How to grow spruce: planting and care technologies, a review of breeding methodsGreenish plantations for the suburban area - this is a clean atmosphere, and an inborn decor, and a beautiful multi-purpose tool for the sake of building a landscape design. Excellent in any climatic zone of Russia, the coniferous forest dwellers take root, between which are thin Christmas trees with lush, curdled pine needles. It is not a secret that the incense of pitch is useful for people's sake, and for the sake of plants, therefore, without leaving, who takes care of their own health, they will certainly plant spruce. We look more carefully, like to bring up a spruce and extract it for the sake of the scenery of the garden plot.
Spruce in landscape design
For the beginning, we offer you a video - probably you find answers for your questions in it:
Начнем с того, который различные сорта ели – красивый материя ради формирования стиля пригородного участка, вот поэтому быть выборе посадочного материала стоит направить почтение для хвойные сорта.rockeries
hedges are alive
single and group landing.
The combination of low coniferous plants with neatly formed crowns,stone and decor from natural materials is suitable for the scenery of the terrain and in a constant and natural style, therefore rockeries with spruce as a main element are very popular. The rockeries are again good, and therefore, which require small investments to be the highest aesthetic effect: virtually without a plant, it is allowed to raise the plants by oneself, and to find the pebbles steadily for the countryside, from the river bank or from the future.
Zhiva spruce fence - a beautiful protective element, who is allowed to plant in accordance with the perimeter or between two different multifunctional zones. The highest, densely planted trees will all change the city, and small ornamental plants will beautify the terrain and create a natural natural atmosphere. In this case, low, but close to the well-wishing friend planted trees carry a faster decorative, if multifunctional load - they separate the rockaria zone through other terrain <
Having a small Christmas tree for a dacha, you can practice in the art of topiary - make a lush spruce tree a geometric figure, a spiral or some other light three-dimensional object. Here, one day one of the parameters of coniferous plants will be needed - unhurried gains (3-5 cm per year). Beginning the understanding of the topiari is better with less complex figures - a cube, a pyramid or a ball, and then move to more complex configurations, to for example, spirals
For a background of brick and wood buildings and fences, groups of sometimes planted firs differ in elevation, and a single tall fir-tree can begin the center of a recreation zone or a good background partner for a gazebo (benches, garden decor). Some are intentionally planted spruce, to designate an Unusual Year and Christmas for nature. The festivities held for the fresh air are more enthralling and more fun than the obvious domestic feast, and the action of decorating the tree with garlands and toys is a virtual unnatural rite that kids will remember for the whole existence.
Methods of acquiring or reproducing spruce Ежели вы избрали ель в качестве 1-го из растений ради декорации вашего участка и даже обусловились с сортом, должен поразмыслить, где вы ее возьмете. Более легковесный метод – подкупать отделанный саженец в питомнике, однако некоторый не отыскивают легких путей и пробуют растить деревца без помощи других, из семян либо веточек. Кушать и те, который считают более крепкими и крепкими экземпляры, взятые в естественной среде, другими словами выкопанные в лесу.
Разглядим аспекты каждого из методов и поболее тщательно разглядим особенности размножения ели.
Покупка саженца в питомнике
If you already have to eat the finished design intent, and for the sake of its implementation there is not enough just enough of coniferous trees - you can quickly bribe the seedlings in the nursery. This is vital and in this case, if you need some liquid, exotic quality, who is hard or endlessly growing up without the help of others.
Seedlings of conifers, like other plants, are sold in pots of various sizes, depending on the size of the plant. When planting a tree in the ground, you should save the whole piece of"native soil", the tree will take root without any reason. When choosing a spruce in the nursery, consult a specialist according to the main factors of fattening, which concern the size of an adult tree, its winter hardiness and endurance, the criterion lightning, watering, etc.
When buying a seedling, direct attention to its viability, which is freely found according to the following signs:
the freshest, shiny, some pine needles not falling off
gentle shoots prir left for the tips of branches;
Needles are not affected by a rusty or whitish coating;
the branches are bent easily, rather than broken.
An extremely small pot indicates the book that the fir has dug intentionally for implementation and violated its root system.