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How to make an ax: the process from an ax to a sharpening

How to make an ax: the process from an ax to a sharpening
The ax is considered according to law the"king"of a carpenter's tool. A virtual carpenter, who is masterful in his own craft, knows how to perform an ax perfectly proper for the sake of this or that operation. The master, usually, fairly axes, always ready to work. All this tool is needed not only by carpenters, but ordinary people living in the city in private homes, as well as urban residents who leave for summer or weekend for a summer residence. To chop firewood, in order to build a stove in the house or in the bathhouse, it is necessary to each owner. That this action was faster and did not cause problems in the form of a flew ax, blunted blade or broken ax, you need to know to properly prepare a known tool for work and help him in"combat readiness"in the course of only the lifespan. The type of the ax handle can be different. Proudly, it is true to plant an ax, to pry, and then sharpen the point about the necessary angle.

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It is worthwhile to pay homage to the property of metal, taken for the production of the instrument, to purchase an ax, or rather, its pricking part. Looking for an ax for the sign of GOST, which confirms the relationship of metal to municipal standards and requirements. Be on the alert, if instead of this sign, it's enough to hang THAT, OST or MRTU. In this case, the culprit can write configurations to the technology. The axes of the Russian times, which are distinguished by the highest quality of metal, can be purchased for a flea market.

The quality of the metal can be checked and experienced through, taking two axes and banging the blade of the 1st of them according to the blade of the other. For the least high-quality product will remain jagged sweat. Also, the metal property is checked according to the corresponding sound, who is being published to be tapping an ax. For all this, the implement must be in a suspended state.
Also, the reverence should be sharpened for the following points:
for perfectly drawn blade there should be no coils and dents ;
the shape of the eyelet;
the alignment of the eyelet and the blade of the ax Do not be discouraged if you can not find an ax that meets all the requirements you have named. After all, the revealed differences can be removed through grinding the burrs, boring the eyes and giving the boot a symmetrical shape.
Selecting the workpiece and the action of the ax handle The length of the hatchet is chosen based on from the growth and strength of the master. Not the last occupation with all this is played by the property of the tree species. Lighter axes, which have authority near 800-1000 g, have handles 40 in length in front of 60 cm. In a languid instrument (1000-1400 g), the length of the ax handle varies 55 before 65 cm. The strength of the impact depends on the length of the ax handle. The longer the shaft of the ax, the easier it is to offend the wood chocks.
Not any tribe of tree species is suitable for the production of an ax handle. For the sake of this goal, a virtual virtuoso emits a full coppice, before finding a suitable tree. In most cases, the workpiece for the sake of an ax handle is made from the basal part of the birch, but rather from the outgrowths for its trunk, which are distinguished by a special svilite and very dense wood species. Instead of birch it is permissible to extract maple, oak, acacia, ash and other deciduous trees of hard rocks. The blanks should dry well in natural conditions, which will take a long time.

For the prepared workpiece outline the contours of the future ax in accordance with the chosen template. For the end of the handle of the ax there must exist a thickening created for the"braking"of the hand in case of slipping the tool. Then the excess of wood that is outside the contour is removed with a knife, an ax with a perfectly sharpened blade, a chisel or an electric jigsaw that is much faster. After completing the fitting nozzle of the ax for the shaft with the help of a kayak, and after making sure that these parts are closely adhered, it is permissible to continue the subsequent finishing of the handle of the tool. For the sake of cicloving, glass is used, and for grinding - fine-grained nazhdachku. Above is a drawing of the ax (a), meeting the requirements of GOST 1400-73, and from below - the shaft of the marching ax (b) with an unbroken fiber zone of 40 mm Proudly! If the shaft freely enters the eye, it means that the virtuoso made a mistake in the calculations and incorrectly drawn the custom. In this case, even the hammered piece will not fix the situation, providing a short-lived dense landing for the shaft. Like to plant an ax for the handle? Below is a method of performing operations, showing how to plant an ax for a machined and polished shaft. This is the only possible method:
Adjust the upper part of the ax handle near the ax eye. With all this, superfluous arboreal breed with a knife. It is not worth using Ratfil because he"sweeps away"the tree.
For a shaft placed in a horizontal position for the table, put an ax on top and put a mark on the handle, before which it is quite planted. Divide the piece in half and put the second mark.
Hold the shaft in an upright position in the vice so that the spacious end has been placed by the bosses. Take a hacksaw according to the metal and make a cut before the 2nd mark near the piece.
Buy an iron piece in the store or cut out a wood analog, the thickness of which should be 5 before 10 mm. The length of the wedge made for the ax with your own hands should be equal to the depth of the cut, and the width to the size of the ax's eye.
Put the board to feed and place an ax for it, placing it upright with your feet. Put on the ax for the shaft and start tapping the relative board. Then turn over and tap the relative board with the handle of the ax handle, with all this the action of the attachment lasts. Turning and tapping need to be performed a couple of times. In the end, the shaft will enter the eye.
Next, place the shaft vertically and insert into the cut a cut piece, hammer it with the mallet in front of the half or almost before the end. With a knife, according to the metal, cut without leaving, which remains to stand on top.
Apply oil (motor, linseed, sunflower, etc.) to the shaft, allow excess to drain and leave for drying. Wipe the ax and handle with a rag.
Then fitting the ax to the hatchet shown in figure (a) creates its attachment (b) and wedging the handle (in): 1- ax, 2 - shaft, 3 - piece
Like and about what angle is sharpened the point of the ax? So that the implement does not deliver the fumes, it is necessary to sharpen the point of the ax correctly. According to the requirements of GOST, the size of the grinding angle of the construction ax should be 20-30 °. For the sake of carpentry work the tool is sharpened about a bit by a huge angle equal to 35 °. Recommended angles should be avoided, because more thin blades will be tied in the wood. For the sake of their pulling out, additional efforts will have to be made. For knots, a thin point can easily bend. A sharp point sharpened at an angle of 35 °, crushing the chips separated from the main log, does not bog down in the wood.

Formerly, the"roughing"primary sharpening of the ax is made, in the time of which it is possible to remove the rotating grinding grinding wheels, small damages and large potholes. With all this, agree the formation of the newest accurate cutting edge of the ax. Then the sharpened sharp point is subjected to a"clean"sharpening. Grinding is carried out according to the entire length of the blade on both sides with a thin bar, who removes all burrs. Three methods of sharpening the ax blade: a) grinding wheel; b) a bar, moistened with water; c) editing with a donkey moistened with engine oil Proud! The radiance of the ax blade and the lack of burrs for the cutting edge is a book that the grinding action went well.
This video shows how to sharpen an ax with a grinder. This is the only other method.

Like to take good care of an ax? Then it is recommended for the point of the ax to throw a cover made of thick skin, birch bark or other material. It is impossible to throw an ax, stuck into a bar. A virtual virtuoso takes care of his own instrument, because the ax is a"continuation"of his hands. After trying once to chop the dead tree with a homemade ax, you can not make a store inventory. If you doubt your own abilities, then use the services of masters, who understand, like to perform a comfortable pole for the ax from the selected and dried billet.

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