Building of serious buildings
The topical question of all summer residents is the horse of the house and auxiliary buildings for the garden plot in the criteria of a short area of an earth plot and limited money. In addition, the seasonal fate of the dacha does not imply the construction of serious structures"for ages."
Therefore, the brave people decided to adapt as a building material prosaic plastic bottle. The walls of houses, pavilions, greenhouses, and other garden structures are laid out usually - in a checkerboard pattern with the use of cement mortar, but instead of brick, an unnecessary plastic container filled with sand is used.
Summer house
Despite the apparent simplicity of building a structure of plastic containers, there are certain aspects that you should consider if you decide to build a summer house with your own hands. Here are a couple of useful tips:
Between the rows of masonry lay the reinforcing mesh - adhesion of the solution to the surface of the bottle will improve.
Do not forget that the plastic does not come into contact with cement, like a brick, so make small openings in the container - for no reason the solution will start interacting with the sand inside the bottle and the fence is rather stronger.
During the masonry process, fix the bottles with a rope or wire so that the circle does not move apart.
Please note that the plastic is characterized by death due to frost and heat, mainly through temperature changes, so be prepared that, after some time - 5-10 years, the walls of construction will begin to"count down." Multicolored corks through plastic bottles serve as a beautiful material for the creation of planar compositions in the country landscape
Flower bed examples
No doubt, the main prikrasa summer cottage - a flower, formed in the flower beds or growing in a colorful mess. Unusual"cut"flowerbeds are assigned low curbs, outlining its shape and giving the flower arrangement completeness.
Because of the lack of stone or brick, usually used for the formation of a curb, bury, according to the border of the flower bed, the plastic bottles with the neck down - you will get an unassuming protection for the sake of flower planting. A successful verdict for the sake of the shady areas of the garden area where nothing wants to grow - unique flower beds from PVC containers, different in form and color. Arrange with the help of a flower bed of plastic bottles, shadow or marshy areas of the garden
Drinks of a flower bed in the form of a ladybird looks clear and especially
Plastic bottles of greenish color will perfectly suit the formation of a curb for the sake of the flower bed
Writing in the theme: dekor/klumby-iz-butylok-svoimi-rukami Flower bottles with our own hands: it seems like you can use plastic in the garden ?
Garden paths
The task of laying garden paths is always difficult - and the land needs to be strengthened, and imaginary matter to buy - in the end, there is a big result. And according to the dirt, they do not want to walk unreasonably. While you are accumulating money and asking the price for coverage for the sake of the tracks, we offer you a fleeting variation for the sake of their arrangement at the lowest cost. Fill the pathways to give a narrow layer of cement mortar and immerse the lids in it through plastic bottles - due to corrugation in accordance with the lateral plane, they are perfectly fixed in the construction consistency. The prosaic cement track can transform into a picturesque picture thanks to multi-colored plastic covers
Decorative settings
A very popular trend of landscape landscape decoration is the product of large installations from different materials, including plastic containers. Everything, here it is necessary not any knowledge and patience, after all it must lay out either whole tanks, or cut out from their parts according to a certain scheme.
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A real clear decor for the sake of the garden landscape - large installations of plastic bottles
We suggest that you perform for the dacha is not a very complex installation of plastic bottles in the form of a Christmas tree. Although an unprecedented year again in the distance, it seems to say, prepare a sleigh in the summer - think in advance about the New Year's decoration of your garden. Of course, the Christmas tree - the main accessory of the winter holiday, without which it is impossible to make a truly upbeat, New Year atmosphere. It seems to exist, if there are coniferous trees for your site, well, you do not welcome the classic logging on the eve of the New Age? Good in accordance with its own simplicity and environmental friendliness of the sentence - a product of Christmas trees made of plastic bottles.
The base of this composition is a ruthless stick to which bottles can be suspended or put on for wire and wrapped, draw a circle from circles, draw or establish auxiliary supports and collect the tent-shaped tree.

A real clear decor for the sake of the garden landscape - large installations of plastic bottles
We suggest that you perform for the dacha is not a very complex installation of plastic bottles in the form of a Christmas tree. Although an unprecedented year again in the distance, it seems to say, prepare a sleigh in the summer - think in advance about the New Year's decoration of your garden. Of course, the Christmas tree - the main accessory of the winter holiday, without which it is impossible to make a truly upbeat, New Year atmosphere. It seems to exist, if there are coniferous trees for your site, well, you do not welcome the classic logging on the eve of the New Age? Good in accordance with its own simplicity and environmental friendliness of the sentence - a product of Christmas trees made of plastic bottles.
The base of this composition is a ruthless stick to which bottles can be suspended or put on for wire and wrapped, draw a circle from circles, draw or establish auxiliary supports and collect the tent-shaped tree.