Construction of a humpbacked metal bridge: a step-by-step master classTo eat for my site one exception - a trickle flowing from the collective farm fields. In order to somehow fit it into the surrounding reality, also to ensure a correct transition, the bridge was thrown across it. He was made of wood 10 years ago, so he was already rotten enough and lost his former strength. It seems that from the outside it looks organic, but it's already scary to run across it. And let the kids start even more so! Consequently, I decided to eat the old bridge and arrange an unprecedented - out of metal. For a detailed depiction of this construction, I wish and desired to render for your reasoning.
I immediately agreed with the design of the new structure - the bridge is rather hunchbacked, with bent iron handrails and wood flooring. I found the proper drawing on the web, I did not rework it very much about the existing realities. Later, according to the progress of the case, certain profiles were replaced for others, the sizes varied. However, in general, the intention turned out to be a worker and was realized. Structure of the bridge for the working drawing
Speech 1. Dose of blanks and welding of bridge sideways
The bent parts of the structure were ordered from local craftsmen. Unfortunately, they were not completely responsible, therefore I had to do some details before the mind without the help of others. About this I will mention later. Brought billets of the bent bridge parts
Therefore, they brought the details, unloaded. For the sake of the handrails, I picked up 4 arcs, more similar in shape. It turned out to be not unreasonably simple - they were all different (gratitude,"masters"!). The workbench around such constructions I have not, therefore boil the sidewall I started for a paved area.
Simple laid out arcs and vertical racks for the surface, horizontality reached through the pads near their different pieces of wood and plywood. It turned out all comfortable. I checked according to the laser level, without any appearances, no"screws." Unity of bent handrails with vertical posts (through welding)
The main side was welded, later on top of it, the elements of the second side were laid out and also welded them together. The lower part of the bridge's supports is pretty near the ground, hence their not enough, hence these parts I made from the corner. I've had plenty of it in the clever dust, I have nowhere to put it, except for that pipe for the sake of the"underground"parts to draw pity.
For the legs welded all sorts of iron fangs-fangs, in order to better hold the supports in the concrete. The rim for the side of the bridge is welded
For the rack, which will be concreted,"fangs"of iron scraps are welded
Speech 2. The destruction of an old one
It's time to dismantle. For a couple of hours, the old wooden bridge was dismantled, who had become worthless. The premise for the new bridge has been cleared. An old wooden bridge that has served its own term
The old bridge is destroyed, the premise is freed for installation sake
Speech 3. Unity of sidewalls in one design
For a wheelbarrow to a streamlet, I drove up virtually finished sidewalls and various profiles, needed for the sake of construction. For the site welded to the side walls of the scarfs and the main elements of the retention of the flooring. Brewed all the void, a lot at the theoretical level can get water.
Electrodes did not regret, because through the properties of welding of the retaining parts, it depends how harmless the course is consistent with the bridge. Stitches did not clean, thought, which is why they are all the same equally not enough. And the superfluous business to anything. Welding elements are welded for the sake of flooring
Two sidewalls of the bridge are welded into one structure
For the sake of rigidity welded on the edges buttresses. It seems to me, then they look not very organic for the background of curving sidewalls. Extremely they are direct, sharp, in general, not quite what I wanted. However, hardness asks victims. Let them remain so. Buttresses serve for the sake of growth of rigidity of a structure
The lower parts of the bridge support will be in concrete, I covered them with paint - later they are no longer sufficient access.
Speech 4. Installing the bridge and concreting the supports
And later he began drilling wells. I took a drill and drilled for almost all of their depth (for about a meter) two holes for both banks of the stream, respectively. Four holes were drilled for bridge support
I put in the holes the supports of the structure, leveled the vertical level of the building level. For the sake of rigidity, the installation filled a free space in the holes with a rubble stone. Now the pylons stood like pouches and did not move anywhere.
Next - pouring concrete. I started making a watery kneading so that the concrete would pour with stones without problems. The subsequent batch was already thicker. I do not know which, in the end, the sign of concrete came out, but I am sure that the bridge for such a solution will last for long and long years and will not move. The bridge is installed, its supports are concreted in the holes
Speech 5. Welding of internal arcs and balusters
I used to build internal arcs for the sidewall. Internal arcs are welded to the vertical stands of the bridge sidewalls
Between them, in accordance with the plan, should take up the rack-balusters. They had to be measured according to the place and later blocked - not a single similar one was found. I made a statement because of the steps, I welded all the balusters. Balusters are fixed for their own places - between the inner arcs
Speech 6. Correction of bent parts of handrails
There seemed to be a desire, which is finished with metal elements, but it was not there. The only drawback, who allowed my irresponsible masters, bending metal, did not give me rest. I mean the bent ends of the handrails. The bent ends of the handrails could not withstand any criticism
They looked simple scary, therefore, without thinking twice, I cut them down. And later I was going to do it without the help of others, in a more solid execution. The endings of the handrails were cut off
I do not have a bending machine, it is irrational to operate it or buy it for these purposes. An unparalleled method, who seemed to me applicable, consisted in cutting incisions for pieces of pipe and bending the metal already according to them.
I calculated the beginning, taking into account the difference between the inner and outer lengths of the arcs, the number of notches and their width. For the trimming of the pipes, the position of the incisions was marked with a step of 1 cm. The cut began at just 1 mm, and later cut (not before the end) a little more extensively - quite 2.25 mm. For iron pipes, incisions are made
There was a thing similar to the washing board, which was already allowed to bend. I did it, fixed it in a suitable form and brewed it from the outside. The internal share did not touch, did not want to fight after the sweep. Thanks to the incisions, I came out to bend the blanks and give them a suitable shape
Because at the beginning of the preparation of the endings of the handrails were taken with the supply, then fitting for the place, the excess part of the pipes was cut off. The blanks were welded to the handrails.
I decided to open the open ends too, so as not to evaluate the plastic stubs. They looked like iron for foreign construction and is inexpensive. Then the welding of the bent parts was painstakingly cleaned before shine. Good, practically flawless handrails came out! Bridge with welded bent ends of handrails
In order to protect the banks through washing, it was necessary to strengthen them with pipes and boards. All these reinforcing constructions are therefore not enough, therefore I did not aspire to a special beauty. The essence that came out firmly. Reinforcing constructions for the sake of retaining shores through erosion
Speech 7. Putty and painting
It is time to correct the next drawback, who allowed the manufacturers of iron blanks. Some profiles were substandard, with prominent dents. It had to be somehow there. For the help came the auto putty according to the metal - I had 2 kinds.
Before I filled the deepest dents with a rough filler with fiberglass, I used the final putty on top. Together with the finish, the inner surfaces of the endings of the handrails (where there was no welding) were also puttied. You had to do it quickly, because the putty stiffens in an instant. A bit lagged and already freeze all frozen, had to act an unprecedented kneading. The bulges and dents were covered with auto putty
Now the iron surfaces of the bridge seem almost flawless. It is allowed to decorate. I chose the traditional paint for the sake of construction - dirty. All-iron surfaces were painted in 2 layers. The iron parts of the structure are painted with dark paint - a completely different visibility!
Speech 8. The structure of the wood flooring
It was time to spread the bridge board. In the shed I had a whole high-quality larch board with a ribbed"velveteen"surface for a couple of years. I decided to extract it. The board has a ribbed appearance - the flooring is rather slippery
To chagrin, eating larch has one nasty exception. To dry out, it releases sharp chips, which are free to be scratched and wounded. Taking out the boards from the barn, I saw that this time the whole front side was covered with such chips. The back side turned out to be in the best form, therefore it was decided to extract it as an external one for the sake of flooring.
The boards should have been cooked. I treated them with a priming antiseptic - through decay and for the sake of increasing the service life. Has dried up. And later it was covered with used engine oil. There was an opinion to cover the flooring with varnish, however I did not dare. Still, there is a great opportunity, which lacquer in wet conditions is cracked.
I did not want to evaluate the cause of many days about the danger. Consequently braked for antiseptics and oil - this should be beaten for a couple of years of operation. However, I plan to renew the oil discharge in a separate year, so as not to worry because of probable difficulties with decay. The boards are dried in a vertical position after treatment with antiseptic and oil
Later I screwed the boards to the horizontal floor holders using screws according to the metal. Between the boards left a small gap, so that the water could drain into the trickle and not linger for the floor. All the same wood flooring remains a weak link in the bridge and it is necessary to rid all possible methods of decay in the existing wet criteria.
In the end, a good convex bridge came out, you can use it without fear. And recover without getting wet feet, is allowed, and the decorative occupation is. The peremptory visibility of a humpbacked iron bridge with wood flooring
I hope the above master class is not quite useless and someone will need it in landscape creativity - I'll be just pleased!
style="text-align: right;">Илья О.
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