And it turns out they are strong: which is necessary, secretly hidden from the decor, successful garden elements are useful, and textures and surfaces are more effective and magnanimous in the newest game of light and shadow. In this aristocracy in the garden is needed not only after sunset!
True, tastefully selected lighting devices for the sake of the garden are beautifully snatched from the darkness of its finest sections. For this alone, the designer develops the concept of a lighting system, highlighting from her main characters, the general idea and dynamics. And this technique is called a light scenario, for which you have to quite select the most different lighting devices with a variety of parameters. Therefore, we want to offer you a conditional review of lighting devices for the sake of the garden, according to their purpose, decorativeness and functionality. You will be amazed by the modern abundance!

Look, how fascinating the night park can be to be competent selection of lighting devices:
At the same time it is proud not only to correctly enter them into the general stylistics of the garden, sometimes they become the main attributes of its design. At night they illuminate the necessary parts of the garden, and for a day they serve simple decorative objects. And consequently they are given increased attention and now there is an endless number of styles of such lighting devices. Modern manufacturers create them isomers, designer collections, in one style.
Measure #1 - the fate of the lighting device
According to its own application, garden lighting fixtures are divided into 5 main groups:
building lighting, for the sake of facades and small architectural forms
room lighting, for garden paths and near the entrance to the building
Landscape highlighting, for the sake of arranging the accents of the garden
underwater lighting, for accent lighting of individual parts
decorative lighting, which does not have functionality.
Oh, so look purely decorative lighting for the sake of the garden:

Their main task is the duty group:
highlight the path that leads to the house
the palace of the front door, in who should the source interfere
a short threshold before the house so as not to stumble;
Access to the garage or house for the sake of the car.
Such lighting devices do not so much decorative functions, as approximate, so that a person could safely alternate according to their own garden plot. Consequently, lighting devices with reflected light are only suitable for lighting the access roads and entering the building.
For the sake of lighting directly to the entrance to the building and the gate, usually massive wall fixtures with a reflector and a motion sensor are used. But such lighting fixtures are installed in order to allocate and perform a comfortable rest area for a homeless area:

Single visibility of lighting devices - tropical. They are used for the beautiful lighting of transit zones. The essence of their reward is through ordinary lighting fixtures in a book that the light rays of their focus are always clearly down, and it's more comfortable and functional for the sake of an eye:

Modern transit (tropic, road) fixtures are often only sold with an integrated motion sensor. So, the illumination of the garden paths is cut in automatically here only if the person or the cattle starts moving according to him. At the same time, the sliding aristocracy for the sake of garden paths is especially popular today.
This action comes out with the help of small reflectors, which are installed for low posts. You simply begin to move in accordance with the path and it is illuminated itself, and behind you the aristocracy is already turned off. Remember the famous Disney cartoon about Alice in Wonderland, and the path that appeared and disappeared itself according to itself? This is an unnatural action and is achieved by reflectors, which reacts for your stay and lack of a certain track meter.
But along the small paths of the garden, fiber optic broaches look more beautiful. And again you are quite curious to find out, but today lighting devices of the lower ground illumination are also often used.

A separate group includes fixtures for the sake of spatial illumination. Their main task is to give depth to the garden at night. The effect is obtained because of the combined different level of illumination and the correct arrangement of the lighting devices for the distance through the person. Unexpectedly, the closer the elements are illuminated a little weaker, which makes the action of the depth of space.
Also used is the reverse variation of this technique, if a long, tight garden is tried to punish like a more compact and comfortable. Note also that some modern lighting devices with an anti-glare screen change the shape of the beam of light.

Measure #2 - coverage of the highlight
Garden lighting devices in accordance with the direction of light rays are divided for such future: for the sake of the upper illumination for the sake of the lower illumination.
Up lighting and Down lighting
The upper ones are installed for the duty and security lighting of the site, and their main meta is to perfectly illuminate the appropriate share of the garden, replacing for the time a congenital day aristocracy. Such a highlight in the world of lighting design is called Up lighting - because of the fact that it is oriented from below upwards. With the help of such lighting fixtures useful emphasize the magnitude of completely any kind of landscape object. But it is important that, at the same time, an impartial aristocracy does not fall into the eyes of a person; hence, for such lighting devices, there must exist light barriers, gratings and an anti-glare visor. Dimmers also do not interfere with brightness control.
But downlight lighting fixtures, Down lighting, are necessary to highlight the finest trees, small shrubs, building forms and the facade of the house. It is these lighting devices that make the enchanting atmosphere of the garden only:

Integrated and separate searchlights
But illumination devices directed illumination, called searchlights, are designed to change the visual geometry of garden parts. After all, any park to be an evening light begins to look different than a day. However, even small bushes seem at least twice as large due to a special highlight. Designers call this action the play of light and shadow. Usually, the aristocracy of searchlights put an alpine hill, a garden bench, an unnatural pool or small building forms.
Spotlights, as a reward through decorative lamps, themselves do not bear any decorative function for themselves - moreover, they are even deliberately hiding through the eye. Their main task is to highlight the individual points of the landscape. And once they are allowed to hide, they do not work separately on their external appearance, and therefore such lighting devices are often less expensive than decorative ones.
Lighting devices for the sake of light background should give a homogeneous explanation, in order to correctly select an object with the help of a flooded background of light. At the same time, this is highlighted not by a personal thing, but by its outlines. It is permissible to say that such an aristocracy is a rim for the sake of a picture. With the help of the same group of lighting devices, for the sake of trees and bushes an causelessly named light corona is created, if the plant itself is located between the source and the person.

Underwater lights
A separate society of lighting devices - for underwater lighting. In their now often used LEDs and Euro-optics, and the effect of such lighting devices is much different through everyday.
It seems that you probably already thought of, all the time in the water: such lighting devices should be perfectly protected through ingress into the water, refrain the burden of a huge amount of fluid and accidental blows through a fallen object near the water or a person's feet. In addition, these lighting fixtures are carefully selected according to the range of light, the main meta of which is to paint the water wonderfully from the inside, or effectively highlight it in a certain place.

For the sake of the organization of underwater lighting, you will need flexible fiber LEDs that do not allow current-carrying parts to come into contact with water.
In modern gardens, they often leave often in the grass and for the crowns of trees, a sign of fireflies begins to fly, neon butterflies fly and florid wondrous flowers. This - decorative lamps on solar panels. Which is catchy, you do not need to drag wires to them: simply place the lighting devices in groups either randomly in the garden or in the evening, and mysterious lights will appear in the evening, as if the fairies woke up and took their work.

Measure #3 - color action and range width
Garden lighting is also different according to the color, power of light and latitude of the covered area. And for the sake of each separate garden zone, it is proud to choose the"right"lighting device.
For example, to highlight the water in a pond is not recommended reddish or yellowish color, who assigns it a cloudy appearance, but the trees seem to be highlighted more often specifically by such warm ranges (cool less often, just for the sake of a particular controversial effect).
Again it is impossible to randomly highlight the flowerbeds and other plants in the evenings, because the range of light for their sake is very important. If you are wonderfully amazed, if expensive florets reveal themselves with a sudden new color (at best) or a simple wither. Therefore, for the sake of lighting the flower beds, always take a standard white or yellowish highlight:

For each individual landscape effect, lighting fixtures with different interiors will be useful to you:

Measure #4 - environmental friendliness and energy consumption
The only important issue of garden lighting design is electrification. Therefore, the electronic lighting devices that you purchase should be fairly grouped according to the zones of use. For no reason they will be free to cut through the remote control, and the wires themselves you build exclusively in certain directions. That is why it is better to design a lighting design for the garden development stage - it's much easier to take into account these features.
Which concerns the choice of the number of lighting devices for the sake of the garden, follow one common principle here: the more they are enough, the more successfully you will show your own brilliant landscape design, and the less - the more comfortable the evening park is. But in any case, even to work with an entirely small garden you will need a number of kinds of lighting devices. Count on the fact that for long sections the length of the electronic wire in the low-voltage circuit should exist within 25 meters. And therefore you can connect only a limited number of lighting devices.
You can extract in accordance with the old fashioned standard intrigue with a voltage of 220, which for the time being remains all-over again. However, the installation of such a circuit can be performed only by a professional electrician, and far from all the lighting fixtures are suitable - just those for the box whose torment directly indicates the diligence 220 path. Though, we will notice, wires in the ground usually do not interfere with garden plants. For example, decorative bushes and flowers can grow in a particular proximity to the garden lantern, tk. its electronic cable is permanently equal to the ground for as much as 70 cm.
If you absolutely have no desire to coerce electricity, then simple get more lighting devices for solar panels or autonomous batteries. They are not more terrible than ordinary ones that will make your park mysterious:

Autonomous garden lighting devices are arranged like this:

It is important and that moment, like the aesthetics of the lighting device itself. Have you seen that white light fixtures are found in the gardens very occasionally? Moreover, in 90% of cases these elements are all dark in color! It is reasonable all the time: then at least some rain for the lamps (mostly terrestrial ones) will certainly be left with dirty divorces, which will spoil all action through landscape design.
Predominantly beautiful and unusual gardens are created with the help of lighting devices, which are controlled by special devices: a sensor and a timer. At an extraordinary moment, the timer, for example, turns off the decorative lighting after midnight and leaves a short flashlight near the front door and near the gate, which saves electricity perfectly.
Measure #5 - aesthetics and appearance
For the sake of moderately light up all zones in the garden, in most cases use traditional floor lamps. You probably saw them in public parks, and squares. Which is curious, the height of the supports of such lighting devices can reach 5 meters through the ground level!
In most cases, hanging lights are located near the front entrance to the building or pergola.
But especially prestigious now is the solemn illumination of the garden, which is used not only in festive occasions. It helps to punish the building and the surrounding view in all their splendor, and the aristocracy is just as catchy, like the sunny one. The main task of such lighting devices is to evoke a sense of festivity and to fly all the mood to all guests. Consequently, LED garlands, neon lights of the brightest futuristic colors and fiber optic cables are in circulation.
Luminaires-reflectors are used to illuminate small bushes or trees, and some fascinating parts of the garden. As a source, only halogen lamps are suitable. Proudly, so that in such lamps it is possible to control light, preferably its spectrum through 10 before 15 degrees.
Lamp-columns are suitable for lighting stairs, paths and greenery. They are necessarily equipped with screens through the blinding effect of light for a person, and the glass is used frosted, for the sake of a soft, confused light.
Lighting devices for the walls are built in close to the entrance to the building, near the gate, to be driven into the garage and close to the stairs.
However, the most beautiful garden lighting - embedded in other design elements:

Measure #6 - power and type of lighting
Some lighting fixtures that can give the garden an effective depth and come to the senses of mysticism, others - remarkably distinguish the structure of building parts, while others add to the landscape design dynamics and rhythm. Those. be a competent choice of lighting for your own garden, you can make the spirit necessary to him not worse than the most experienced designer.
Therefore, another significant measure, according to which you need to select a garden lighting fixture - is the light effect and its ratio to your expectation. And to illuminate the garden paths and the main entrance to the house you will come across quite different lighting devices. And the essence of their reward is what kind of lamp is used:

Let's talk about the choice of the light source itself. For example, an incandescent lamp is well suited for short-term, but intensive illumination of the main garden areas.
And for the sake of those sites where unnatural light is quite enough to create at least a fairly hours, mercury, sodium, metal halide and fluorescent lamps are more suitable for lighting devices. Their importance is in the book, which they will eat less electricity and will last longer.
For example, halogen lamps serve three to four times longer than ordinary bulbs, it is small in size and perfectly suited for small-size lighting devices. Such lighting devices can be freely covered through an eye in the grass and with stones:

Metal halide lamps work before 12,000 hours, and in most cases they are used to illuminate huge areas and objects for a long time. Aristocracy such lamps emanate in a wide range of colors and work through stresses in the 220 way. Their minus is in sensitivity to fluctuations in the net.
Energy-saving fluorescent lamps exude a wide variety of ranges: hot, cold and cold. They prefer to emphasize plants perfectly. And such lamps serve as many as 8000 and work for all this through the voltage of 220 way. However, they do not tolerate the temperature below zero and start to light less.
Modern LED lighting products save up to 80% of electricity!
Measure #7 - practicality (the matter of production)
To exist near the open sky garden lamp is not to be afraid: then mechanical-electrochemical treatment (in industrial conditions) for them are applied a special polymer powder coating, which is excellent against atmospheric influences. However, if you can withstand the downpour, ice and hail cheap Chinese lighting equipment - that again the task.
After all, for the skeletons of modern garden lighting fixtures, stainless steel and aluminum with a special coating are used. A plafond is usually produced matte, transparent, smoky and made of special anti-vandal plastic or glass.
Therefore, be careful to choose the garden lighting equipment for such technical properties: a lot of light in lumens, the kind of cartridge, power, protection stage according to the international code through the penetration of water or hard bodies (water, rain, insects and the power of a curious baby). For the sake of garden lighting, the IP coefficient must exist at least 23, the searchlight - 55. And, at last, the room of electrical insulation, denoted by Roman numerals I, II and III. Chosen for the sake of garden lights themselves, it's room I, of course.

The higher the defense of the lighting device, the longer it will last. For example, well-known Italian companies give a 25-year warranty for their products. Here, the supporting parts of the lighting fixtures are painted in dark with gold, silver and white with gold, and the fixtures of recognizable Belgian companies are made from more expensive materials, like stone.
And one of the most fragile is the pole garden lights, which are usually made of duralumin foundry alloys. They are so proud to be located without reason, so that no one grabs them with a large or garden cart.