If you raised your lawn from scratch, you will certainly endure, like the one that will carry the grass the first winter. After all, the meadow has already invested heavily effort, and is not willing, so that the spring result disappointed. However, I do not have to endure, if by the way and prepare the lawn well for the winter. This very question should alarm the owners, who carry out the education because of the lawn in autumn. Consider the cycle of major autumn works that will help the grass to successfully survive the hibernation.
Strength of the root system - aeration and top dressing
In winter, the aboveground portion of the lawn will freeze and harden, hence the masters must throw all the forces for the strength of the roots. Specifically, they will give spring dense sprouts and should not die in the cold. Strengthen the root system 2-mja methods: moderate top dressing and aeration.
For the sake of feeding the lawn in autumn just fit phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, which help the maturation of plants. Completely eliminate nitrogen fertilizing. They speed up the profit of grass and provoke the development of young shoots, and around the winter it seems like once, and it is not necessary, because young sprouts are more difficult to bear minus temperatures and die first. Wood ash is allowed to write together with peat and chernozem, mixing the amount. For no reason you fertilize and level the soil
Where can I get phosphorus and potassium? It is allowed to look for all-inclusive autumn fertilizers for the sake of the lawn. However, it is cheaper to buy separately: potassium sulfate and superphosphate. Just right, abundant potassium is found in wood ash, which for no reason you often burned a fireplace in the summer or roasted shish kebabs for the barbecue, then you will get this fertilizer completely free of charge.
Feed better before the rain. In the autumn it will not be a problem, the causality of the rainy helpless in these months amuses an enviable all-steadiness. Desire, so that top-dressing is necessary for early autumn (the appearance of September). Here the grass has more chances to perceive and assimilate the apogee of the necessary substances from fertilizers.
Aeration is more important for the sake of roots. Receiving abundant oxygen, the roots are ripened more quickly and strengthened. In addition, through punctures during the long cool rain, water will go to the deepest layers of the earth, and does not remain puddles for the surface, which turned into ice in the morning frost. It's simpler to just move the lawn with ordinary pitchforks, piercing them with a clearing in almost all places and tilting slightly for yourself, in order to raise the roots. It is also permissible to extract special devices for the aeration of the lawn in the autumn - nozzles for the motor block or aerators. Carry out stirring in dry weather. The factory aerator perfectly punctures the soil, but it is also possible to do with ordinary garden pitchforks that need to be pushed into the soil with a slope
Autumn care with a lawn is the least voluminous, if summer, but it is through them that determines how well the grass will survive in winter. Lawn mowing: it's not too late?
Every lawn (and this age, and has been growing for a couple of years) is forced to avoid about the sediment with a"haircut". If there is a warm helplessness, then the autumn haircuts can exist fairly. However, you are the most basic - the last. It should exist approximately from 2 weeks before the first frost in your area, so that the grass has time to grow for 6-10 cm. If its height is rather less, then the possibility of freezing the roots to be severe frosts is great. If the lawn has time to rise above 10 cm, in other words, the danger of getting out. For example, if frosts and thaws alternate, a cold crust appears. And if the grass will leave a residue with such a crust, it will suffocate without air and will harden. In addition, in the spring the dried grass is quite an obstacle for the sake of piercing new shoots from the earth. She will block them, like mulch, If not to collect the autumn grass from the grass, turned into felt, then in the spring it is quite a barrier for the sake of growing a young lawn
All the grass and leaves collected from the lawn are allowed to extract fertilizer for the sake of vegetable beds, spilling them according to the soil and digging a little
Move veshnemu growth is enough and cut grass, if you do not remove it from the lawn in the fall. Then the haircuts must be combed with fan rakes to remove from it the unsuitable, old grass that forms felt, and the final cut. Take for the wheelbarrow all the collected"wealth"steadily for the empty beds and prikopayte. Due to winter from herbal waste, an ecologically pure fertilizer will be obtained.
Lawn correction and insurance through trampling
By autumn, due to the lawn, its cosmetic correction is also included. Small pits and potholes are allowed to level in this interval, filling with the consistence of humus and sand. Leave large pits for spring, because they need to add enough seeds of grass.
The lawn for autumn pouring with the consistency of peat and compost is good. Spilling a mash in accordance with the grass, you at once and level the ground, and fertilize the soil.
If the season comes torrential rains, and the bottom becomes soft, you need to hedge the lawn through trampling, if you often pass it according to it to other buildings. For the sake of this, it is worth writing for the grass of the boards and moving just the way it should be, because with the pressure of the feet the bottom"plays", and holes are formed for the meadow. If there is a dry helplessness, then it is better to solve the boards afterwards the arrival of measured minus temperatures. For no reason you will take less from winter because of grass and avoid the"bald patches", which often arise for paths. And it's better not to walk all winter in accordance with sleeping grass. Such prollysins are the result of trampling down the lawn tracks, since the crushed bottom does not allow the roots to feed on oxygen and promote their freezing
It is worth to live a lawn in autumn?
Having dealt with the subtleties of care, we will also pay homage to planting the grass. Some summer residents extremely prot finish the preparation of the site for the sake of the future glade, and the planting of seeds like once falls for the summer. If you check the summer and autumn crops of the lawn, then the importance is to give an illumination. For good germination, the seeds need a wet bottom and no heat. All the same it is obvious signs of the September weather, if the rains begin, and the life is warm, but not hot. In addition, the planting of the lawn in autumn gives more amiable sprouts, since weeds do not interfere with the grass. They by this time begin to prepare for the winter and germinate weakly. It is recommended to multiply the rate of seed consumption by approximately 1.5 times to be late lawn crops, since the proportion of them will freeze out during the winter
If you perfectly deceive the digging of the site and select the roots of all perennials, you can not even shed the soil with herbicides. Sow part and wait for the shoots. Byl, with the timing of sowing is not worth it. September is the best time. Before the advent of cold weather, grass blades will have time to grow stronger and grow so that you can only once cut them. However, try to mow not near the very soil, but just the top. Some gardeners advise and podzimnius sowing, i.e. planting seeds in the frozen soil (approximately in November). Here shoots you will wait early in the spring, and they will be strong, since they have been hardened by frost. However, in our climate, there are quite a few reasons that can spoil such planting. First, for areas with a slope, spring floods can wash away the proportion of seeds together with snow. Secondly, autumn can drag on, and then the thaw will begin. Feeling the warming, the seeds will proklyutsya, sprout - and their"still warm"destroy the first winter frosts. If you dare to podzimnee landing, you need to sow a large proportion of the seeds than usual, with the expectation of partial freezing.
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