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Propagation gloxinia: an exciting lesson at home

Propagation gloxinia: an exciting lesson at homeBlossoming plants are always valued by gardeners and are the favorite guests in our homes. Their beauty amuses the eye, gives a unique visibility to the dwelling and creates comfort. The main thing is tropical plants, which are acclimatized freely in our country. They are surprisingly undemanding and free to breed. For example, a mysterious gloxinium.
Gloxinia is a southern guest, it came for our window sills from hot Brazil. This baby belongs to the genus Gesneria, to tuberous plants.
The flower is relatively unpretentious in care. Gloxinia is very light-loving, but it does not tolerate direct sunlight, through which it can get burned, and because of watering with warm water and loose, light soil is rather grateful. Water the flower with standing water, without getting into the center of the tuber and into the axils of the leaves. It is impossible to favor the overmoistening of the earth.
Gloxinium must be protected through drafts in order to avoid unnecessary flower diseases.
Photogallery: little gloxinia
The southern beauty of gloxinia does not tolerate drafts.
Gloxinia is an undemanding, beautifully flowering plant
Young sprouts of gloxinia, acquired fairly months back in the process of reproduction, are not sent for inaction - they need to rest and build up the tubers. The flower for the sake of the flower should exist shallow and wide, because the roots of gloxinium are superficial. It is impossible to forget about small pebbles 2-3 cm high.
This beautiful plant is amazingly free-flowing, which allows you to effortlessly get new young flowers.
It seems to be true to propagate and place gloxinium at home.
There are fairly methods of diluting gloxinia, any of which is appropriate to use depending on the state of the flower and the presence of time in the course of which it is planned to obtain a young plant.
Multiplication by leaf cuttings
Matter for the sake of gloxinia multiplication is taken into the bud formation period. It should exist huge, healthy, green leaves, the length of the cuttings approximating itelno 3 cm .
The main method
The leaf is cut with a sharp blade and placed in a cup of standing water at room temperature.
The maternal leaf is immersed in a glass with water before the origin of the roots.
The leaves give roots in about three weeks.
Leaves with roots are planted in a light soil for the sake of the forthcoming development of plants
Here already a leaf is planted in a peat pill or in a small pot with a ready-made soil, like for the sake of adult plants, watered, covered with a cellophane bag and put in the brightest room, but not near the straight Sun rays. Airing and watering the flower is not necessary.
The mini-greenhouse is put in a warm, bright room and is not opened before the emergence of young shoots.
About a month or two later, children will appear through the mother sheet. Cellophane is removed, and children are separated, planting them according to individual pots.
Even if the children have nodules, they should still be planted according to the individual pots : through some time they will get accustomed, there will be own tubers.
Sometimes the emergence of child shoots has to wait indefinitely. Which is a prerequisite - it is unclear. For the sake of speeding up the process, the sheet should be pinched for no reason, so that approximately 2 cm remains before the top.
2nd method
This is a simplified variation of the first method. The cut sheet is placed in a cup with ready-made, moistened soil at a time. The container is covered with cellophane and also placed in the lightest, warmest, protected through drafts room. After the time has come, the leaf will take root, then the children will appear.
The gloxinia sheet is well established in the soil without a preliminary rooting
Multiplication with sheet pieces
The size and health of the upcoming maternal gloxinia sheet allows the tribe to be divided into segments.
Any share is planted in a separate container with moist soil, the top is put on cellophane, put the bowl in a bright room.
A separate sector of the gloxinia sheet is able to give a healthy young branch
The plant does not need watering and airing. Children are formed through the widest vein at least two months. After that, the covering material should be removed, and the young plant - water.
Photogallery: multiplying gloxinia with a piece of paper
Segments will of leaf grown in peat soaked pills
Pieces of sheet gloxinia at once put into the prepared substrate and covered with a film
Video: advice on how to grow gloxinia using leaf cuttings and (or) fragments

Educating gloxinium from seeds is not difficult, observing some general advice. Seeds are allowed to get like without the help of others, pollinating their own private flower by hand, without reason and buy in the store (mostly varietal flowers).
Like to pollinate gloxinium and get sunflower seeds at home
For the sake of this procedure, it is best to take blossoming gloxinia of various kinds. Pollen of the 1st plant pollinates another's pestle. Soon, the pestle wilts, the gloxinia fades, the seed box is sufficiently mature 7-8 weeks. Later it will open. At this time, the box is cut and placed in a container with an open edge down for the sake of ripening. Ready glaucinia seeds have a red color.
Video: pollination of gloxinia at home and a mixture of seeds

Pollination of a plant is better for living material taken from a flower of a different kind
If the gloxinium becomes discolored, seed boxes are formed
Seed crates are cracked according to the degree of maturation
Seeds of gloxinia are very small grains of coffee color For the sake of sowing the end of February - the appearance of March , if the light day is rapidly growing its slowness. You will need a mini-boy or a wide, shallow container, cellophane, finished land for flower crops (le cue). In order to get healthy shoots, we must fight for no reason: The bottom is pre-moistened with manganese in order to protect the seeds, and after - young shoots.
Before sowing the soil is treated with a weak potassium permanganate substance
Then the end of the greenhouse is tightly closed or the top is put on cellophane. The bowl is placed in a warm room.
In about a week and a half there will be shoots. Teplichku allowed to start, rearrange it in the brightest room. Protect through direct sunlight, in order to avoid burns and death of young seedlings.
Sprouts arise together in one and a half to two weeks after sowing
After about a month and a half of the emergence of sprouting after the sprouts are carried out, carefully replanting the fragile plants from the total capacity in accordance with individual shallow cups.
Transplanted plants feel great in a warm, very bright place
Video: gloxinia , grown from seeds

The sharp blade from the faded plant is cut off by a flower-spool about four cm long and immersed in a glass filled with water only for 1 cm.
The cytospora of gloxinia is used for propagation after flowering of the plant >
Then the roots are planted in a container with a ready substrate, covered with a film and set for aristocracy. The children who have appeared (approximately through the moon) are planted according to the individual plates.
Children in the parent stalk after the moon then rooting <
This is probably a real immoral method of gloxinia reproduction. One wrong move, and it is permissible to lose the entire plant.
The function is carried out after a period of rest, tokmo here, if there are tuber buds .
With a sharp knife, previously disinfected with alcohol, the tuber is cut in such a way, so that for each part there is, like a minimum, according to one point of growth.
Divide the gloxinia tuber club here if there are kidneys for it Slices are powdered with crushed activated carbon and planted in transparent cups with ready-made soil, set for the lightest room and continuously observe due to the origin of the roots and the condition of the nodule. Water better through a pallet. We need to worry about the overmoistening of the earth: a tuber - a little girl can quickly rot.
Tuber - a little girl is planted in a separate bowl or cup
Young plants are transplanted then, like the roots, they will weave a full piece of soil in a glass.
Video: sharing a gloxinia tuber

Difficulties arising from the reproduction of gloxinia
However, even an extremely whimsical gloxinia can not sometimes be multiplied: the uterine leaves wilt, the flower stalks and the tubers decay. For that always there is an underlying cause.

The root cause of an unsuccessful test of gloxinia reproduction lies in the non-observance of the usual rules
The flower stalk or leaflet was not cut off by sterile equipment, and simple ones are torn off through plants. Under no circumstances it is impossible to act without reason! It is necessary to wipe the point with an alcoholic substance.
Direct sunlight. They are fatal for gloxinia, cause burns to the leaves. From 11 to 16 hours a separate day the plant should be shaded with a transparent cloth (curtains).
Heavy earth. Substrate for the sake of the flower is forced to exist loosely, light, letting water and atmosphere (the ready bottom for the sake of violets is impeccable). It is necessary to change the earth.
There is no small pebbles. It is impossible to exclude this moment. Specifically, small pebbles helps the removal of excess water, thereby preventing rotting roots. It is necessary to transplant the plant into a substrate with vermiculite.
Excess moisture. It is imperative to regulate the order of watering, the consent of the councils, not to favor the stagnation of water in the bowl.
The flaw in the light. To rearrange the plant for the brightest room, in the winter period, to provide additional illumination with the help of lamps. Extremely high or extremely low temperature.
The best: 23-25 ​​° C. Ensure recommended air temperature. <
A disinfected bottom brought from the street (greenhouse), which can exist or is infected by pests.
Should extract only a special land purchased at the store. The brought earth should be treated with insecticides and fungicides in accordance with the annotation.
The tuber is divided incorrectly or is infected. To be a given method of reproduction, one must strictly follow the advice.
Like to save a young plant and tubers

Maternal leaf, its piece or flower stem has decayed or died. Unfortunately, it can not be saved.
Young shoots wilt. To look them. If the nodules are healthy, eat roots, then transplant them into another container, beforehand disinfecting the soil with the substance of potassium permanganate. If the underground part of the plant has decayed, the rotten part should respond with a sharp blade (if the site of the lesion is small), powder it with activated charcoal and drop it into an unprecedented substrate. To be wide rotting of the stem and roots, a young branch is more expedient to extract.
Seeds do not germinate. Forever you need to keep under control the shelf life of the planting material, and to be planted it is impossible to sleep seeds on the ground!
Tubers and dregs are rotting. You should get the tuber from the ground, look around. Decayed areas meet the disinfected sharp blade, it is ideal to treat the wounds with garden fumes. If the tuber is observed to be unfit, wash in running water and place for two hours in the solution of any fungicide (diluted according to the annotation). Later, get it, dry it in the course of an hour, put it in the fresh soil mixture.
Gloxinia refers to those rare species of burgeoning plants that make small demands on the content and let the beautiful tribe freely receive the news, just following the simple rules and advice.
Some have heard that there is an indoor flower near the name"Chinese rose", but most have no idea that this is one of the recognizable varieties of hibiscus, who in the southern climate grows steadily for urban streets, and in the northern regions has long been successfully and successfully cultivated in the volume of a flower pot.
Culture Trait Rose of love - for no reason dubbed the inhabitants of the Hawaiian Islands garden hibiscus. The flowers of this plant were often allowed to meet women entwined in hair, where they beautifully emphasized the southern beauty with the juicy colors of their own inflorescences. This plant belongs to the Malvian family and is cultivated as a small tree in a flower pot, also an ordinary shrub in a garden or a greenhouse.
The flower of hibiscus affects its beauty
Hibiscus appeared in European botanical gardens in the XIII century. Now it is allowed to meet in almost all countries: Thailand, Egypt, China, also in the Sudan and for the islands of Ceylon and Java.
A Chinese rose is an evergreen plant with a naked stalk and alternating leaves, usually falling into a rest period. Inflorescences are sufficiently voluminous and, depending on the variety, differ in the juicy color and delicacy of the petal. The hibiscus grain has the appearance of a box that decays for 5 parts. Seeds are slightly curled up, however, they are naked in some types of culture. Hibiscus can be attributed to long-livers, its time is long and is about 20 years. strong> Hibiscus tree in the garden
List: seasonal rearing due to the plant
Summer Winter Explanation Brilliant bewildered aristocracy Brilliant confused aristocracy Air humidity Overstated Overstated Watering Abundant Lean Feeding In the spring and in the active growth period Ostanovity Temperature 20 ° C-22 ° C 14 ° C-16 ° C (not necessarily )
Varieties and future of the Chinese rose
Between the huge contrast of species of hibiscus, they are fairly well-chosen, which are allowed to grow in the criteria of the apartment:
Hibiscus Chinese - can reach four meters in height, grows rapidly, . The Chinese rose is very light-loving and there is almost no coloring in the lack of lighting. Flowers in diameter in front of 12 cm, there are terry. From this variety, a tonic drink with a curative effect is prepared.
Hibiscus of Syria or Syrian rose, deciduous plant resembling mallow. Cultivated like in the open ground, for no reason and in flowerpots of apartments or greenhouses. A transplant is made to replace the top layer of the earth. Loves the aristocracy and the warmth, it has abundant varieties.
Hibiscus is split-wedged - the petals of the flower of this species are dissected and turned back, and the pestle is well forward, why the well-known quality has a very exotic visibility. The colors are reddish and orange; education is kind of because of a Chinese rose.
Hibiscus Sudanese is familiar to everyone who loves probably karkade. This appearance is often referred to as rosella or a simple Sudanese rose. The diameter of the flower is 10 cm, the color is reddish. The plant is allowed to eat everything, except the root.
Hibiscus hybrid or herbaceous was bred in the USSR, in Tashkent, by crossing pink, reddish, and acicular hibiscus. It differs in the large dimensions of the flower (about 27 cm across). The leaves are shaped like maple leaves, they have red color. Is able to live in the open ground with warming during frosty periods.
Hibiscus Cooper - named in the homage of Daniel Cooper, who brought him to the UK. The quality is variegated, the foliage becomes pink with bright light. Flowers with a longish pestle, large, of various colors, changing the color through the tips of the petals to the core of the bud. Quality has stubborn immunity.
Hibiscus yellow - quality with a tree trunk. Paint a lot and accurate. The inflorescence is hard, bright yellow with red veins. It has about 15 varieties.
Photo gallery: such a different hibiscus
Hibiscus hybrid is known for its large inflorescences
Hibiscus"China Rose"- a real common hibiscus visibility in urban apartments
From Sudanese hibiscus prepare all recognizable probably hibiscus
Syrian hibiscus sposobennarostit volumetric cap the burgeoning green
Yellow hibiscus has more varieties. than other
Hibiscus Cooper has a very imaginary visibility due account postroenie foliage
rassechonnolepestny Hibiscus flowers forms a very unusual

Video: like dyeing linden hibiscus in Israel

Сначала следует усвоить, который гибискус — растение с южным происхождением, а следовательно гордо делать условия, где ему довольно тепло и светло. Для южном окне либо около него цветку самое помещение, хоть и полутень растение принимает нормально.Суть, подобрать ему верный световой порядок, потому что быть недочете освещения гибискус перестаёт цвести.
For the note: if your plant grows in the shade, do not rush to sing it for the sun soon, hibiscus will get a healthy burn of the leaves. Accustom the plant to sunlight evenly, gradually moving the flower closer to the window. Flowering hibiscuses for a lighted window sill must move within the limits of 20 ° -22 ° C, because for a strong heat and night coolness, the Chinese rose reacts whimsically. Therefore, for the night, do not open the window, and on a hot day provide the flower through overheating by airing and spraying. p>
Planting and transplanting
The bottom for the sake of the Chinese rose should be light, nutritious and close to neutral. A perfect mixture of sod, leaf and humus earth with sand (4: 3: 1: 1) or according to one part of sand and humus mixed with 2 parts of ordinary garden soil. Add charcoal to the soil. The roots of hibiscus do not tolerate water stagnation in the pot, hence the plant must provide small pebbles for the drainage of water. For this, it is permissible for the bottom of the pot to pour a claydite discharge or a small pebble with a layer of about 4 cm.
Video: hibiscus transshipment

Молоденький гибискус желание пересаживать однажды в год, меняя горшок 1-го объёма для ёмкость просторнее.Зато начиная с трёхлетнего возраста, нужда в каждогодней перевалке отпадает, и пересаживают китайскую розу токмо единственный однажды в три-четыре возраст. Образование эта быстрорастущая, следовательно горшок ей надо избирать заслуженный, потому что тесноту гибискус не любит, и ежели цветку довольно тесновато, он замедлит собственный барыш.
Видео:planted hibiscus in a huge pot (own attempt)

Полив и подкормка комнатного растения
Гибискус только нуждается во увлажненной атмосфере, следовательно поливать и опрыскивать его надо точный:
with the soup atmosphere does not promote flowering, because the buds need moisture to open. Moreover, dryness will provoke foliage drying and insect attack. Speaking about a book that flowers will not open in a dispassionate atmosphere, it is not likely that they need to be sprayed. Then such procedures tender petals will rot and the bud will fall off. To take a shower follows the leaves, but the buds will get enough water to die from the surface of the leaf. Close to the plant, you can also put containers with water to humidify the air. Hibiscus loves warm and unstable water p>
For the note: containers with water for the sake of increasing the humidity level near the hibiscus should stick straight out. It's impossible to evaluate a pot with a flower in a tray of water.
If a frequent friendship with an atomizer can not cause the decay of foliage, then the bay, mostly cool water, will ruin the roots Watering a Chinese rose is often often a lot, but a separate subsequent watering is forced to occur just after the drying out of the upper layer of the earth for about 5 cm. Water for irrigation should exist at a constant, room temperature.
In the spring, hibiscus is fed with fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus, this will promote growth and flowering. All other trace elements should be written in the active development period alone once in 2-3 weeks, not counting nitrogen, it should be run in the hibiscus dressing.
Like to force the hibiscus to bloom
If hibiscus does not paint, then it's fairly easy to change the soil in a pot and increment the stage of illumination. This kind of stimulates the profit of the young shoots, for which the buds are formed. Constant trimming also contributes to the abundant flowering of the Chinese rose. To be poorly illuminated hibiscus does not paint
Often in the autumn, heating is never endlessly started, and for the street it's already getting cool. Hibiscus senses this temperature difference, mainly if the summer is hot, and intensively forms buds. Using this plant exception, it is permissible to artificially provoke a Chinese rose for an extraordinary flowering.
There is one more reason for stimulation, who else used our grandmothers. To transplant a plant into the soil with a pot where the rose grows, a wood stick or a chip is inserted for a short distance through the trunk. It can fall ill indescribable, but gardeners say that the known way forces hibiscus to bloom is not simple accurate, and alternately, hibiscus is allowed to provoke for flowering even between winters
If the plant sits in an extremely large pot, then it begins to grow in it, growing grass , and only later will find time and strength for the sake of flowering. Flower capacity should exist in proportion to the crown of the plant. Byl, if you plant hibiscus in the grassy land, then it will fill the huge tub with enough roots.
Proper and timely fertilizing also promotes the flowering of hibiscus. strong>
And do not take the flower of the curve year. A small break in the winter period will allow us to join the active growth phase in spring with new forces and cheer up the abundant flowering.
Video: yellow double hibiscus flower
Resting interval
Hibiscus is capable of not ruining for inaction during the winter, to remain active and even bloom the full gap before spring to be room temperature. It is enough to provide him with a gallant aristocracy and the height of the humidity of the air. However, for the sake of a good state of health and proper development, hibiscus is forced to rest in the interval from November to February. For this, it needs to be rearranged to a shaded and cold room and to reduce watering. For winter, hibiscus can be removed deep into the room, further away through batteries The volume of the 1st watering should not be decreased, but the intervals should be incremented. According to the dried layer. As it dried for a depth of 5 cm, it is likely that watering the plant is permissible for the 3rd day. Spray the plant in this interval, if the atmosphere is extremely impassive, but often it is not worth it to act, but you do not need to feed it at all.
The best temperature of rest for a Chinese rose for laying new kidneys is near 15 ° C. If the temperature is rather high, then hibiscus will not"fall asleep"and rather unfold, and probably achieve feeding. He does not have enough light and water, he will start to frustrate and, eventually, wither. The present lower temperature apogee - 13-14 ° C, if the temperature drops below, the flower will begin to freeze and nedomogat. Pouring hibiscus much to be lowered temperature, the gardener risks wasting the roots of the plant.
In February, the Chinese rose is ready to wake up, therefore it is allowed to gradually move to the light and increase the temperature of the content, and at the same time, watering. After a couple of weeks after the final adaptation of the plant to new conditions, it should be fed with potassium phosphate fertilizer.
Hibiscus is allowed to respond to the spill, it will stimulate its branchiness. p>
Why do I need to crop
Forming pruning hibiscus is needed, it provokes the plant for an abundant paint. In addition, if you do not meet the Chinese rose, its bush will reincarnate into impassable and ugly thickets. It is allowed to extract the plant not only in the spring, but also in any other interval, observing the rules. If, for example, the bush is extremely proto, in May, then the blossoms are allowed not to wait. Answer is allowed only those branches that have already faded. Then each branch should be pricked with tips of branches, and hibiscus will release lateral shoots, for which buds will also form .
p> Cardinal trimming of hibiscus It turns out that any uncircumcised branch is the only unblown flower and missed the opportunity to admire them. Parallel shoot trunks are called"tops,"they must be cut first, just like the branches that grow inside the crown. Undisturbed shoots growing parallel to the main branches are also recommended for cutting. For the sake of reference, a leaf turned outwards is used: a single branch is shortened over such a sheet in one third of the section. It is more convenient to grow a bush depending on the place of its maintenance: for a narrow window sill it is more convenient to grow a small-sized tree, and for a floor in the living room it is more pleasant to see a spreading bush. To overdo it in pruning hibiscus is difficult, this formation very vividly increases the green mass, and the foliage becomes more splendid and thick.
Video: we guide"marafet"

Video: cropping

Like to inspire hibiscus
It is allowed to inspire hibiscus a year, because it has no expressed and indissoluble rest period. Act this desire if the month is in the growth phase, as the plant juices in this interval go according to the direction through the roots to the stems. To eat fairly grafting methods, and a real cheap one - in the cleavage:
For the sake of vaccination, a healthy and rooted stem is needed - a stock and a hibiscus - privoi. The thickness of both branches should the same.
The vaccine is made with clean hands and alcohol-treated tools. The root is cut from the top with leaves and an incision is made vertically in the middle of the trunk for 1 cm. An incision is made at the stem of the hibiscus scion. varietal hibiscus pointed at the end of the wedge and inserted into the incision of the scion. For the grafting of the hibiscus, the graft is notched, and the stock is sharpened
Here the pause is not recommended, so as not to dry the slices.
The placement of the graft is wound with a thread for the sake of fixing. The placement of the vaccine is firmly connected with the thread
The exact graft is inspected and ventilated. The room of grafting after healing does not matter.
Through the moon, if the plant of the rootstock has taken root, hibiscus is evenly taught to the ordinary conditions of growth, but the filament is not removed before half a year. Then, grafting is smeared with horticulture. What does hibiscus fear? House plants are often attacked by pests or at once at a premium through their own brothers in the open ground, because they are in a confined space and at some point they get near a temperature jump, a draft, a draft or cool. At that time, like the open air, the environmental balance is regulated by a natural fence, in the four walls we create conditions for the sake of content and are often mistaken. For the sake of that, in order to be able to by the way help the diseased plant by the way, one should be able to distinguish between the symptoms that hibiscus says about its incorrect state and the light by what means it is permissible to correct the existing arrangement.
List: difficulties in content and care errors

Symptoms Probable prerequisites Remediation Methods Undeclared buds fall A plant or not enough to drink, or does not eat well, or just freezes. Adjust the temperature of the environment, watering and top dressing. Falling leaves and increasing the newest, already yellowed. Lice calcium of chlorine in the substrate, a lack of nitrogen and iron, low air humidity,excess watering with cool water, low medium temperature. Increase the temperature, water the plant with standing water at room temperature, spray it accurately. A lush crown, but no color. Lishke nutrients, nitrogen, light is not enough, the temperature of the medium is too high during the winter period. Lower the height of irrigation, reduce feeding, increase the clarity of light. Owning far through heating devices in the winter. Pink spots for leaves Weak explanation, nutrients. Finish top dressing and increase the illumination. Adjust the order of watering. The roots drift The plant freezes The medium temperature should not exist below 14 ° C in winter and 22 ° C in summer. Foliage dries Low air humidity, high temperature during the winter. Permanent spraying and maintenance plants far through the heaters into the heating gap. Unexpected yellowing The attack of pests or decay of roots due to the cool gulf to be lowered temperature. Spraying the plant with a strong garlic infusion and drying out the earth coma. A sudden drop of leaf A low humidity level, an acute environmental drop (temerature, light) or draft . Restoration of permanent spraying, a product of a measured mode of maintenance. Twisting of leaves Plant parasites Decorating plants Mospilanom according to the annotation. Designated for packaging. Brown spots for leaves Lack of nutrients Photogallery: common ailments of hibiscus
Hibiscus enlarges the yellow leaves to be a surplus of calcium and a lack of nitrogen
Hibiscus wilts if it is not watered or poured with cool water
A flaw in the food may appear brown spots for the leaves
Leaf spotting occurs as a result of sunburn or insect attack
Hibiscus turns yellow and twists leaves to be an active pest attack
Hibiscus huttus is an innate action of a plant
Hibiscus entices insects, emitting a medicine of smelling nectar
Hibiscus dries leaves, if it is not sprayed
Pain or pest Symptoms and preconditions of occurrence Property for the sake of struggle and prevention Non-infectious chlorosis There is a violation of the balance of nutrition, if there is an overabundance or lack of nutrients. The branches are thinner, the leaves turn white. Weak flowering speaks of a lack of potassium, stains for leaves - about a lack of nitrogen or magnesium, a sudden leaf fall or the color of foliage - about a lack of iron. Infectious chlorosis There appears to be a plant infection by a pest, a microorganism, a virus or an infection of a fungal genus. The leaves are twisted and fall, the plant is depressed as a whole. Finishing hibiscus with chemical products helps in this case sometimes, because it is very difficult to find the cause of the disease, and probably to choose the product. It is much easier not to favor a similar problem: by the way, replanting, taking care of the purity of the bush, accurate spraying. Vascular wilt (tracheomycosis) Fungal infection of the plant. necrosis of branches at the base with transition to the trunk and gradual death of only the bush. · The uninjured areas of the plant are cut off, capturing healthy tissues, and then hibiscus is treated with antifungal products (Verticillus, Fusarium, Zircon, deszid, Grom-2, Domochvet, Epin - extract a separate item strictly according to the annotation) or Trichopolum substance (2 Pills dilute in a liter of water). Unfit A small insect, is alive, settles for the reverse side of the leaf, drinks the juice of the plant. Spider mite Foliar dressing of the plant with tobacco infusions or products of Phytoverm, diluted according to the annotation indicated for packaging. Small reddish spider, almost invisible to the human eye. She covers the leaves with a net, drinks the juice of the plant. Getting rid of the tick will help spraying, because it does not tolerate excessive humidity. To be a powerful attack, it's better to take out Phytoverm. Whitefly Beverages suits a butterfly. Dwells on the back of the leaf, makes egg masonry, leaves sticky traces for the leaves. Spraying with potassium soap or Fitoverm. In a well-ventilated room, the whitefly feels uncomfortable and leaves the habitat. Gallica Drink midge. Leaves the egg masonry unswervingly in the bud. Buds are crumbling. Mushrooms, Grizzlies or Provotox (using the instruction for packing) helps with the anti-gall midges.
Photo gallery: which threatens Chinese rose?
Fungal infection of hibiscus may exist incorrectly diagnosed
Hibiscus hibiscus is manifested by active yellowing of foliage
Whitefly fibricus nabutone
Gallitis - a small fly laying larvae in a bud
The unfit for hibiscus settles on the back of the leaf
Being a vascular wilt at the bush dies
Spider mite for hibiscus leaves tangible skeins of network
Room Chinese rose is produced by 2 methods: seeds and cuttings. The main method is labor-intensive and is available only to breeders or patient gardeners with a tendency to scrupulous occupations, but to crush the bush by cuttings is not only simple, but also to please, because the cuttings preserve the varietal characteristics of culture and the young plant blooms for the main year of development.
Multiplying by cuttings The young branchlets are placed in a vessel with water, like in a vase. The capacity should be selected from the teobic glass and better, if it is possible to catch it together with the branches, like a cap, also transparent, for example, a glass jar. Moisture near the cuttings will increase and they will quickly put in the roots, and this will happen approximately for the 25th or 30th day. Hibiscus stem trimmed in the soil Then the roots are formed, the cuttings are transferred to the peat land with the addition of sand of a large fraction.
Moss sphagnum, added to the soil, will also have a beneficial effect on the rooting of the hibiscus cuttings. Before planting the cuttings into the ground, you must remove leaves from each branch, except for the two upper ones.
After half a year the cuttings are reincarnated in a young plant and separate can be transplanted into a single pot for the next 12 months.
The established branch of hibiscus dyes already in the main year Seed multiplication
Seeds are sown between the end of January and the beginning of March.
Before sowing, they are soaked in Epin's solution for 12-14 hours and then later laid out for a wet look of consistency consisting of sand and peat. Sprinkled seeds from above the same composition of a centimeter for a half and cover the container with crops glass or tighten the film to simulate the greenhouse atmosphere. Seed box of hibiscus

The temperature in the seed germination area should be maintained by a constant, not exceeding the limits of 25 ° С-27 ° С, but being of the entire greenhouse procedure, this mini-hotbed must be ventilated to avoid treacherous fungus. During the air baths, the humidity of the earth is checked and sprayed as needed. In order to avoid stressing the seedlings with temperature changes, the water in the atomizer should be slightly warmer than room temperature.
If the seedlings form the 2nd valid leaf, they can be fairly deciphered according to the individual small containers. Seedling of hibiscus seed Hibiscus, fed from the seed, only blossoms for the 2nd or 3rd year.
Video: feeding hibiscus from seeds

Видео: посев гибискуса в кипяточек

Video: transplanting after sowing with boiling water

Video: Hibiscus sprouts without earth

Hibiscus is perfectly suited to lovers of indoor flowers, who prefer undemanding exotics. The Chinese rose idly relaxed can also postpone the powerless confused aristocracy, and temperature differences, and even an imminent draft or a short-term drought. Due to this unpretentious nature, hibiscus is often exhibited in halls, offices, huge living rooms and even corridors of large institutions.

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