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Eshinanthus: how to please a luxurious but whimsical handsome man

Eshinanthus: how to please a luxurious but whimsical handsome man
With a plant according to the name eschinanthus, a few of the Russian lovers of indoor flowers are familiar. Until now, this tropican is exotic for the sake of our apartments. Eshinanthus has a pretty appearance: its longish shoots are dressed in harsh, colorful leaves, and the ends are decorated with red flowers directed upwards. However, the disposition of this handsome man is very capricious, not everyone will be able to please him. Although the difficulties of some gardeners do not suffer, they convince that eschinanthus is all amenable to education, you just need to find the right approach to it.
The beginning, appearance and eschinantus features The fatherland of eschinanthus is the tropical forests of southeast Asia. In a natural environment, the plant lives in Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia. This is an epiphytic bush, suitable for life in isolation through the earth, for driftwood, trees or stones. For the sake of this method of existence in eschinanthus, eat longish (about half a meter) creeping trunks and thick leaves that are able to prepare water. It is comfortable - rains in the tropics are sometimes, but a lot. In native lands the plant is used to warm, damp air and scattered, but brightest sun.
In the tropical forests, eshiententus has chosen the heights, it settles for trees, snags and stones

The name eschinanthus appeared due to the shape of the flowers, they look as if they were turned over. From Greek aischyneia anthos is translated as a distorted flower.
These habits have not changed at home. Room varieties of eschinanthus in most cases grow like an ampel plant. Shoots covered with small villi, for the same reason, like other parts of the plant, are equipped with leathery leaves with a waxed book, rounded and pointed for the end. Almost all species have the same color - different colors of greenery, however, they are eaten and variegated with a reddish underside.
For the drooping escinutus shoots, the flower brushes are oriented almost vertically upwards

For the ends of the shoots from June, according to September, the brushes of orange-scarlet or bard flowers bloom, the individual looks out from a fairly wide purple-brown cup of the bract. They are often associated with an open tube of reddish lipstick. Tubular flowers with long snow-white, yellow or pink stamens and an outstanding pestle have an unusual, approximately inverted look. And the brushes do not droop, but stretch upward.
Curved tubular plants of eschinanthus have long stamens and pistils, due to this the plant is freely pollinated

Eschinanthus outside and habits is very similar to another tropikanku - a columbine. However, they can be distinguished according to the shape of the plants. In the columbine, the upper fused petals form the appearance of a lowered hood. In the colors of eschinanthus, this exception is less pronounced, their"hood"raised. In addition, in the columbine single flowers are placed according to the whole shoot, and in eschinanthus - the brush is only at the ends.
For the sake of domestic criteria, escinanthus is considered a complex plant. He has a contradictory temper. For example, a light-loving flower can get sick through direct sun. He prefers the higher humidity of the air, but to be cold in content, this leads to decay of the stem. The thermophilic handsome then wintering to be the highest temperature can turn away bloom.
Gardeners are afraid that they will not manage with the cultivation of the whimsical eschinanthus, but these difficulties are superbly hyperbolized

However, all these contradictions for the sake of the most experienced gardener are not a problem. Some of them say that this flower is quite hardy and patient. To realize the whims of eschinanthus is not very difficult for the one who grows hoyi, columbia or hypocorti. These plants need practically the same conditions and upbringing. But together they will create an exotic atmosphere of the tropics in an ordinary apartment.
Room future and plant varieties
The family of escinants enters the vegetable family of the Gesnerievs and has more than 80 species of climbing bushes and half-shrubs. All tokmo a number of species began to grow as indoor. The more popular eschinanthus are beautiful, beautiful, Lobba, marble and varieties acquired for their base. Undemanding modifications are immediately introduced, which differ not only in the brightness of the inflorescences, but also in the decorative leaves.
Echinanthus is beautiful, it's beautiful, - a resident growing for the Malay Archipelago. In the wild nature it is epiphyte. In room conditions, it is grown in the form of an ampelian plant. Red trunks, reaching half a meter or more, dangle picturesquely. Over the years they are covered with bark. The leaves are large enough (10 cm), fleshy and bright green before 10 cm. Peduncles consist of 6-10 buds. In yellow near the base and the bard on top of plants fused into a longish (about 8 cm) petal tube
A beautiful eschinanthus in reward through beautiful possesses the least large leaves and flowers. This plant forms a more intimate bush. Its shoots sometimes are longer than a half meter. But in the flower brushes there are 10-12 bright crimson buds
Esbinanthus Lobba - visibility, who is not so long ago, before the emergence of new species, was one of the most favored in room breeding. For half-meter shoots small (4 cm) hard leaves, green with a purple edge. The flowers are saturated red in color from the purple bracts. Specifically, they are unreasonably like lipstick
Rock escinantus - liquid and unusual visibility. He has narrower, according to comparison with other varieties, leaves wavy according to the edge and a bit like oak. Single flowers for longish petioles are tender-lilac.
Eschinanthus marble is appreciated because of the large (10 cm) motley foliage. Above, the sheet dark green board is painted with light strips. And the lower part with a purple-brown or purple pattern. Everything dyes the plant timidly, green buds are not very noticeable for a background of rich foliage.
Mona Lisa is a common quality of eschinanthus. It is considered one of the most undemanding. A lively growing ampel bush is provided with leathery leaves. The flowers are curved, saturated red.
Eshinanthus Twister - a hybrid quality, featuring decorative greenery. The leaf board is for no reason reasonably curved, which shoots seem curly. The flowering of this plant is also picturesque. Between the bright green foliage there are orange-red flowers.
Caroline - eschinanthus with large leaves (length 8 cm, width 6 cm). The bract of the bract is elongated teobically wine-colored, the flowers are reddish with a light yawn.
New Guinea is a quality characterized by the coloring of leaves and flowers. This eschinanthus has a more luminous color, and the inflorescence is gently pink with green cups.
Tricolor is the quality of eschinanthus with rounded little leaves. Its main beauty is striped tiger inflorescences. A relatively small reddish flower is covered with longitudinal red lines, and the stamens and pestle are yellow.
The quality of Purple Star is an unassuming hybrid, with upright, not drooping shoots. Bracteve small light green,a flower of a large reddish color with dark pink stamens
Big Apple - the current small quality, who are allowed to grow not only an ampel, but a straight bushy plant. For shoots, narrow leaves with a pointed end. Flowering lush. Inflorescences ordinarily for the sake of the escinanthus of the reddish color.
Coral Flame is a tight escinanthus, its length is no more than 25 cm. The trunks descend with a luxurious cascade. Light green small leaves of rounded shape, wavy. Coral-pink flowers are placed along the entire length of the shoots.
Esbinanthus Lobianus Variegata - full-leaf quality. Creeping shoots, hard leaves are decorated with snow-white stripes. Bristle flowers are placed at the ends of the stems.
Eshinantus Thailand is a very well-dressed, colorful quality. Large leaves are painted in the center in different colors of green, and the edges are snow-white. The shrub is small. Beautiful, beautiful, marble and other varieties and varieties of eschinanthus in the photo gallery.
Eshinanthus New Guinea with flowers of pink tones
Eshinantus marble is adored because of decorative leaves, and its flowers are not without reason without any reason
Eshinanthus Mona Lisa is recognized as the least fanciful sort
Eshinantus Lobb - small leaves and real elongated bracts
Eshinanthus is beautiful slightly more modest in proportion to size than beautiful
Eshinanthus Carolina with purple-red inflorescences
Eshinanthus beautiful has large and colorful colors
Eschinanthus Purple Star is allowed to grow like a vertical bush
Eshinantus varieties of Big Apple is very fluffy dye
Eshinanthus tricolor with striped flowers
Eshinanthus Twister - this is both unusual curly leaves, and reddish flowers
Eschinanthus rocky - liquid, but very fascinating visibility
Eshinantus Thailand is a small-sized plant with decorative foliage
Esbinanthus Lobianus Variegata - variegate foliage and reddish flower brushes
Echinanthus Coral Flame is characterized by delicate pink inflorescences

Video: knowledge with escinanthus Mona Lisa

Conditions in nature and at home
Eshinanthus is a resident of the rainforest. And at home, he is faithful to the habits acquired in nature. He still aspires to the sun, prefers wet and warm, without sudden changes in temperature, the atmosphere. However, the winter is drunk to live in coolness and is rather satisfied with a poor watering. Without cause, when creating a climate for the sake of eschinanthus, consider the natural conditions to which he is accustomed, and problems with growth and flowering are not enough.
List: Conditions for the sake of escinantus

Time is right Explanation Humidity TemperatureSpring Colorful, the best room for eschinanthus - at the western and eastern windows, the south requires a small shade, mostly at noon. More than light should only marble. Other varieties grow well in the penumbra, but there may be problems with flowering. Highest, 60-70% and more. Humidify the atmosphere by all available methods (double pot, pallet with claydite or moss, indoor fountains, electric humidifiers).
Spray the leaves and trunks more often, in hot weather, not less often 2 times a day.
During the flowering season, try, so that water does not fall for buds and flowers. Moderate, more than +18 degrees.
Keep out through drafts, during ventilation time there is through windows. Summer Colorful, diffuse. Protect through the midday sun. Moderate or overstated, normally + 20-25 degrees.
It is permissible to arrange for a warm balcony or veranda. For a new atmosphere you should not sing. Fragile trunks can spoil the wind.
Do not touch the plant that has laid buds. Eshinanthus does not like the change of place at this time. Autumn Winter Colorful, being a small light day needs artificial illumination. If the light is abundant, it can blossom in winter. If the temperature is low, does not need a lot of moisture.
The warmer in the room, the higher the humidity should be. Spray the plant, moisten the atmosphere by other methods.
Do not place the flower near the heating devices. Cold, 16-18 degrees. However, not below +15.
This is proud for the sake of laying buds.
Through sudden temperature changes, a flower can fall ill. The supercooling of the root system leads to leaf drop and rottenness.
Gardeners recommend twice a year, before and after flowering, bathe eschinanthus. Fill a huge container of warm (about 40 degrees) with water. Plant the dessert together with the pot and keep in the water before 40 minutes. It seems that they convince, then the bathing Esbinanthus paints better, and the autumn action hardens it.
Echinanthus and the florarium
In an ordinary apartment, tropical plants are more likely to suffer through the dryness of the air. Make for their wet atmosphere is more difficult only, mainly if there is time to stop spraying green pets. In this case, a home greenhouse - a florarium. It is not difficult to help an unusual local climate with a constant temperature and high humidity. Small shrubs of new species of eschinanthus are allowed to grow in an open florarium - a transparent container, for example, an aquarium where the same hygrophilous flowers grow. For sake of ampelnogo eschinanthus a rather large florarium is useful
Not so long ago, the acquired eschinanthus must be transplanted at once, if the pot is completely small, the land of low quality or the flower is ill. However, if the plant looks satisfied, wait with a change before the spring.
Eschinanthus in most cases are grown in the form of ampel colors

Take an unprecedented pot for the sake of eschinanthus for 2-3 cm wider than before. A large container will slow the flowering. Even adult plants feel great in pots with a diameter of about 18 cm. For the sake of ampel eshinanthus, hanging or wall pots and wickers are suitable, they will let its shoots hang comfortably. An ordinary pot will also fit, if you plan to place it for the highest stand or grow a bush for support.
New varieties of eschinanthus are allowed to grow like standing bushes

In nature, eschinanthus leads the life style of the epiphyte or semi-epiphyte, which for no reason at home requires a very light and porous soil substrate. In order that the roots receive enough air and do not suffer through stagnation of water. Variants of soil consistency:
Finished land for orchid or bromine purposes Equally leafy soil, peat, perlite, coconut fiber According to one part of the soil for the sake of succulents, perlite, cut sphagnum and the half of vermiculite with the addition of charcoal leaf land and peat equally, moss sphagnum and large sand is half the size
in equal parts of a mash of peat and leafy soil, perlite and coconut fiber The drainage discharge must exist without fail! It will help to remove excess water through sensitive roots and protect them through decay.
Like to transplant an escinantus

Disinfect the constituents of the substrate for the sake of planting by disinfecting: burn, steam or treat with a fungicide.
Pour small pebbles (small brick, pebble,brick crumb) for the bottom of the pot with holes. There is little soil consistency on top.
Take the eschinanthus from the old tank without breaking the piece of land. Install it in a brand new pot. If you plan to grow a plant with a support, put it at once.
Pour the substrate between the wall of the pot and the ground coma, not tampering. Direct attention to the support pillar. Pour the plant, it is allowed to spray it, place it for diffuse light or in partial shade.
After a week, if the eschinanthus gets used, move it to a more lighted room.
Relative props
Most of the species of eschinanthus grow quite vividly. Their drooping shoots do not need support, if the plant lives in a hanging pot or in a pot for a stand. However, modern varieties have grown more often in the form of bushy forms. Elastic stems in youth become brittle over time. They are free to spoil. That this does not happen, the plant will come in handy protection.
Eschinanthus is allowed to grow with the support, for no reason you will receive the sublime bush

In the standard, it must be installed during the planting or transplanting period of the plant steadily in the pot. Ради этого дозволено извлекать арки либо радиальные конструкции из лозы либо решётки из бамбука и других материалов.
Побеги эсхинантуса нужно аккуратненько опутать около арки и подвязать
Эсхинантус не довольно подниматься сообразно опоре, его побеги нужно подвязывать либо обвивать около вам самим. Действовать сей нужно осторожный, преимущественно сгибая стволы. Они весьма хрупкие. Садовники увидели, который в большинстве случаев растения лучше завиваются противу сторож стрелки.
Faithful upbringing
Eshinanthus is not easy to care for, unreasonably believe, those who did not grow this flower. And lovers of this tropical handsome can argue with this view. Take care of him freely enough, if favored by his inclinations and if you already grow epiphytes from the southern edges.
The purity of leathery leaves is very important for the sake of eschinanthus. They need to be wiped with a moistened napkin so that the plant breathes better to increase moisture and decorativeness. And spraying is done with soft, demineralized water, there are not enough snow-white spots and divorces.
Watering and feeding
Watering eschinanthus, adhere to the rule: undernutrition is better than overflow. A plant with thick succulent leaves can survive a small drought, but the overmoistening of the land is almost always a prerequisite for the disease or even death.
Eschinanthus is sensitive to the quality of water, for watering and sprinkling it must exist mild and warm

Between the watering, a high discharge of the earth is bound to dry out, so that the atmosphere leaks to the roots. In the summer water the eschinanthus, as it was found, most likely, it will turn out 2-3 times a week. In winter, take a break: 2-3 days of dryness will be appropriate, mainly to be cold air. If the plant is kept warm, water should be slightly more. And be sure to drain the water from the pan. Excess moisture at the roots to anything other than not lead .

For the sake of watering zagotovte myagenko (melted, filtered, the aquarium, to defend), water, salt tropikanets dislikes. Like and cool water. Irrigation water must exist a little warmer than the temperature in the room.
Gardeners recommend peat extraction for the sake of water softening. Take a piece near 100 grams, wrap in gauze and immerse in a container of water (about 2 liters). After a day, take out a bag of peat, water is ready for watering.
If eschinanthus grows intensely and dyes, it is fed twice a month. However, you should not try with food. It is more useful than a lack of feeding, than her lishke. Applying mineral complexes for the sake of blooming plants, dilute them little more than in the annotation. Feed the solution only on moistened soil in order to prevent root burn.
Flowering should be supported by feeding, but dilute the fertilizer more forcefully,
The time of flowering
A young eschinanthus usually blooms without any particular problems. But in the following season, it is possible to show disposition and not to grow buds. Sometimes it's hard enough to understand why the plant has become capricious.
Young eschinanthus blossom, not capricious, the years may seem difficult

Prerequisites for unwillingness to blossom, methods like the plant:
lack of light, colorful and fairly long explanation, even in winter, is one of the important criteria for flowering ;
very poor bottom, try to fertilize fertilizer with potassium and phosphorus for the sake of flowering;
too bulk pot, in such a plant is enough to increase roots and leaves and just after that - flowers;
extremely warm winter, cold helps laying flower buds;
low humidity in summer; a hot and dispassionate atmosphere can force the eschinanthus to give birth to buds, sprinkle it more often;
stress through changes of place, do not touch the plant if buds appeared The plant is overgrown, the trunks are aged, the buds of almost all varieties of eschinanthus arise for the end of the shoot and only one day, and then the end of flowering needs a refreshing haircut. Flowers are a reward due to care and patience Some gardeners convince that, apart from the impartial circumstances of refusal through flowering, to eat personal. It seemed a desire, all that is required, is fulfilled, and a plant without flowers. Probably, eshinanthus does not have enough communication. Talk to him, and the buds will appear, experts recommend flora.

Eshinanthus needs a cold (16-18 degrees) rest period in winter for the sake of development and high-quality flowering. During this time, limit the watering and humidity of the air. And see that there were no drafts, and the roots of the flower did not freeze. Keep the plant away through open air vents and hot batteries.
Being an artificial light in a warm room, eschinanthus can blossom even in winter.

In the interval of rest, eschinanthus needs plenty of light, no less than 14 hours a day. It can be placed closer to the southern window, and with the help of artificial lighting to increase the slowness of the light day. For the sake of illumination, it is necessary to install fluorescent, LED or special phytolamps (Flora,
Eshinanthus, who grows like an ampel plant, does not need pruning trim. However, sanitary and anti-aging are indispensable. Then the flowering shoots are shortened, in order to stimulate the laying of the buds in the future. Then winter rest, you need to remove the dried up, extremely extended or naked trunks, also the leaves that have lost their decorative features. Nipping of the tips helps the growth of lateral shoots. However, be careful: do not remove the buds if you deprive the escinant of the colors.
Care errors (list)

Primary cause CorrectionYellow spots for leaves. Burns caused by the excess of the sun. In spring and summer, shade the eschinanthus at noon. Extremely rich in the heat of the sun will burn the leaves. aeschynanthus shed their leaves. wetlands, probably in combination with a low temperature or a draft.
summer , probably the drying out of the land coma. Observe the order of watering, let the soil dry out, but do not dry it all. The colder in the room, Baris stems become slower, the leaves turn white. Lack of nutrients. Transplant aeschynanthus in an unprecedented, a nutrient substrate or accurate fertilize. Leaves shrivel, with the passage of time perish. The plant is supercooled. Another root cause - thick watering cool water . Transfer plant in a warm room, watering heated water, slightly above room temperature . tips and edges of the leaves dry out . Extremely hot and impassive atmosphere. Spray the plant, moisten the atmosphere differently. Do not hold in front of heating devices in the winter. In the varieties, the leaves become solid green. There is not enough light. Put the plant in a sunny room, turn on the illumination in winter.
Video: escape features due to escinanthus

Diseases and pests of eschinanthus (list)
Prepare cuttings, like ordering above, and root them in a non-land consistency. Mix evenly perlite, vermiculite and peat (1: 1: 1). Arrange the greenhouse. If there are roots, transplant into light nutritious soil.
Cuttings are well established in a landless consistency
Perfectly succeeds in instilling small cuttings in the consistency of large perlite and sphagnum moss (1: 2 ratio). Pour the substrate into a plastic cup, moisten, cut the stem in front of the lower leaves. Put in the greenhouse or about another glass. The substrate is forced to conserve moisture non-stop. Then rooting eschinanthus, transplant it into the soil without removing moss and perlite.
Rooting a leaf with a kidney
If there are shoots that are allowed to be retrieved for breeding, or escinanthus of the rarest variety, try to root a single leaf with the kidney.

Cut a leaf with a kidney with a knife.
Dip into the fungicide and sprinkle the cut with carbon powder.
Dry for 2-3 hours.
Plant in a moistened large river dust.
Cover with a cup (glass) or arrange in a greenhouse.
Young buds from the kidney will appear in 4-6 weeks, not in advance.
Eschinanthus can be raised from a leaf with a kidney Seeds
Seed multiplication is much more difficult. Although it is possible to get fruits and seeds at home, it is likely. The plant self-pollinates, and then the fading of the flower is formed by fleecy longish pods.
Seeds of eschinanthus are easy to obtain, but they can be brought up from their flower sometimes

That the small seeds do not scatter, the grain before maturation is advised to be placed in the part. However, the sowing foray in most cases does not result in a good result, the seeds do not ascend, or the seedlings die. Consequently, the cuttings propagation, it is permissible to say, is an unprecedented method of propagation of eschinanthus at home.

I have an escinantus simple big! and shaggy and long. and for the sake of that, like you write, the monster, the pot is rather short, but the water it drinks in tons is simple! true, hard with such a huge. And if he bought it, brought it back home and put it for food, because of its own weight, and it blew long for the floor, a couple of twigs broke off, I at the same time undertook to inspire them ... for the sake of fidelity to the couple through the water, and a couple at a time in the ground near the glass. Have been taken without a reason, now without any reason, visiting visitors for their sidelong sightlessly and demanding offshoots;) to be honest, the very parliament that has discovered this paint is a very decorative plant! like in color, without reason and without it!
Tokmo here for the forum found out who the escinants are capricious. I found my own withered stalk for the floor in a flower shop (I was sure to be cut off from selling), rooted in the water and landed it for the sake of violets. Grows for the north window in the kitchen. Izza two years turned into a lush, often flowering plant.
Eschinanthus Mona Lisa. I keep it very long ago. Here's who saw. He needs a narrow pot, it will blossom faster and easier. In the large it is rather infinite to master the earth with roots, to give new shoots from the earth !, and the branches already available, to grow an unlimited length. And while it does not grow, buds do not pawn. In a cramped pot, everything is happening more quickly - it blooms for rather small branches. New, coming from the earth, also bloom in advance, not growing long whips. Byl, because of the longish lashes in huge pots, any branch blossoms longer. Regardless of the fact that, in principle, eschinanthus bloom for the ends of shoots, my M.L. in a large pot, thrives on the whole whip. Barbara

I will tell you about my own long practice of communicating with eschinanthus. About spraying - I do not spray the whole bait of the plant for two whole years. Bezvyezdno adapted, live, bloom, buds do not shower, etc. The lowered temperature for laying buds. Not necessarily. For the sake of the column - of course. For the sake of the eschinanthus - a narrow pot or long branches (I have already written about this relative here). They are rooted in cuttings, not tops, and woody. In this case, freely, unswervingly in the water. Tokmo now engaged in planting a lot of scraps, pots are no longer enough, all the way with roots. Without any teplichke.Pritten through direct sunlight. Burn the leaves. The drying of the earth is maintained, but not the desire to act, it's as if the bay is very critical.
Eschinanthus is a marble. Although they say that the flowers are not very nice, but I really, really like them. Such a tender. I bought in a markdown, cut off the whips, which were more - the least alive and put in a jar of water. If there were the smallest roots planted without a break in the pot. It was in the middle of September, and at the beginning of November there were buds.
Фиалка Монмартра
Eshinanthus Mona Lisa. Gave me his budding. Then flowering, not cut off, jaaalko was, and pruning Not inclined. Some whips have withered, some have been screwed up. In the end we have a very poor flowering. Then I blossom the flowering around zero. leedu
All eschinanthus pruned in the spring. I cut off my own flowers afterwards, since it always blossomed in winter. Immediately allowed to answer all the way that does not like and place in a warm light place for the sake of growing lashes. Later in the cold for the sake of laying blossoms. And I root before in the water, for no reason is easier. Roots saw and shoveled into the ground without the greenhouses and packages. Albina C.
I do not do the eschinanthus a rest period. If they lose their decorativeness (flying over foliage and bald head), these bald shoots are cut off, after that they perfectly bite. In advance, they lived with me for windows in hinged pots and even a lack of light autumn-winter stuffed buds, illuminated for their sake, if not used. Immediately they are rampant in the greenhouse, there even the violets are without illumination, there is enough light that nature gives. If you eat a loggia or be able to keep it cool it can give a good stimulation for the sake of laying buds if you have to feed that desire to blossom. cold content accurately with watering, which desire not to fill your plants. Svetlana Khorunzhy
The eschinanthus do not have a good root root, they sit for some time, so I root them with small cuttings 3-4 cm in a hundred gram transparent glasses. Following from the roots, I increase the size before 200 gr, later the pot No. 8, 9. I put the escinants adults in canopy pots No. 15-17, for larger and thinner specimens (I have, as a result of weight), 22 cm across, but be a good root . Wolf
Eshinanthus is a plant with a temper. This gorgeous handsome must pay a lot of attention and light, like he is right to think about. If there are difficulties with health, and instead of a violent floral hairstyle you will get nude, unhappy twigs. Although nothing very quickly difficult to care because of this tropicans is not. Simple treat his habits with respect: observe the order of watering, give enough light and nutrition, moisten the atmosphere. To the one who is patient and efficient, eschinanthus will show itself in all its beauty.

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