Molodilo perfectly feels himself in both stony soil and sandy ground. Without reason, if you like gravel gardens or paths, this plant will help to perform them more beautifully, more simply.
In the landscape design, the young was used long ago - again in the era of the Middle Ages they were decorated with flat roofs. The oldest Romans believed that this plant takes away the thunderstorm. The British also planted young for the roofs, calling it restless tiles. The French - the creators of beautiful gardens and palace parks, began to combine different varieties of stone roses for paths, along the curbs, engaged in carpet plantings. Already in the 19th century, a stone rose began to be used for the decor of Alpine hills and in asymmetric, free garden plantings. Semicircular flowerbed near the path is made with the introduction of perfectly laid out pebbles and 3 species of young. The harmonious combination of pastel colors attracts respect and pleases for the sake of the eye.
Thanks to the beautiful decorative qualities, breeders have paid homage to the stone rose. Currently there are more than 4000 varieties of young.
Molodilo is extensively used:
for planting in rock gardens;
for the creation of carpet-ornamental ornaments for beds , at tracks and curbs
as an element of decor for the background of sand and gravel
for planting for slopes
to create compositions in flowerpots.
Molodilo is also grown in frames, which, without reason, can be experimented with the introduction of this plant, combining its future, combining it with other plants. For the planting of the young, it is permissible even now, if different designer's fashions are in fashion.
The root order of this plant is drinks, hence it is allowed to plant almost everywhere - in the cracks there is the paving of paths, between pebbles, its breathtaking appearance will resurrect every element garden design. Molodilo can be approved even in places where other plants are planted unsuccessfully. In any place of the garden, a luxurious stone rose is quite an exotic decoration.
Ковровые орнаменты с внедрением молодила
The abundance of color and shape of the stone rose allows designers to beautifully draw the curvature of the path in the garden or park or make a"patchwork"of different varieties of plants. To be planting a flat platform some craftsmen even make pictures of the young. Sempervivum forms perfect combinations with soil coverings - cleaning, saxifrage, armeria, etc.
Modern varieties of young people are represented in a wide color political: light and green, red, yellow, pinkish, silvery. Such an abundance allows you to make chic live carpets. A monopod of different varieties of a stone rose remembers a star placer. Such beauty is enough to amuse you all summer long, you just have to plant the plants in the sunny part of the garden and sometimes water it. The compacted landing of the young actually eliminates the emergence of weeds. In one planting, it is permissible to make compositions of various kinds or single-shot monocompositions-both look very aesthetically. Patterns and stripes made with the help of a stone rose are alive art. Naturally, efforts will be required in order to successfully defeat the cells, but the resulting ornamental patterns will be appreciated by your efforts. Molodilo for a flower bed in a frame of other colors. For the creation of a zigzag path, 4 plant varieties are used - monotonous on the sides and larger in the center. The rosettes form a beautiful decoration, contrasting with colorful colors.
A mini-rockery product with a stone rose
Far from each site is allowed, for the sake of its creation, a certain A place, a product of embankments, if there are suitable parts of the landscape. A small copy of rockaria - a small rocky park, it is allowed to perform for any site.
Choose a shrub, who rather do the field of composition, for example, barberry. It is allowed to remove a clay pot or pot, pebble or rubble. Lay the pot for the edge, firm it, top up the pot from the inside and a piece right next to it and drop the rosettes. Close to the pot is allowed to arrange pretty boulders, and place near the composition to sleep with pebbles or rubble. Mini-garden drunk, it looks very picturesque, and it is allowed to perform it in any sunny corner of the garden. Two options for the creation of mini-rockeries: with the introduction of a clay pot and a wicker basket. Capacity, little pebbles or rubble, fairly young rods - and an attractive composition is ready
Molodilo is a plant-leader in the development of modern landscapes in the style of miniaturism, preserving the bait of decorative properties for only the age. Mini rockery with elements of a gravel garden: with the help of colored rubble creates the action of running water,"streams"decorated with luxurious rosettes of young
Kad, pots and more unique options
If you like small forms, mini-gardens, plant pretty varieties of a stone rose in a beautiful vase or a large garden pot. It is permissible to risk making a mini-garden in the oriental style, using pebbles and even oriental sculptures. Such a place is rather powerful for contemplation, care through daily fuss, relaxation. Variants of the creation of a small stony garden in vases - it is permissible to extract a single quality, for no reason and different, plant plants in fairly large capacities.
Molodilo is an original plant in itself, hence it looks amazing in exotic surroundings. Choose for it unique containers - it can exist and colored pots, and a powerless old pitcher or a pot, and a plastic colored basin, and a metal box and even old shoes. Although this composition does not use water, an action is created that sockets young, who have an undoubted resemblance to water lilies, swim in the water. Illusion increases the blue paint of the tank, blue and young imaginary glass gravel
A new existence of old shoes - fill them with soil, and in the slot put roses rose. Such unusual compositions always attract respect
Predominantly beautifully looks young in a stone and concrete tank. For the sake of plants with a short root system, low, it is better to choose a chunky vase. In the flat capacity, the beautiful little rosettes of the plant form beautiful, unusual compositions that seem artificial. They are willing not only to test, but also to touch. The only requirements for the pottery growing of a stone rose are to provide water flow and separate the daughter processes, if you do not want the composition to change, expanding. Beautiful composition in a beautiful stumpy flowerpot: for the sake of its creation, a number of young species, color gravel and clay decorations were used.
Stone rose surrounded by pebbles - plants are planted according to varieties in groups, broken by chains of pebbles of the group are correctly distinguished for a lighter background
Combining simplicity in itself to maintain and exotic beauty, rock rose able to give at least some amateur gardeners to risk himself in the role of designer and make noteworthy compositions that will make your garden special - neo eradicated from, lively, pretty and beautiful is doubly because this beauty - work of your hands.
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