle varieties of roses, hibiscus, hydrangeas, also other beautifully flowering shrubs and young fruit trees were probably carefully wrapped and covered with agrofiber. Now, then, it is not superfluous to check the goodness of the protective structure and, if necessary, to correct it.
When examining trees, special attention should be paid to young shoots, which, with the weight of snow, can easily break down. All the foliage left from the light must be removed, and the precipitate should be carefully reduced from the branches. Finding a broken branch, the damaged premise should immediately cover with garden wine. Near the weight of the snow cover, certain types of conifers also break down. Shelter in the form of a hut will protect the tender branches of juniper and thai
The flaw in the snow is also bad for the"wintering"of plants. Sediment protects their root system through frosts, and the overhead share through temptations to"wake up". Therefore, the sediment should be raked from the paths to the bushes and trees by the hill, covering not only the base, but also the forks of the skeletal branches of the crown.
Snowless winter is not safe for the sake of strawberries. In order to protect the roots located close to the surface of the plant, they should be covered with branches, sawdust or brushwood. They will keep snow blowing from the strawberry patch.
The winter sun is deceptive: even when heated not at full strength, it can throw burns for tree trunks. Whitewashing will save the bark of trees through cracking and frostbite. On warm winter days, if the air temperature does not fall below zero degrees, even air drift and tree propagation can be allowed. At this time it is comfortable to live a haircut and fixing hedges. In warm regions, this time is considered suitable for the remainder of fruit and berry bushes, stone fruit trees and ornamental species
The confiscation is a bit of variety, blooming for the shoots of the past spring in age or at first age. For example: chubushnik, forsytsia, lilac, clematis - they are allowed to respond a little later to bloom. The rhizomes excavated in autumn and onions of heat-loving crops should also be reconsidered and ventilated at times.
Protect plants through mice and pests
A young park also needs protection through pests. To protect trunks of trees through mice it is permitted, painting stamps with special paint, tar or carbolic. For the sake of protection through the encroachments of mice, the trunks of fruit trees can be wrapped with cover material or with an iron net
If there is a lot of precipitation in winter, additional protection of the tree bark can be provided by boring the trunks with snow and compacting it at the base of the boles.
Effective protection of the tree bark through the mice can make and ice crust. Consequently, in addition to trampling down the snow, it is allowed to water this part of the earth a couple of times along the circumferential circle. In this interval between the naked tree branches it is comfortable to identify the winter nests of the golden-goose and hawthorn. Laying eggs of gypsy moth is easier to cut with a secateur steadily with twigs. From the branches of fruit trees, it is necessary to remove mummified fruits, which act as sources of diseases. And in order to get rid through the mildewing of mildew for gooseberries or currants, it is enough to pour berry bushes with hot water.
We collect the collection and sow seeds
Winter varieties of Brussels sprouts, broccoli, spinach, parsnips, leeks and various greens, even in the cool season, continue to amuse the harvest
Good temperatures for the germination of certain colors are cool temperatures of soil and air. Consequently, annuals such as poppies, grasses, marigolds, calendula and lavender are allowed to be sown not only in autumn, but also in winter. In February, if the warning of the return of severe frosts is left behind, it is permissible to sow grass and carrots. Even a secondarily deposited precipitate does not seem to harm them
Housekeeping in the garden
Winter is the best time for the repair of flowerbeds and arches, fences and garden furniture. In this period, it is permissible to undertake the creation of supports, which will be useful in the summer for the installation of many fruit trees near the branch. Sunny winter days are allowed to designate the arrangement of garden paths, the construction of rockeries or rock gardens
If the bottom is not frozen in winter, then it is allowed even to enter into free life either.
Do not forget about the little assistants who destroy pests for the site - feathered friends. Winter for their sake is a real test, because in the thick snow they can not always find what they need for the sake of maintaining the actual forces of feed. A feeder filled with cereal, seeds and lard pieces is a very real salvation for the sake of birds in the winter period
Start and the very essence, winter - it's time to arrange an expectation consistent with the change in landscape design, the implementation of which is allowed to begin in the spring.
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