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Euharis - growing in an apartment, ways of...

Euharis - growing in an apartment, ways of reproduction, diseases and pests Eucharis is a popular imaginary flower with large green leaves for long petioles. To be good care, it blooms twice a year, releasing a flower spike with 6-8 buds. Living in an apartment can be before 15-20 years.
Start of the eucharist Eucharis, also called the Amazonian lily, refers to the family of Amaryllas. His fatherland is South America, but in most cases he meets on the banks of the Amazon River. In Europe, this flower was brought exclusively in the middle of the XIX century and because of its decorativeness, it became very vividly a universal pet. Truly, its large dark green, rounded leaves with a pointed tip can exist up to 16 cm wide and 30 cm in length, but also for a petiole 30 cm. At home, eucharis is easy to grow, it is often advised for beginners.
In the wild nature, euharis grows by a group of mother bulb and its children

2-3 times a year the eucharis blossoms with beautiful snow-white flowers, similar to narcissus. In one flower stalk in front of 6 buds, which are spreading out, fill the room with a gentle smell.
The flower of eucharis is similar to narcissus, white-white and collected in inflorescences according to 4-6 pieces

Onions in eucharis are small, ovoid in shape, in front of 5 cm, therefore one plant can sometimes see more than four leaves at a time. For the sake of obtaining a magnificent beautiful bush in a single pot, planted appropriately fairly pieces of bulbs, and for the same reason, they are much more likely to bloom.
Eucharis grows in nature in the lower part of the forest, where it is warm, wet and light, but without direct sunlight, therefore it is better to evaluate it in an apartment for an eastern or western window or to put it deeper into the room . Growing large specimens of eucharis is better not for the windowsill, but in separate pots or pots.
A young leaf from the ground appears curled into a tube, it unfolds evenly.
Very often there is the emergence of a young leaf, a real old leaf evenly turns yellow and dies Varieties
In nature, euharis is very vividly perepylylyaetsya, therefore scientists are difficult to disassemble them. However, in most cases, the following occur.
Eucharis large-flowered. More common in indoor floriculture. Blooms 2-3 times a year, producing longish flower stalks 70-80 cm high and ending with an inflorescence with 4-6 buds. The flowers are snow-white, with a diameter of 10-12 cm, fragrant, in a manner similar to narcissus.
Eucharis large-flowered with blossoming buds

Eucharis is white. It differs through a large-flowered flower in smaller colors, but there are considerably more of them in the inflorescence. The shape of the flower also has distinctive features: its petals are bent upward.
The petals of the eucharis of the white are curved upward, and the flower itself is petty

Euharis Sandera. Opens 2-3 flowers in the inflorescence, separate for a five-centimeter color tube, which gives him a slightly drooping appearance. Flowers are more like a lily only.
Euharis Sandera only remembers her flowers with a lily

Parameter Spring - Summer Autumn to Winter Explanation East or west window, North is allowed, but the possibility of flowering is low. Keep out of direct sunlight. Humidity Spray the leaves precisely, stopping this function only at the time of flowering. Temperature 15-17 degrees, if resting and not growing 18-22 degrees, without changes in temperature watering Thrifty, let the top layer of the earth dry. During the rest period, do not water Top dressing Exclusively in the growth and flowering interval It is permissible to grow euharis in the florarium, but he must exist very large

Florarium is a closed glass container for the sake of plant nutrition, in which a special local climate is created: the tropics, deserts. However, it is proud to know that eucharis loves to grow up as a group, therefore adult bushes can take up a lot of space, it's hard enough to enjoy a single eukheris landing, even if other plants are close. All its strength and beauty lies in the abundance of green leaves, which do not lose their decorativeness even in the rest period.
Euharis loves to grow up a big family

Planting and transplanting at home. Biohumus - very good top dressing for the euharis like in dry form, for no reason and in infusion

Another only controversial suggestion: to dry the land between watering all. For the sake of euharis it is very harmful, because it harms the roots, and peat in the earth's composition is difficult to soak. According to observations from the plant, some gardeners note that the land, continuously maintained in a slightly wet state with constant watering, allows the eucharis to unfold much better than all the drying up.
For the sake of flowering, eukheris needs a narrow pot, so that the roots are covered with a full piece and similar bulbs grow close. Therefore, the pot is chosen from the study of the size and number of plants. Extremely exalted and cramped can sometimes fall over with the weight of heavy leaves. For the sake of the 1st plant it is allowed to buy a standard pot in a diameter of 12-15 cm. The height of the pot must exist more than 15 cm.
The long pot is not the most successful choice for eucharis

A community of 5 bulbs will fit perfectly in a 2-3-liter pot, however, the pot size should be multiplied by subsequent replanting. A large clay pot does not overturn with the severity of the leaves

When choosing a pot, remember that the eucharis is transplanted a little once at the age of 2-3 and needs a supply of nutrients and a room for the growth of children. p>
Small pebbles
For the bottom of any pot, in which eucharis grows, you must certainly solve small stones. In most cases, it is purchased claydite of every faction: although petty, although large. However, if there are holes in your pot that are big, then small-scale expanded clay is simply poured out. A cheaper variation of drainage is broken crocks through clay pots, sometimes pebbles, and polystyrene.
Ceramsite for the sake of colors can exist in various sizes

For the sake of one onion or children with a leaf, we select a short pot, 12-15 cm high with drainage holes.
For the bottom of the pot, we always put a drainage discharge - it can even exist foam.

For the bottom, we lay 2-3 cm of claydite and pour 5 cm of earth./li>We put the onion, spreading the roots horizontally according to the surface, it is allowed to fill the hill near the bottom and lower the roots according to its slopes. Careful, euharis rootlets are juicy and very fragile. The onion must be kept below the upper edge of the pot.
The landing of the eukaris onions must be around the ground
We fall asleep on the ground with a dome with poppy seeds, so that there is 1-2 cm of earth above it. If the onion is small and the leaves are not, then the end of the poppy is not closed by the earth.We fall asleep onions all over, then the leaves and peduncles arise steadily from the soil.

We compact the soil around the plant and water very poorly.
In the first 2-3 weeks watering is liquid, if very hot, then occasionally sprinkle the leaves. Usually, the eucharis survives quite vividly and releases new leaves.
Purchased euharis from the store in the shipping pot must necessarily be transplanted with complete substitution of the soil,
Detailed video on transplantation and fission of eukheris

Plant transshipment
Every 2-3 years eucharis desire to transplant into an unprecedented land and at times a large pot. If the division of the bush is not planned, then the plant is transplanted.
An unusual pot is chosen, with a diameter 3-4 cm larger than the previous one. Fits small stones
An old plant is pulled out of the pot and is neatly put up for an oilcloth or food. Disintegrating leaves can be tied a little with a soft girdle, so that the bush does not fall apart.
We shake out a high discharge of earth, usually before the roots, choose claydite from below. On the side of a good bush are seen in the main tokmo rootlets.
In an unprecedented pot, we pour the fresh earth with a layer of 2-4 cm (depending on the difference between the heights of the old and new pots). We make a short hill, for who and install plants.
Slightly twisting the bush, press it into the ground, so that the bottom seeps between the roots. If the old small stones are not there, then simply put the eucharis for an unprecedented land.
Place a space between the plant and the walls of the pot. Condense.
Sprinkle the fresh earth from above. Pour.
Try not to transplant plants in vain, if you separate one year from it, separate the children through a young plant, indulging the requests of friends, then your euharis bloom is not enough.
Props for eucharis
Usually Eucharis stands the authority of its own leaves, but often only transplanted specimens with large leaves fall to the sides, here they put these supports, placing the plant inward and not letting the leaves fall. Pedigree Eucharis is decorative for a full year, but in order to see its beautiful flowers, you still need to follow the rules of leaving because of it.
Watering and feeding.
Education in accordance with the schedule of the growth cycle: in the interval of active vegetation there are abundant new leaves, hence it is time to water it often, 2-3 times a day week, mainly be dry and hot content.
The plan for the actual cycles of the eucharis: the Roman sign is the room of the month, the number closely shows the first or second half of the month. Green paint - active vegetation, build-up of foliage, reddish paint - flowering, yellow paint - plant rest

In the period of growth, we feed the plant , it is allowed to extract a special fertilizer for onions. Very often, in the period of rapid growth of eucharis, fertilizers with an overestimated nitrogen content are used - for the sake of increasing the green mass, then switching to top dressing with potash phosphorus fertilizers for the purpose of laying peduncles and abundant flowering. In the period of rest, eucharis is not fed.
Watering the desire to live soft water: melted snow or rain. If this capacity is not present, then ordinary tap water should be kept in an open pot (weather, bank) for at least 1 day.
Flowering interval Eucharis can blossom 2-3 times a year to be well-groomed. Tsvetonos sublime, before 70 cm, ends with 4-6 buds, which unfold alternately. At this time it is not necessary to spray the eucharis, because the snow-white petals for which the medicine has fallen are covered with brown specks.
Young children bloom only for 3-4 years, and be subject to a cramped content, therefore, they should be planted appropriately fairly bulbs in a single pot.
Usually adult onions in one pot, flower stalks are produced at once. For a permanent flowering, eukheris always needs a change in the period of rest and active growth.

style="text-align: justify;"> Why does not paint the eucharist and sort things out-list

The root cause of a lack of flowering Like to fix Baby A young baby blossoms only for 3-4 years, will have to wait Extremely Plenty of Space Eucharis blooms exclusively in an environment for oneself similar. Wait until children grow them or plant the same plants. Temperature changes Euharis does not like daytime and nighttime temperature changes, so do not take them out for a new atmosphere and protect through drafts. Nost of a resting stage Then one more flowering you need to arrange a semi-dry content for 1.5-2 months,
Like the flower of the eucharis is blown out - the rarest video footage

Stress like blooming stimulation
In most cases, for the stimulation of flowering euharisu is satisfied with stress - do not water it for 3-4 weeks, the leaves can even spend turgor (elasticity) by this time. However, also if a plant stands in a dark room or for a winter outdoors, it is allowed to lighten it with phytolamps or rearrange it for a luminous window sill. Like all amaryllis, the flower arrow contains abundant nutrients, hence it must be eaten only afterwards, like it will dry up itself. Naturally, it is not very nice to see a yellow flower spike, but you do not need to answer it primarily from young bulbs.
Euharis very much needs a period of rest. At this time it leaves no leaves, simple consumes less water. The interval of rest usually comes after flowering. Water, and even more so feed the plant is not necessary.
The peculiarity of eucharis will also be that the rest period is not always necessary for the winter months. Often, gardeners leaving for summer on leave, leave the eukheris without irrigation, and it blooms in autumn.
In the interval of rest, eucharis does not discard leaves and remains very decorative

In winter, the temperature in the apartment is virtually the same as in summer, near 25 degrees, hence it can grow, exclude new leaves and even bloom. It is completely free to take cool contents with limited watering. However, if you can eat, in a short winter life you are allowed to perform the illumination with Full range phytolamps (for northern windows) or ordinary fluorescent or LED lamps, bringing the length of the day before 12 hours.
Education of the bush
Eucharis grows from onions, hence no education is suitable. The only suggestion is to grow fairly bulbs together.