The general news of Kalanchoe Kalanchoe very successfully connects two important for the house plant function. This very undemanding plant can come with pharmaceutical help to be sick and cheer up the eye with its beautiful flowers. His homeland is South Africa. From there, the Kalanchoe spread in accordance with the countries of Asia, and in the forthcoming and according to other regions. First the twentieth century, the Kalanchoe was put on the inventory of pharmaceutical plants. Practice uses the following breeding methods: cuttings, kidneys (children), leaves, root offspring and seeds.
Multiplication with stem cuttings Reducing is the only more common method of reproduction of Kalanchoe, it is carried out in the summer (rooting lasts three weeks), for no reason during the winter period. Then the inevitable removal of the lower fog leaves the stem is slightly dried and placed in a pot.
The specificity of the method is that the plant is trimmed after the flowering end for the sake of its renewal and giving a more attractive appearance.
Since the trunks of the Kalanchoe are stretching enough to be vegetation, they are cut and used as necessary for the sake of cuttings. Adult specimens of plants are more suitable for propagation. The function of propagation of cuttings is to live painstakingly, without excessive haste, in advance of preparing everything you need.Cooked the seeds of the Kalanchoe of Blossfeld are sown in open containers filled with a perfectly steamed substrate in order to avoid infection and rotting of the seeds.
For a leveled surface of the substrate, shallow grooves are pushed into which seeds are laid out for a distance of 3-4 cm wisher through other .
Seeds should be a little indentation in Zara . it wetted the ground
The temperature in the room where seeds of Kalanchoe grows must not go below 20 ° C
of the Degremon type
This succulent family of the Tolstoyan has its exclusion of reproduction. Because of it, the plant in the people is still called Kalanchoe viviparous. Kalanchoe Degremona is distinguished by the unusual color of the leaves Distinctive line of this species is sawtooth burrs for the leaves, in which small daughter plants (children) are formed with grown-up and ready-to-root roots without the help of others. Children understand the leaf buds. Outwardly, they are similar to a mini plant with a formed rosette of 2 leaves and roots. Children of the Kalanchoe of Degremon possess one delightful property: they are, without reason, falling off the rational size through a sheet and, hitting for the wet soil, are able to independently assert themselves. According to its essence, the baby is a real plant, ready to land on the ground.Division of children through an adult leaf.
Easy penetration into cooked substrate.
Humidification of the soil from the sprayer.
In the course of the first week planted the baby is hidden through direct sunlight, and also maintains the soil moisture before the final rooting.
Video: 3 Degremon Kalanchoe reproduction methods
Then, the top of the shoot is pinched to end the development of offspring. As a result, young descendants arise near the mother flower. They are used for the sake of reproduction. After that, the descendants are allowed to separate and plant in a pot with a sandy turf substrate (8 parts of river sand, 2 parts of sieved sod land).
Descendants must achieve 1/3 of the length of an adult plant
Cutting of the bush
The division of the mother plant is a more ingenious method of reproduction of the Kalanchoe. In many species of succulents, daughter plants grow, all suitable for transplanting them into a separate container. The complete action consists in removing the adult plant from the pot, separating the suitable parts of the bush with the knife from the knife and transplanting them into a separate container with fresh soil. Adult plants require seeding without stopping
Probable difficulty of reproduction Kalanchoe in domestic conditions
This is easy for feeding the plant, although it is called a home medicine, and even it can be sick. Consequently, the reproduction of the Kalanchoe must be closely monitored for the condition of an adult donor plant and for observing the rules for rearing the planted plants. Kalanchoe - the most enduring of all recognizable succulents. The main cause of infection with diseases lies in its incorrect content: it is the lack of ventilation and high humidity of the earth. This happens, for example, if a succulent is planted in an inappropriate land: heavy and strong, with a huge amount of peat. Use store soil mixtures for cacti and succulents, and in other cases add sand or vermiculite to the peat soil.
It is better to change the earth if you saw that the young Kalanchoe plant has slowed down in growth, and the soil in the pot is always wet. Incorrect living conditions in most cases cause powdery mildew First, there may be overdoing with watering for the onset of the disease. Starting a gardener to grow a Kalanchoe is worth sticking to a simple rule - it is better to undercharge than to pour.
If the pain has manifested itself for the plant, you will have to help to the current measures - the use of fungicides, choosing them through the type of disease. It is unreasonable, to detect the first signs of a flower disease, spray the stems and leaves with the substance of a fungicide prepared in accordance with the annotation according to the application. Alirin-B is one of the most popular fungicides for the sake of indoor plants. It is allowed to isolate fairly more common fungal diseases of Kalanchoe:late blight rottenness
gray rottenness;
powdery sludge; <
Список: заболевания каланхоэ и их исцелениеThe name of the disease Symptoms of the disease Control measures and prevention Phytophthora rottenness The appearance of brown spots in the branches of the shoots. Stopping in growth. Remove sudden temperature changes. Disinfection of the land before planting. Reduction of irrigation. Fungicide treatment (preparations Fundazol, Ridomil, Alirin-B). Appearance of a greyish color. Grayish rottenness Seizure of excess water, a pledge of ordinary lighting and ventilation. Systemic fungicides (Rovral, Fundazol) Mildew White powdery meal for leaves. Extraction of excess heat and water. Finishing fungicides (Topaz, Fundazol, Alirin-B). Stein rottenness Black liquid stains appear for leaves and stems. Reduced humidity. Fungicide finishing (Gold, Previcur).
Sometimes the wilting of cuttings without visible circumstances is observed. This is promoted by the development of root cane, whose presence in the soil can be found to be a transplant of the plant. The fight is a complete reward of the substrate and capacity, three times spraying the leaf part with garlic tincture (3-4 medium teeth for 1 liter of water) 10-day interval or the products of Aktar, Phytoverm or Mospilan at the same interval.
in growth and because of the fact that an extremely large pot was chosen. While the Kalanchoe does not increase the root system in this spacious capacity,
For the successful reproduction of the Kalanchoe, you do not need to own special knowledge. Quite intently to learn with advice on the reproduction of this undemanding plant. Knowing pretty ordinary rules, anyone who wants can propagate a valuable plant at home without special efforts. Cultivated according to the rules, the young plant will thank you with a beautiful form and will amuse the eye with abundant rainbow blossoms for the background of green foliage.
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