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Zamiokulkas : correct transplantation at home...

Zamiokulkas : correct transplantation at home
An unusual handsome zamiokulkas in indoor floriculture appeared relatively recently - in the late 90's. Probably, the gardeners with disbelief reacted to the appearance of a unique beauty for the flower market, having suspected in it a very capricious plant. However, as it turns out, zmiokulkas is so unpretentious, which even a new one will be able to take care of. However, eating the only aspect, and specifically the transplant of the plant, you need to know with which you must.
Features of home content
Being of all presentability and a posh form of zamiokulkas, or balsa tree, is very easy to care for. Its no wonder called plant for lazy housewives .

Zamioculcas very popular in indoor horticulture

Excellent adapted to the conditions of our apartments, zamiokulkas with ease carries even the heating season. And if the handsome guy is completely indifferent to spraying, then rubbing the leaves with a moistened napkin or infrequent bathing near the shower will be gratefully received.
The plant is not primarily demanding, it feels great to be bright (however, through direct sun still need a little pritenyat) and scattered light. In summer, the will grows for the fresh air. However, in winter it is better to put the zamioculcus closer to the window, so that the plant does not lose the saturated coloring of the leaves in a small light interval.

Summer zmiokulkas loves to live for the fresh air
Temperature The native of the hot African continent loves warmth. Therefore, if the column of the temperature indicator creeps to a mark of + 30 ° C, the zamiokulkas feels all right. However, a comfortable temperature in the summer period should be + 20 ... + 25 ° С. In winter it is better to have a plant in colder conditions, be + 16 ... + 20 ° С. The critical temperature in winter is not below + 12 ° C.
Watering Careful watering of zamiokulkas, because of the possibility of accumulating water in the roots, the plant often suffers from the waterlogging of the earth. In the summer period, before one more irrigation is necessary Wait until the soil in the pot dries by half. In winter, to be kept in a cold room, watering is reduced in front of the minimum, producing another moistening, in fact, afterwards, completely drying out the substrate, which can be found according to the color of the earth - the dried out earth of a lighter color.

In the vegetative period, from March to September, the zamiokulkas are fertilized 1 once in 2 weeks. Feeding must be carefully selected. Compositions containing nitrogen can damage the root system, for the same reason, and a greater concentration of the solution. For the sake of zamiokulkasa it is better to extract fertilizers for the sake of succulents and cacti, diluting the dose in more water than indicated. in moistened soil. Feeding zamiokulkas should be cautious, reduced doses

If you are transplanted into a dispassionate land, then you can not pour a little, but you must drain the liquid that has accumulated in the pan. If the land is wet, it can only be watered for 2-3 days after transplantation.
Protection may be useful for a large copy in the 1st time. The best thing is to remove the collapsible radial in order to defeat the spreading leaves.
Some aspects of transplantation
If you decide to look at the roots of the acquired zamiokulasa and release them through the transport soil, it is allowed to perform, soaking the roots in a basin of water. The peaty substratum will get wet and free from the roots, then wash the cautious roots in the clear water.
Carefully cut the affected areas with a sharp knife, and sprinkle wounds with pounded activated carbon and give dry the treated areas a day. Planted plant do not water near the week. During this period of time, roots should be restored using the moisture accumulated in the tubers. List: probable difficulties,

Question The root cause EliminationThe leaves of the zmioculcus after the transplant lost the turgor There can be three circumstances:
Extremely endlessly transplanting the plant was not watered.
Excessive moistening of the substrate.
Wrong substrate containing clay or a huge amount of peat.
In order to find out the reason, carefully study the substrate. If it is extremely dispassionate, pour the plant.
Allow too much water to dry before the next watering.
If the bottom does not correspond to the norm, the plant must be immediately transplanted into the proper substrate.
The transplant is broken
branch The zmiokulkas have very juicy leaves, so be careful with it. Nothing terrible, A wound for a large plant is allowed to be sprinkled with pounded coal. A broken branch is allowed to root. Zamiokulkas after transplant does not grow Extremely large pot. the whole place, the leaves will not grow. It is necessary to select a transplant, which is greater than the previous one for less than 4 cm.

If during transplantation a leaf of zmioculcace broke, not grief, it is allowed to root
It seems you have already figured out, the transplant is not without cause, it seems like it all over again. The bottom line is to pick up the earth, the pot and carry out the work in stages. And in gratitude because of the done business zmiokulkas will certainly thank you with gorgeous leaves, and probably with flowering.

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