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Wind Feng Shui music with your hands from bamboo and other materials

Wind Feng Shui music with your hands from bamboo and other materialsAmulet of feng shui, who call the music of the wind, air bells and even a windmill, someone uses for decorating, and someone from the bottom of his heart believes that he is able to protect through negative energies and draw a positive into the building. In any case, adding a sound of live notes in its place will not hurt. Especially since the abundance of forms and materials allows you to choose a variation about any style. Just right, why not want to fulfill this amulet with your own hands? In this case, made by own hands the art of wind feng shui from bamboo or other materials probably quite a fortune. After all, you put into it only positive energy in the process of work.
What materials are made of such an amulet?
Air bells are made from various materials, which are selected depending on the purposes of their use. For example, if they are made of hollow iron tubes, then the art of wind represents an element like metal. By placing it at the doors or windows, it is permissible to choose one for which positive courage will not fly away, but the negative will not fall into the housing.
The clay windy talkative represents the element of the earth, and the glass one represents the air. The art of wind from the bamboo will bring in the energy tree building, which help growth and development. In most cases, on sale we meet products that are made of hollow tubes - from wood, glass or metal. However, if we ourselves wish to perform air bells, then nothing restricts us in the choice of materials. Even against using imagination, it is allowed to perform very unique and typical things that will emphasize the person and taste.
As thoughts, through which you are allowed to start, we will offer you quite a few options. Virtually every house will have sea shells. They remind us of a lot, but sometimes they remain undeservedly forgotten. It is allowed to breathe into their newest existence, using as a material for the sake of a windmill. For the sake of this wind music, you need a minimum of materials: shells, a branch and a line. Byl, there may be difficulties with drilling holes in a fragile shell
Unusual enough amulet, if the art of wind with their own hands is made of leaves and beads of amber: This variation is enough to make the necessary magic sounds, if only it is true to deceive without a stop and measure the beads of a well-wisher against a friend so that they can fight a well-wisher about a friend.
Spetses advise not to believe in the choice of materials for"maybe", if you wish that the windy chatty served as a real talisman. It is necessary to listen to the sound of traditional variations of the product. According to the words of professionals, an individual person subconsciously chooses those sounds that are more favorable directly for the sake of his energy. That's why someone loves the sound of glass wind music, while others soothe the iron sound.
So, the materials are allowed to extract virtually any, for which you have enough imagination:

Master-class: beech wind art ... without bamboo
If you like the muted notes of beech air bells, then you probably need excitement for the sake of growth. After all, according to Feng Shui, the art of wind from the hollow tubes of this unusual plant is able to give strength for new beginnings and the embodiment of daring plans.
However, let us return to the one we wish to perform such a windmill with our own hands. And this is likely, which should here and there"get hold of"bamboo. It's great if you managed to find blanks from this plant. For example, in this capacity it is permissible to extract an old beech bait. Some stores sell beech trunks for the sake of making bouquets. However, even if there is no real cane near the hand, one should not be depressed. At us with you the delightful beech art of a wind feng shui and without it will turn out!
For example, a lovely candidate will be cardboard tubes. They can be found freely in virtually any construction shop. Now we need to process the blanks for our needs. For the sake of this, we cut them for pieces of different lengths, without fail the only one of the cuts making about an angle. The subsequent stop is the preparation of holes for the sake of fixing the structure. We drill holes for the ends with straight sections. To select the number of tubes for the sake of wind music is allowed arbitrarily, or by examining the advice of professionals according to Feng Shui: after all, every quantity in this science is symbolic
For that so that no one doubts that your art of wind feng shui is made of bamboo, you will have to work on the external appearance of cardboard tubes. They are pasted with several layers of paper, and for the creation of the effect of knots in certain places in the tubes reinforce the rings from the cord. Lace is better to slip for the main category of paper, and later on for him to solve again one or two layers
From above, too, need to paste the paper, which shpaklyuyut, dried and painted in colors, very close to the natural reed. For places"nodes"you need to work with the paint for the sound is darker. Before starting to paint, the plastered appearance of the tubes must be sanded to make it smooth
While"bamboo"is drying up, it must prepare the fastening of the structure. In this capacity, they use wood chips or rings that are also finished according to their own taste. Now it is permissible to type the construction into a single whole, not forgetting to hang the wooden circles so that they are inside the hollow tubes for ropes or lines. Specifically, such circles will be rocking to knock on the walls of the"bamboo"and make pleasant sounds
Now, if our work is over, we need to think, to kill much wind music.
We select a room for the sake of a windmill
Specialists in accordance with Feng Shui accent: not enough light, like to play the music of the wind. It is more proud to find the best room for the location of air bells. For example, in order to scare off evil spirits (in other words, negative energy), select a room at the entrance to the building or apartment or near the window. Do not forget about the music of the wind, if the window or door are oriented adverse effects. It may be the angle of another house or an acute-angled building, a monument or a water tower. If you have to eat your own building, sometimes specialists can recommend wind music steadily for the street - for a nearby tree or veranda
Sometimes a windmill has to come, because doors and windows are unsuccessfully located in the apartment itself. If the window gleam and entrance are placed well-wisher against a friend, then for the band between them the very room is the music of the wind. In an extremely longish corridor, it is also appropriate to use a talisman, who will defuse the situation in such a negative zone. Since the air bells seem to break the space for the part.
Recall that the beech windy chatterbox is able to draw energy into the building for the sake of the embodiment of bold thoughts, also fortune. If you pursue this particular meta, we will show you where to hang wind music for the sake of such effect. Specifically, she had a room for the northwest of the room.
Finally, sometimes it is not necessary and advice of professionals, in order to realize: there must place air bells. If you feel indescribable diligence and discomfort in a certain part of the house, hang there wind-made music made by yourself. It will dispel oppressive action and will prevent quarrels and misunderstandings between residents of housing.

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