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How to self-clean a well with silting: top-5 best ways

How to self-clean a well with silting: top-5 best waysThe hole is comfortable because it is a good question for centralized water supply, such a water key for the site solves the difficulties with watering and the introduction of life-giving water for household needs. However, preventive work is sometimes necessary to live, so that the hole was clean and the order worked properly, hence some owners of dachas think, like cleaning the well with their own hands, without wasting resources for this abundantly.
If the water raid has become weaker, this is the main restless sign. Because of this usually follows a short stop with the appropriate bubbling and the next release of turbid water, and then the order ceases to do.
Cleaning the well with your own hands begins by determining the cause of the failure. There may be many circumstances for this: difficulties often appear to be irregular exploitation, errors during drilling and construction. Water-bearing veins can change their tide - in this case, the original cause is quite natural.
If there are protective devices at the facility, much more garbage is enough to enter the wellhead. A prerequisite may be lack of maintenance, and a bad pump case.
Eat two main types of wells (with a filter and a straight barrel) and three main methods to do well work: wash it, pump it or blow it.
Cleaning the intake with a straight barrel is more convenient - the situation can be excluded before the bottom, except for the danger of rapid siltation. However, to be irregular in operation, no matter what hole is clogged at some point.
class="wp-caption alignnone"> wells for areas are shallow, and a standard vibro pump or bailer is suitable for cleaning. If the depth of the well is significant, it is permissible to risk a method of mechanized cleaning. Being a fireman's sleeve is cleaning the well pretty fast, but it's expensive. Unfortunately, this method often leads to damage, and this causes additional costs. If the main water key is for your dacha - an opening, choose the method of cleaning that is suitable for you and at times clean it, so that there will be no interruptions with the water supply, because the water for the cottage is the contract for a comfortable stay.

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