Weaving plants for the sake of fence - universal elements for the sake of gardening. After all, with the help of their allowed to solve at once rather designer tasks:
Decorative. Curly perennials can not only"dress"the city: they decorate low buildings and fences, as well as openwork pergolas, row and arches.
Masking. The weaving plants are designed to paint unsightly appearance elements. They allow you to transform the nondescript walls of the sheds, hiding the small sin of the surface, the containers for the sake of compost and barrels for the collection of rain water.
Covering. Lively growing plants that see the walls of the fence help protect through street dust and noise, providing the site owners peace and quiet. They are planted along fences, open areas and arbors for the sake of a saving shadow and pleasant coolness.
Also, it should be noted that the loaches visually increase the place of the garden. With the help of climbing plants, it is permissible to make a multilevel structure, due to which the garden place can be visually enlarged
Beautifully flowering perennials
The most sympathetic and popular among most gardeners are representatives of the climbing flora. The abundance of the choice of these plants, having the most indescribable coloring and forms simple is amazing. Having chosen a successful combination of species, it is permissible to make an unusually beautiful city, who is enough to amuse with luxurious flowering and a wonderful smell not one year
An undemanding plant can be planted for its own plot even by an aspiring gardener: it is enough to plant a bush for the illuminated terrain with fertile soil, and then, from time to time, fertilize and sprinkle a lot of rose. Although climbing roses do not need special care, however, in the autumn period with the advent of colds, they all still require a remainder and additional shelter.
Most of the species of climbing roses bloom in the first half of June, delighting unusually beautiful flowering in the course of 3-4 weeks. Other months of the city decorate a little thick foliage of plants. The scrawny New Dawn, whose three-meter-long whips are dotted with an abundance of tender pink plants, can only bloom in age
Sun-loving plants show the greatest decorative and luxuriant flowering only in perfectly illuminated areas.
Clematis is not the least popular among suburban landowners. Large stellate flowers, opening for shoots in the first weeks of age, do not cease to fascinate with their wonderful bloom right up to the glow. Fine flowers, densely covering the shoots, are able to make a continuous carpet, dotted with"stars"of snow-white, pink, blue and purple flowers
Clematis in need of a grassy soil and sufficient illumination of the site. To develop good criteria and experienced pruning of shoots, clematis bloom can be siped right up to the first frost.
Between exotic exotic species allowed to distinguish the structure of species adapted to the changing brutal winters. The main between them: long-flowering? Ballerina? with stylish white flowers,"Nellie Moser?"with pale pink petals, crowned with a bright crimson stripe,"Nikolai Rubtsov ?, whose petals are framed by several contours, this creates the effect of"flower in a flower."
Creeping liana for the sake of creating a greenish carpet
Creeping lianas are the best option for the sake of fence design. With the help of small suction cups, they are able to subordinate all heights, freely covering a continuous city of 3-4 meters. The most unruly between creeping lianas: petiolate hydrangea, honeysuckle and campsis. Having planted them in the spring or autumn along the fence or the support, it is already permissible for the following season to see, like the massive trunks of lianas climb confidently along the vertical surface, covering the city with a green carpet. Read more in the articles ozelenenie/liany-dlya-sada Lianas for the sake of the garden: an overview of the more undemanding species of frizzy and ozelenenie/vyushhiesya-rasteniya-i-cvety-dlya-sadaWe choose the best varieties of climbing plants and flowers for the sake of the garden + advice according to the design
The Gerlen hydrangea is a beautiful lianate shrub that loosely reaches a height of 8 to 20 meters. For the background of greenish ovoid leaves, pinkish white flowers collected in paniculate inflorescence look beautiful
Among the more attractive species, it is allowed to distinguish: Miranda, whose leaves are adorned with a yellow-cream border, as well as a hydrangea hydrangea with lush cone-shaped inflorescences and dense foliage, which are colored with intense purple colors in autumn.
For the decoration of strong concrete, stone and brick fences, wisteria is perfect. The light-loving liana, crowned with snow-white, lilac or pink bunches of small plants, is capable of even a real ungainly city transformed into a spectacular defense of the site. Collected in racemose inflorescences of wonderful flowers, opening at first May, all obscure the foliage and cover the city
In landscape design, the most widespread:
Chinese Wisteria - reaches a height of 20 meters. In the summer months it is decorated with loose clusters with pale purple flowers that exude a fruit incense
fluffy wisteria - differs in the larger size of the ovoid leaves and the opulence of the snow-white inflorescences. The branches of the plant are twisted in an original way according to the watchman's arrow;
Japanese wisteria - one of the most beautiful lianas, whose branches achieve a height of 8-10 meters, twisting about the support according to the watchman's arrow. Dense inflorescences with flowers of lilac-blue and snow-white flowers achieve lengths of 50 cm.
The thermophilic lype of the campsis is known to many gardeners because of the unusual orange flowers, which on the outside resemble small gramophones. Flowering in the second half of June, the liana amuses the dressed flowering right up to the beginning of the light. She is not afraid of any adversity: the liana relaxes the frosts before -20 ° C. The main advantage of this long vine is gas and smoke resistance, also good obstinacy to urban conditions
It is necessary to take into account its talent to grow a plant, to grow quickly, reclaiming the terrain from weaker"neighbors". Timely pruning and application of fertilizers will allow to preserve the small-sized shape and ornamentality of the plant in the course of the season only.
The undemanding plant of honeysuckle is able not only to decorate the city, but also to bring an unusual aura, to make a spirit. Honeysuckle, according to the law, is considered a favorite according to unpretentiousness. Winding beauty prefers sunny areas, but freely tolerates penumbra. It is not demanding on the composition of the land, but it responds with joy to the rapid growth and abundant flowering for fertilizing with organic fertilizer. Exuding in the time of flowering a subtle sweetish incense, honeysuckle is able to act as a suburban part of the paradise of a paradise
Extremely beautiful honeysuckle in the flowering period, who account for the main moon of age. Collected in the inflorescence of luxurious flowers can own the most indescribable colors, beginning with a gentle white and yellow and ending with a beautiful combination of pink and orange. The most attractive varieties are:? Serotina? with bright red and crimson flowers, Korolkov's honeysuckle with delicate-pink inflorescences,"Grahm Thomas?"with cream and golden yellow flowers.
Decorative weaving plants
Not requiring special criteria for the sake of feeding girlish grapes are attractive first openwork foliage, which in the autumn gap, as if by the brush of the artist, painted in the breathtakingly beautiful colors of red and reddish. The deciduous liana is only able to grow from 4 meters in only one year, closing a huge place and forming a strong city of plants.
From spring and before sunset fences, twined with luxurious shoots with openwork foliage, look simple amazing. Parenting is due to the plant in a timely pruning, which prevents excessive growth and thickening of the vine.
A lively growing ivy is a popular element of gardening. As a matter of vitality and unpretentiousness, ivy can give odds to any pletistome plant. An evergreen plant that forms curly bushes, is able to save the imaginary cute appearance of the curve year. Ivy is perfectly suitable for areas with a mild mild climate
The ivy-covered walls of the fence are a beautiful background for the sake of spring-springing narcissi and flowers or summers: gladioli, koreopsis, roses.
Video clips: future curly and design examples
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