Have you noticed, like a lively little kids learn all the devices that fall into their hands? With a remote control or a phone, a two-year-old child will be sorted out, and by three years they are dominated by tablets according to the shoulder. A simple machine or a simple machine is old time. Children like mobile, able to move around, express, hum or express music baggage. And if such a child prodigy is brought to the dacha and planted in an ordinary sandbox, then he will either draw you to make some game, or leave there for 10 minutes in search of more entertaining things. We have chosen the most creative ideas for the sake of the children's playground, which will help to take possession of the baby for at least half an hour, so that adults can relax coffee or work for the garden.
The spectacle in solitude: how to master the 1-st baby?
All ideas, which we will express below, are calculated for kids in 2 years. Earlier, it is impossible to throw a baby on the 1st even for 5 minutes, because the feeling of threat has not been developed in him again, and every pebble, step or imaginary city can begin with a prerequisite of trauma.
The craving for drawing in babies is almost subconscious. A badly lying shaft or a felt-tip pen then arise in the hands of a young artist, in order to decorate the building in those places where the ancestors did not even plan. To forbid this business is a 2-3-year-old tomboy - who pound the relative wall with peas. However, it is allowed to muffle the will, if to make for a playground a typical easel. Let your Malevich better come off for the street than the secret draw for the walls.
For the sake of creating an easel, a woody reliable frame (like portable school boards) and material for which the child is pretty depicted is useful. It is easier to execute it only from a piece of tin, paint it in gloomy paint and provide the baby with colored crayons. It is also permissible to remove the black self-adhesive film. For her, an excellent white chalk is drawn. However, then eat a small risk: the children adore disturbing crayons, so this easel is better to act for the sake of kids in 4 years. The woody shield nailed to the fence, pasted on top of the film, will carry the guys to continue, mainly if they offer colored crayons and a hose with water for the sake of flushing art
The 2nd variation is to install the plexiglass in the frame, for which the fruit will be able to depict with watercolors. Byel, tune yourself, which will have to be cleaned both by the board and the artist. However, again, this easel is designed for children in 4 years. For a glass easel, they can depict two from different directions, not only with watercolors, but with palms
And for the sake of the smallest people we advise you to nail a huge road for the wall of the house from a fabric-plashevki or dermatina (certainly in black tones!). Buy the baby the thickest brush and teach to dip in a basin of water, and then depict for a typical poster. If you do not want to remove the walls of the house, take two pieces of thick plywood, surround it with a cloth and connect on one side with corners for furniture, in order to put the easel in the form of a house. The child will be able to draw from both sides.
As an adaptation for the sake of drawing, an old marker can also go. Take out the stick, fill the body with water and first paint the water handle somewhere for an old newspaper, so that some of the paint comes out. If she starts to represent water with water, give it to the child. Let him do it.
Ideas for arranging a playground for several kids
If there are two or more children of similar age in the family, for example, if grandchildren come to grandmother without their grandchildren, they must be mastered without reason, so that there is no rivalry and accidental injuries. For example, a pile or a swing for the sake of several children is a very terrible tool. In the desire to settle there first, a separate child quite pushes the others, and the occupation can end in universal weeping. Therefore, embody such ideas of children's playgrounds for the dacha, which mean a joint spectacle.
Radio-controlled cars now actually eat every boy of the Sadikovo age. And not counting them - a heap of bots, helicopters and other equipment, which you need to find application for the country. A fascinating thought for the boy's playground is quite an auto town. For his sake, you need a smooth, long-drawn desire platform, broken for a lane (in order to take the competition, which will quickly finish before the finish). If there is not a longish platform, use the shape of a circle or an oval. The auto town can start not only as a favorite place for all your neighbors and boys, and the girls will not rush to hurry for the trails.
The edges of the platform can be closed with a decorative fence (very low, so that the kids do not stumble to be a game, but the cars did not fly off the track). Near the track, make a flyover of perfectly sanded boards and a sheer descent for which young drivers can throw the bait of a car and look, like they will dive for speed down.
If in the family some girls are allowed to translate for their sake site idea of a secret room, the design of which is quite common. You need to do in a hidden place, for example, near an old tree or near a balcony (if it's for the ground floor) a closed place with the help of curtains. Girls like to chat and amuse themselves, hiding through everyone, but for no reason, to create themselves, which happens around.
Near the tree curtains decorate for no reason: dig in accordance with the perimeter of the four pillars and pull for their fishing line or wire. The fabric is suspended for clothespins. The balcony is again simpler: two nails are driven according to the edge of the niche, a string with hooks is stretched, and tulle for it. Inside, be sure to put on old blankets, pillows so that you can ruin and put a box with your favorite toys. A hidden room for girls can be made as boudoir by hanging the tulle to a thick tree branch with a special round fastening with a hook >
Group fun for the sake of kids at least of some sex
It seems that the times have not changed, but the fun of hide-and-seek and the Cossack robbers are still popular with kids. These amusements can change names, but the essence remains: someone is hiding, and someone is looking for, or the only one is running away, and the second is catching up. In order to organize such a collective game, there must be appropriate attributes and decorations for the playground. For the sake of embodiment of the idea you will need dark skin, spacious scotch and abundant wood stakes. From their free to make a large maze, inside which the kids can hide. Peel is usually sold 1,5 meter, and this elevation is enough, so that the kids are not contemplating, which is due to the adjacent wall. For the scheme, black color shows the position of the film, the blanks are the exit points, and the reddish points are the supporting columns of the children's labyrinth.
Development of production:
Mark the rectangular or square pad, the perimeter of which is calculated based on the number of toddlers. For the sake of 2-3 children there will be enough 5x5 m, if there are more of them, then the place is increased. The approximate position of the walls of the labyrinth is for the photo above.
There are two outlets for the outer wall of the labyrinth, more for the inner wall.
The ground is covered with river sand.
for adjoining pegs for no reason, so that its outskirts turned around the pylon and snuggled up to the rest. Staple with a wide tape.
It is allowed to decorate the film walls with various joyful faces, cutting them out of a self-adhesive film. They are not afraid of rain, and the season will be served properly. If you can not find the films, you can sew the walls with old sheets, coverlets or fabrics from the grandmother's chest, fixing them to the tree with a construction stapler. >We hope that these ideas will help you organize the rest of the kids for the dacha curiously and especially.
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