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How to choose a toilet for a summer residence: we...

How to choose a toilet for a summer residence: we compare 3 different designs among themselvesTraditional"toilet type toilet"with a cesspool and distributed around pesky smells as a country cottage is not enough for anyone. Someone prefers to equip a dress with the introduction of a septic tank, a large number of summer residents chooses now and toilets, which began to be used for our sites. In order to understand, like to choose a bio-toilet for the sake of giving, for the beginning it is necessary to navigate with their varieties, which is what we will do in this article.
The first plus of the biotoilet is that it works autonomously, for the sake of its installation it is not necessary to delay the time for improving the sewerage or digging a cesspool. The products of human life in such a device are transformed into compost or liquid without any flavor, the waste is either purified organically, or processed with chemicals.
There are quite a few types of dry closets, depending on the type of waste treatment - composting, chemical, peat and electronic. Let's look at their separate details.
Peat bio-toilet - free fertilizer
This is an eco-friendly variation that completely excludes the introduction of chemistry. Peat toilets are again referred to as composting. Comfortably equipped peat bio-toilet has a lot of advantages - environmental friendliness, safety + acquired fertilizer processing
Economical variation of peat bio-toilet from cheap plastic. The structure is comfortable, comfortable, if you do not care about the appearance - a good variation for the sake of giving . text-align: center; clear: both; '>
This toilet should be equipped with ventilation, so it needs a fixed installation. The size of it is more sensitive than that of an ordinary toilet, for no reason it will fit in any room that you decide to take away for it. Outside, the peat dress is not much different than the chemical - it has two reservoirs, only in the upper place, instead of water, there is peat. In such toilets there is no water flushing.
If the waste falls into the lower tank, they are covered with a layer of peat, for this there is a special stick. The proportion of watery waste is removed through evaporation through the ventilation pipe, another fraction absorbs peat. If the dress is extracted extremely often, it can correct excess water. In this case, you need to use a hose, which displays the already filtered liquid. If the bottom tank is full, the waste from it is discharged into the compost pit, such as fertilizer can not be extracted at a time. Tokmo for one year in the compost pit, they will become an organic fertilizer, useful for fertilizing plants.
In a peat toilet, the bottom tank has a tremendous value. If you get a dress with a capacity of 120 liters, be a member of the family of 4 of her face you need to clean it pretty one day in a month. For the sake of the work of this toilet, peat reserves must be renewed from time to time, however, with the purchase of raw materials for the work of the biotoilets, nowadays there are no problems
The peat dress, characterized by a stylish modern design, with ventilation coming out through the roof - an amazing opposite with a shed with a cesspool
For the correct installation of ventilation, it is necessary to install a corrugated pipe for ventilation in the hole for the lid and therefore the pipe through the wall or through the roof (the length of the pipe is within 4 m), closing through the wall at about an angle in 45 °.
Electronic bio-toilet is comfortable, but expensive
This dress is allowed to install, if only close to eat the rosette. Outside, it is very similar to the toilet. For the operation of the fan and the compressor, feeding through the mains is required. It is also necessary to arrange enough ventilation through the wall of the house or through the roof.
Waste in such a toilet began to divide for a solid and watery. The compressor dries hard fractions, turning them into medicine, for the purpose of their collection the bottom container is designed, the liquid is connected to a drainage pit according to the hose. Electronic dry closets of one model of different colors. The current design allows even for a country house in the field conditions to make comfort and convenience
The electronic bio-toilet is comfortable to use, absorbs a minimum of electricity, has a comfortable cleaning system. However, installing it is allowed only to have electricity, and it's expensive.

Toilets for the sake of a summer residence are small and small, they can be transported freely and installed in a suitable place. Every light dress has two compartments - a tank for the waste is placed on the bottom, in the upper part there is a seat and a tank for the sake of water. The chemical dry closets have a similar construction, they differ in the volume of the tank for the sake of waste and certain functions for the sake of convenience. The light chemical bio-toilet is very close and lightweight. Specifically, the compactness of the construction is useful distinguishes this modification of the garden biotoilets. The dress can own an electric pump or a light flush, an indicator showing the stage of filling the tank for waste.
The chemical toilets work in the following manner. After washing the waste with water, they fall into the lower tank. Here, the chemical product is processed into a product without odor, the effluent is deodorized, the effect of the formation of gases is minimized. The selection of the biotoilet in the base of the work is the introduction of chemical preparations is wide enough. The image shows the work of a chemical toilets - then the water and waste are washed away to the bottom tank, where they are processed with chemical means
In different toilets different preparations are used:
the amount of bacterial preparations includes living organisms, the product of such processing is allowed to extract a kind of fertilizer
liquids for the ammonium base are harmless, their chemical component decomposes on average within a week;
toxic formaldehyde preparations can be removed if there is a possibility to pour waste outside the site and green zones. Use the lower tank of this toilet is comfortable: it is hermetically sealed, for no reason that you will not feel any bad flavor, then fill it up by disconnecting it through the upper container and taking it to the room allocated for draining. After that, the tank should be washed, filled with a new chemical product and attached to the upper tank.
To choose a toilet, pay homage to the size of the tank. If the dress is meant to be extracted infrequently by a small number of people, a tank of 12 liters is suitable, for the sake of frequent use, it is better to choose a bigger tank. There are also cassette chemical toilets. They are installed permanently, and the waste container is located from behind the door at the rear of the cab. From there she gets to clean and wash. Such toilets are hygienic, due to their low weight they are free to be laid off. Like a flaw it is permissible to note the need for an unchanged purchase of chemical products.
A separate bio-toilet, though working autonomously, needs to work in certain components. For the sake of the functioning of the electronic bio-toilet, the presence of an electrical network is required, for the sake of chemistry - purchase and remuneration of drugs, peat needs to be used for the work of peat bio-toilet, who also needlessly buy. Using modern portable washbasins and biotoilets, you are allowed to organize comfortable conditions for your dacha, even if your building is not completed again, or you do not plan to live water and a gutter . However, not so fast these are huge care, if you take into account all the ease of using such a basic device for the sake of maintaining the cleanliness of the site and your comfort. We pin hopes that the above short review helped you navigate, which is better and choose the proper variation.

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