Guzman: conditions of home care for the tropical beauty
Guzman: conditions of home care for the tropical beauty Feeding for its window sill of exotic plants is becoming increasingly popular among gardeners. And such a tiny, like guzmania, all are proud of every mistress. The unusual visibility of the plant attracts the eye. Education because of him will not be difficult, hence the flower without problems is allowed to grow at home. It will beautify any interior, give comfort and unique visibility to a dwelling or office. Image and photo of guzmania Guzmania (or guzmania - a pair of variant names are correct) - a guest from the rainforest. It lives in Central and South America. Guzman from the genus of bromeliad, refers to evergreen epiphytic plants (does not grow in the soil), inhabits mountain slopes, stems and bark of dead trees. The roots of the flower surface, but strong. Water guzmaniya collects from the external environment. Guzmania - a very spectacular plant-epiphyte Leaves are elongated, lanceolate, green, can exist with longitudinal or transverse bands, form a dense outlet into which guzmania collects rainwater. The bract (some confuse it with a real flower) is always painted in shiny paint for the recruitment of insect pollinators: the flowers of Guzmania are very small, inconspicuous. Such a cunning plant was produced for centuries, if the species was threatened by the desire to die out due to problems with the formation of seeds. Some future guzmanii have closed flowers, inside which pollination occurs without the help of others because of the close contact of the stamens and the pistil. Paint the plant near seventeen weeks, and then die. All this should not be frightened, the simple one needs to take care of the reproduction in advance. The family was first described by the Spanish biologist - researcher Anastasio Gusman in 1802. The plant is named in his reverence by guzmania (guzmania according to Latin transcription). Guzmania is a welcome guest for all the windowsills, because it cleans the atmosphere and promotes mood enhancement. They say that this flower is the emblem of man's power, also finishes abundantly positive energy. Despite its beginning, guzmaniya is quite undemanding in care and does not deliver especially to the beginning gardener. The essence for her is enough water and bright light. Popular in floriculture, the future Today, Guzmania has more than 100 different species. Everyone at home is growing a few fairly varieties. Tempo. This visibility entices with its contrast: for a background of tender, light green leaves useful stands out a bright red bract. The leaves are elongated, shiny, the socket is compacted. The height is about 35 cm. Ostara. It's a hybrid. Has narrow, bright green leaves. The trunk is long, for it there are red bracts, snow-white flowers appear a little later, they fade alive. It is undemanding in care. Extensively distributed among gardeners. Lingual. Probably the most popular visibility between gusmania. Rosette condensed, leaves broad, perianth shining, through red before yellow. Flowers are small, cream-colored, collected in inflorescences-spikelets, do not bloom for long. The tongue gusmania has varieties: purple, fiery, small, modestly colored, ordinary. Minor - Rondo. A beautiful little plant, green leaves, bracts erect, reddish color, small flowers, snow-white, in large numbers, collected in inflorescences. Flowering begins in February. Calypso. This is the only one of the most beautiful species of Guzzmania. The socket is loose, collected from narrow leaves of light green color, the bract is erect, its leaves are directed upwards, they have bright red paint. Bloody-red. A distinctive line of this kind - the middle of the outlet has a bright red paint. The central depression is often almost completely filled with moisture. Therefore, the flowers of the plant literally float in it. Mosaic. Personally, the flower spike is small, the bract consists of small leaves, painted in a reddish or orange paint. The decorative importance of this species lies in the leaves - they have a striped color. Odnokolosya. Completely unremarkable, a small bract. This visibility of guzmania has decorative, longish leaves stained with longitudinal stripes. Photo gallery: future gusmania Calypso - the only one of the most beautiful species of gusmania At the blood -red guzmania in the blossoming of color changes not only the short bracts, and almost all the rosette The bract of the guzmany Minor is erect, reddish color Mosaic guzmania is distinguished by dense foliage with transverse stripes Unicolour Guzmania got its name because of the outdoor features of the sozve Appealing guzmanii Tempo can achieve 35 cm Gusmania reed is the most popular List: necessary conditions for the sake of growth and development of the room epiphyte
table-width-scroll"> Season Explanation Humidity Temperature/td> WateringУдобрениеЗимаThe location of the flower arrangement does not play a special role. The essence, protect it through direct sunlight, which can throw burns for leaves. Own further away through batteries, spray daily with water at room temperature. 18-20 ° C Twice a week No need Spring Every day sprinkling 19-21 ° C Three times a week The only one time in a month Summer
Because gusmania is an epiphyte, it can be completely without a pot, but one must always take care of the relative durability of the stand. Gusmanias look great in large clay vases. Even single guzmania needs a powerful pot Do I need to transplant guzmaniyu then purchase In most cases, manufacturers radially refer to the pre-sale preparation of plants, providing the right dish and an extraordinary substrate. It is not always common ground. Visually it is allowed to assess the suitability of the land. If it is similar to peat, and pieces of bark or moss, therefore, with the naked eye, such a flower does not need a transplant. In this case, if the earth is strong for the touch, guzmanyu is better to transplant. It is impossible to injure the tender roots of guzmania. The plant will react for this by slowing down in growth and development, unwillingness to blossom and the appearance of diseases. Education for gusmania It is not necessary to delve into the fact that all kinds of exotic plants mean a certain kind of upbringing. Guzmania, without delivering special warts, will amuse you with splendor and colorful colors. Like to water and fertilize Exotics of guzmania is manifested even in watering. This action occurs not like almost all plants, near the beginning, and the fence of water filling rosette. And all because of the fact that in the natural habitat of gusmania collects water in the main of the atmosphere due to its wide leaves, which serve as typical gutters for the sake of accumulating water. If the atmosphere in the room is dispassionate, the flower should be sprinkled with a minimum of only once per day. Watering is done this way. Take standing water at room temperature and carefully pour into the center of the outlet. At the end of the day, excess water is drained off. This is in the period from April to September. In winter, lowering the temperature before 18 ° C, the soil is moistened with the usual, radical method. This is due to the fact that such criteria can lead to the development of fungal diseases. Watering is carried out on a separate day in summer in hot weather (if the weather is allowed in one day). In nature, gusmanias take water from the air, therefore it's not enough to water them around and it's not always necessary to water them p> Top dressing is a significant moment in the care of the plant. Suitable fertilizer for bromeliads. It is bred according to the annotation and sprinkled with guzmania once in two weeks in the summer, and in spring and autumn - only once in a month. In winter, fertilizing is not necessary. It is better not to experiment with fertilizers, so as not to kill guzmaniyu. After all, they do not know that she can not tolerate superphosphate fertilizers and mullein. Flowering gap Blooming is a real shining gap in the life of gusmania, and dysfunctional, because after that the plant dies. Paint exotic baby near 17 weeks. More precisely, this bract merry eye, and the small flowers wither after a couple of days later appearance. Usually in shops it is allowed to buy already blooming guzmany. The task in the book is how long it is already in this condition and whether it will be possible to build up the children for the sake of the life to come. Then, like guzmania will bloom, at the very bottom. This is done so that, in the first place, Gusmania blossoms only for the fourth year of its own growth and development to be suitable for its sake. Which act if the plant does not want to bloom? As if the conditions for its sake are the best, and guzmania for some reason does not produce a flower spike. In this case, you must:
Allow a sharp increase in temperature before 27 ° C for a couple of days - you can catch cellophane and then lower again before 24 ° C. Grind bananas and apples in a bowl, put close to guzmania and catch the whole package with a package. Occupation in the book, which fruits produce special substances that accelerate maturation, also beneficial for the emergence of flowering. Before the appearance of the bracts, some of the whole is not removed, but at times they substitute fruit for the freshest, so that decay does not begin. Video:/h3>
Sin ImplicationsHumidified atmosphere Leaves curl, wither, their tips dry, the plant gets sick visibility Daily spraying is inconsistent Strong earth The plant begins to fade without a visible assumption, the leaves turn yellow It must take a special, light, gentle ground for bromeliads, certainly presence in the sphagnum and desire - the crushed bark of trees >Ostrog water The origin of fungal diseases, the leaves dry and curl For the sake of irrigation, extract water at a temperature of approximately 24 ° C, for spraying: 30 ° C Direct sunlight Solar burns. For leaves there are brown spots Do not favor direct sunlight for the plant, shading in the sunny weather with a curtain in between 11 and 16 hours Extra watering Root decay, the end of the plant Adjust the watering order to the tips Tap water Whitish scurf for leaves Protect water more than 24 hours due to large stiffness characteristics < Like and any houseplant, gusmania can be freely defeated by pests and various diseases. It is very proud to react by the way for the current situation. List: unsafe pests of bromeliads
Pest Image Than unsafe Like to fightSprinkle with the substance of the insecticide Actars according to the annotation. Soaked in a Carbofos solution (diluted according to the annotation) with a cotton swab remove all the scabs by hand. Making gloves. mealybugs small insects, similar to vshu, covered with white nalokniga Eats juice of young plants, leaves, buds Prepare a soapy solution: 20 g of soap for 3 liters of water. A cotton swab soaked in a solution, remove all the worms and their snow-white discharge from the plant. Sprinkle guzmanyu any of the insecticides presented, diluted according to the annotation: Aktara, Fitoverm, Calypso, Confidor. Spider mite >The insect is 2 mm coffee or red, loves a dispassionate atmosphere Feeds on the juice of the leaves, envelops the plant with a network, thereby making photosynthesis more difficult Wash all insects and a network near the stream of warm water (near 30 ° C). Sponge with laundry soap to wipe the whole plant, then wash it off. Spray with insecticides: Actellik, Fitoverm.Dilute according to the annotation. Unfavorable Small insect, a little noticeable to the eye, green or coffee, creates colonies Feeds on plant juice 20-30 grams of chopped garlic or curvature for 1 liter of water. Squeeze the day, then spray the plant. Insecticides: Phytoverm, Aktara, Small. Dilute according to the annotation, sprinkle the gusmania.
Photo Gallery: pests of guzmania
A spider mite is very small, but a dangerous insect. Unwholesome forms whole colonies for the plant Shield is difficult therefore even with the help of insecticides List: the corresponding diseases
Pain The root cause Boren/td> PreventionThe sooty fungus The unfavorable tolerates this fungal disease + low temperature and water deprived Prepare a soapy solution (20 g for 3 l). Soak them with a cotton swab and remove the sooty plaque. Remove the healthy leaves. For the last time, apply the fungicides Scor, Confidor, Decis. Lean watering Be low temperatures to avoid water ingress for plant leaves. Get rid of aphids with an insecticide, for example,/li> Root decay Lishke of water, heavy, It is impossible to favor the decay of the roots of guzmania: they are very fragile, the plant can quickly die. Usually, the flower can not be saved. Extract the light substrate recommended for bromeliads. Do not forget about sphagnum moss Adjust the order of watering
Photogallery: diseases of gusmania
A black mushroom occurs for pest-infested plants The leaves of Guzmania turn yellow, Multiplication of gusmania at home criteria Multiplication of the flower is probably 2 methods : we surround the branches of the newly formed lateral processes (children) that have remained after the death of the main plant; seeds. By division Must wait for the death of the uterus rosette. After flowering the death of a rosette of guzmania occurs Prepare a small bowl with a diameter of about 9 cm, fill it with 2/3 of the recommended substrate with the addition of sphagnum. Remove the guzmania with sprouts from the ground and carefully, with a sharp knife (disinfect with alcohol in advance), detach children with their own roots: if the plant does not take root.
The delineation is created by the condition that the children have their own roots Drop the descendant into a single, already prepared pot of soil, Sprinkle the roots with a substrate.
Healthy sprouts with roots are suitable for planting Spill the earth (do not extinguish!) and catch a plastic bag, making a mini-greenhouse. Do not forget to ventilate every day.
The scoop around the package is in the course of several days for the sake of reliable rooting guzmannia After 4-5 days, remove the film and put pot for the brightest room. Protect through direct sunlight.
The pots with a young Guzman better supply for the south side, but to preserve through sunlight Video: multiplying the flower by dividing <
Seeds This method of reproduction of gusmania has a room to exist, but it is used very often by gardeners.
Seeds, purchased in the store, pre-soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate (two crystals for a glass of water at room temperature), dried.
Soaking seeds is created in a weak solution of manganese,with all this water should exist near 30 degrees Prepare the soil - a mash of peat and river, large sand in a 1: 1 ratio.
Soil mixture for the sake of seeds differs according to composition through the substrate for the sake of adult plants Seeds are placed in a container with soil, not falling asleep.
The seeds of gusmania need an aristocracy for the sake of growing to grow part and put in the brightest room, avoiding direct sunlight. The temperature should be around 23 ° C. The first sprouts will appear after three weeks. Coverage can not be taken for two months.
If the first shoots appear, the cover is not removed For a couple of months a young plant dives into individual cups in a substrate for the sake of bromeliads.
Adult seedlings are dived into individual small cups with holes then the saplings are placed in permanent pots.
Established young guzmania planted for the unchanging place of growth - in individual bowls Blossom such plants not in advance than in 4-5 years.
Gardener's comments
I was fond of seeing this elegant flower in the store. Parenting is not something like it, like everyone else: you do not need to water and fertilize the land, but it is better to pour steadily into the rosette of leaves, because the plant is epiphytic, it needs soil for the sake of fixing the roots. And watering the tokmo with soft, unseen water, if a kind of scum appears for affectionate leaves. It strikes, just right, the price dispersion for guzmania: in some places you will see about a thousand, and here and there - because of 60 rubles. Right, my second guzmaniya, acquired specifically because of these amusing means (I do not know, because they discounted it, the drinks, for sure, was, however, good before the madness) - she immediately gave a couple of children! My joy and hope have a limit, since previously acquired, more powerful and greater, is already dying out, but the offspring acquire and does not think. Probably, an occupation in a book that drinks for a brighter sun is worth, and I water it less. So I make a conclusion that guzmaniya thermophilic, not loving stopping the water in the outlet. Spraying likes, but to water, like they say, once in 10 days, she has this water for no reason and quite to own in the outlet of leaves, and it's enough. I hope that the children will form properly, as it is a pity to spend such a particularly beautiful plant! Savannah
Guzmania is a very beautiful flower, I think that it is not necessary to water it very often, I checked it for my experience, then it seems to fade, it is necessary to cut out the flower, and after some time it will start the shoots. vitos
Guzmania gave me 5 years ago for March 8. It looked like a big bright red flower in the center of a"sedge beam". About two weeks later I transplanted the flower from a temporary to a pot of a small size. In the state of blooming, the guzmania was fairly months old. Then the flower began to wither and not to wither, as the desire to even"rustle."At the same time, quite a few children appeared, which I later planted in separate pots, by that time the parent base had evenly died out. And now - the news is a tribe that grew out of that gifted gusmania. The succulent sedge grew green, grew up, and"swelled."I watered the flower according to the degree of drying, watched, so that the water must fall into the socket, at times it loosened the ground. The habitat of the plant, according to tradition, was the window sill (eastern side). Age four nothing happened, a few times new leaves were added, and later ... In the spring, during the time of one more watering, I saw something like a purple in the depths of the outlet - my joy was beyond limit! Waited! The growth and spreading of the flower before its largest form took about three months. That is, by the summer of guzmania I had the impression that the form that I saw it for the first time. Later, for another 6 months, she looked bright at me for the window, then the effect of releasing children and dying was repeated. Dirty Down Certainly, gusmania is capricious, because she is accustomed to the tropical climate. An indescribable beauty, the plant will highly appreciate the works of the diligent gardener, delighting the eye and bringing peace, peace and light to the building.
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