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Spring work at the dacha: an overview of the...

Spring work at the dacha: an overview of the complex of measures for caring for the gardenIn March, the echoes of the February snowstorms are heard again, and the efficient summer residents are already rushing for the bait suburban areas, in order to bring them to the schedule for the next season. There seemed to be a desire that is allowed to operate in the garden in the early spring, if the soil is again warmed up a little, and in the ditches there is absolutely a sediment? As a matter of fact, the vernal work for the dacha contains an unlimited range of activities, in accordance with the cleaning of the terrain, leaving due to trees, preparing the land for planting.
Cleaning in the garden after winter
First it must be removed from the garden and the garden without a break, which served as a protection through winter frosts. Covering matter or special structures should be eaten, washed, drunk and cleaned in a place before the autumn cold. From the beds, flower beds and garden areas, you should remove the remaining from the light: the windbreak, old branches, fallen leaves, and withered grass. Even if cleaning takes place again in the fall, a little garbage accumulates again by spring.

It is likely that the first rays of the sun were pierced by the enemies of cultivated plants as well. While the roots are weak, the shoots can be freely removed from the wet soil. In the warmth moss begins to grow, in wet places - aquatic plants. A small shoot is freely removed by a stiff brush, and a path made of natural stone or brick with the first foci of young moss is allowed to be washed with a strong stream of water from a garden hose. Any measures with water should live to be positive temperature, if the country yard turns into a skating rink.
Containers, flowerpots and flower pots should also be eaten, their integrity restored if cracks appeared, and treated with herbicides. From the tanks that served as a wintering place for long-standing flowers, you should get the old earth and change it fresh, and the tubers and rhizomes of plants - to dry painstakingly. The early spring is the right time for the repair of polycarbonate greenhouses, which could suffer during the winter season through snowdrifts
Mulching and feeding the earth
Mulching is carried out in flower gardens, for a vegetable garden and in a garden. makes for the sake of plants comfortable conditions, warming their roots in the cool and protecting through the scorching rays of the sun in the heat. It is excellent water holding, eliminates the emergence of weeds, protects through insecure insects. Some cultivated plants (strawberries, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin) are less susceptible to decay and increase yields for mulch. Do not forget about the decorative effect: the mulch bottom looks well-groomed and neat. If in the mulch (for example, in the bark or part) add bio fertilizer - unsuitable, by all means inspect the stage of its vicinities. Not before the end, the oxidized substance can kill plants
Planting of young fruit trees occurs in the following order:
Tear out a shallow pit, for the bottom of which a waste is laid and on top of it a narrow discharge of enriched soil
The roots of the seedlings are placed in the prepared pit, they are carefully added and compacted by the feet.
Drive a peg close to the seedling, who serves him as a support for the first time.
Water and look, so that the soil near the roots does not dry out.
See the video for more details:

Vaccination for the sake of obtaining new species
Spring - more suitable time for the sake of grafting trees. With the similar success it is allowed to deceive the oculization (inoculation with the kidney) or copulking (inoculation with a cuticle). Cuttings shoots are more resilient, because shoots from the grafted kidney hardly survive the winter. A more successful time for the sake of cuttings vaccination is the space between mid-April and early June. The operation is carried out with a graft knife or a pruner. One of the main criteria of effectiveness is the narrow contact of the rootstock and graft. Spring inoculation of fruit trees - it is good to be able to own an excess of species for a summer residence, planting only a few fairly important trees
More information about tree vaccinations is allowed in the article:"ozelenenie/kak-privivat-plodovye-derevya Inoculation of fruit trees: a conditional review of the best methods to cross trees .
Decorating flowerbeds with perennials
The division of herbaceous perennials is more effective, if one deceives him early in the spring. Thanks to it, the income of planting material increases and old plants are renewed, which begin to waste paint, weaken and rot. If by the way to divide the rhizomes of bells, asters, phloxes, crocosms, they will begin to grow more actively, and the bloom is rather longer and more violent. Large bushes are divided into four parts by an ordinary bayonet shovel, laying them for the board. The place of dissection is the intervals between the kidneys. The roots of small plants are divided with a garden knife. Caloric Crocosmia and the renewal procedure then acquire a second existence: they should be found once in 2-3 years, separated by children and planted in another room
Spring update of the lawn
In order to silky grass lawn cheer for an eye for only the age, from early spring, must deceive a whole complex of activities, the main of which are:
The sowing and the iden- tically excellent response for early fertilization with nitrogen fertilizers, which should be written at a time later, and the convergence of snow. Nitrogen in a complex with phosphorus and potassium appropriates a growing grass of forces, therefore top dressing is allowed to deceive again before occurrence of the first sprouts. One of the suitable fertilizers is the"Kimera".
The subsequent stop is aeration and combing. Because of the winter, a lot of garbage and plant felt accumulated, which prevents free growth and light. A more appropriate tool for combing lawns is an electronic vertex, which painstakingly gathers felt. To ensure that the sealed bottom does not become an obstacle for the air needed by the roots, use an aerator or simple forks, methodically piercing the earth. Near the end of spring, weeding should be done. To have a small amount of weeds is a rather manual way, in the reverse case we use chemical weeding with herbicides. For the sake of uniform and dosed application of fertilizers for the lawn there is an excess of adaptations, one of which is a comfortable cart for two wheels
If the lawn is small in proportion to the size, then for the combing procedure it is permissible to extract ordinary garden rakes, and for the sake of aeration - forks
Methods of planting vegetables
If the climate allows, some vegetables are planted steadily in open land. There are quite a few planting methods that depend through locations:
in the trench
for elevated ridges
for mounds;
for smooth ridges
into containers.
If the earth is light, sandy, warms up warmly, but it does not hold water well, it is better to extract the trench method. Clay soils also freely warm up, besides excellent water retaining, hence usually they are used uprising ridges. A pair of layers of manure, earth and compost, laid in accordance with a special scheme, form a dense ridge, which is called"smart garden."Simple straight rows are used in greenhouses, and containers where there is not enough free space for planting. Elevated ridges are used to plant vegetables and flowers. A distinctive line is a frame made of wood boards or clay tiles.
Pest Control
To the chagrin, with the advent of heat, harmful insects are activated, capable of reducing the efforts of hard-working summer residents to endlessly. Some of them are stormed by fruit trees and bushes. I must carefully look around the branches and pay homage to the fastened dry leaves. Probably, these are nests of the zlatoguzka or hawthorn. They must be collected manually and burned.

The weevils of the weevils are destroyed by cool days, if they become stuck and stop hanging out. Near the tree lay the film, then shake the branches. Fallen insects are burned. Through moths and leaf rollers, an infusion of mustard or wood ash is used. Mednyans are afraid of infusion of garlic with tobacco. For the spraying of trees through pests also use a solution of copper sulfate, carbamide, Bordeaux consistency, steel vitriol, and through the aphids helps laundry soap
In addition to the above types of vernal works, there is an abundance of others, for example, planting flower crops, renewing garden furniture, cleaning reservoirs.

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