What is the reason for creating the right lighting?
Indeed, the explanation of the garden is akin to art - it can create unprecedented effects that arise from the union of plants and decorative illumination. You need to implement some"enlightenment"ideas for the sake of giving a little. You can transform your own park so that from an inconspicuous, in no way different through many others, it will turn into an unnatural place, gifted to pity you in any time of the day. Unusual and a little mind-boggling effect is allowed to keep up by placing abundant fixtures-balls for long stems along the track
The main lawsuit against the security light is its clarity and dislocation in principally principal locations to control the security of the site - near the gate, at the entrance to the building, near the garage, according to the perimeter of your possessions or in other places where the valuable situation is located or holiday property. Usually, lighting security systems are formed with the help of massive LED lighting fixtures and are subject to certain rules - like in accordance with location, for no reason and in terms of design, for no reason that in this case it is better to choose industrial versions of light sources. A beautiful sentence for the sake of lighting the country plot - pots for the sake of plants, which the aristocracy accumulate in the day-time, and exude it at night
Examples of hand-made lighting production
The worn out floor lamp, retired kitchen environment, served its plastic dishes and the rest, it seemed a desire, unnecessary now you will need you for the sake of"production"of summer lighting fixtures. In going will go all the way - through the glass containers in front of grandmother's services - little imagination, a little patience and without a limit rarities, one foot standing for a dump, turned into lighting devices that bring you aristocracy and satisfaction. In order to perform a dacha lighting device, you do not have to spend a lot of money - look in the grandmother's box and you will find there without a break, which is necessary for the sake of creativity
Variation #1 - from glass bottles
Fantasy lighting devices made from inappropriate glass containers can transform your park without appreciating a single penny. Ordinary glass container is allowed to turn into an amazing lighting device without any effort. Take a bottle of a unique shape or unusual color, pour for the bottom colorful multicolored beads, polished glass, transparent balls that will protect the aristocracy. Screw a multicolored wire for finger for no reason, so that the spirals come out and place them in a vessel. A short flashlight is fixed with the help of silicone in the neck of the bottle - this is a pretty key of light, who is comfortable to include and exclude if necessary. When buying spirits - look closely at the shape and color of glass bottles - because now you will need them for the sake of creating self-made lighting devices
Decent plafonds for the sake of the hanging chandelier can be obtained from glass containers of various shapes and sizes. Tokmo ah so to block bottoms through bottles? Of course simple! Tie a bottle with a narrow rope dipped in kerosene or gasoline for the level of the desired cut, and inside the bottle fill the cool water right in front of the strip marked with a rope. If you set the rope on fire, the bottle will burst and a smooth cut appears, which you just do not grind to little, so as not to cut yourself. Now in the plafond it is allowed to fill up the electronic rope and connect the lord for the sake of the bulb. Cutting the bottom of the glass bottle and securing the iron plate for the pin, you will get a suitable candelabra for the sake of lighting the garden
A stronger light key is obtained if you tie quite a few colorful bottles of wire and hang them to the ceiling of a gazebo, a patio or a summer house. In this case, if you seem a little gloomy bottle colors, take stained glass and paint the glass, showing the imagination and your innate sense of harmony. And do not be afraid to give yourself the will - you can always remove the solvent is not a completely successful piece of stained glass painting and update it. Again, better, if you assign the goal of coloring bottles to children or grandchildren - and you memory, and the kids in satisfaction.
Little creativity - and from a glass bottle you will get a clear wall lighting device in the form of a stylized torch. For this, a hole is drilled in an aggressively twisted bottle cap, through which kerosene is poured in and refilled with the same combustible consistency, a wick made of natural rope or a stainless steel tube. Filling a combustible mash into the bottle and refilling the wick inside, you will create a lighting device in the form of an improvised torch
The change of bottles with plafonds with candles and flowers assign an unusually innate visibility to the iron frame for the iron frame
Why the New Year's garland to collect dust in anticipation of the next New age? Place it in a bottle through champagne - and you will get a clear lighting device for the sake of giving. Inaction is something to endlessly endure, but offensive catching to co-ordinate? Wrap completely randomly the thread or the rope for the bottle, but for no reason, so that the gaps remain, and apply the paint of the beloved color from the can for this typical cocoon. If your"painting"does not dry up enough, unwind the bottle. Special? We go further. The bottle-candlestick is original due to the idea of the holder for the sake of a candle in the form of a spiral fixed in the neck with the help of a ring
Variation #2 - from glass jars
The main issue of the glass container, like the base for the sake of a homemade lighting device - is completely transparent, not dissipating aristocracy. The task that stands before you in the process of producing a lamp from glass with your own hands is to fragmentarily decorate a clean vessel with this kind of macaron, so that, nevertheless, it works for a hole, scattered and smoothed the aristocracy through a candle or a light bulb. In order to comfortably eat molten wax from the bottom of the candlestick canal, pour in a little sand or pebbles
Which is allowed to perform with a prosaic, but beautiful in accordance with the outlines of the jar, left, like a memory through the once eaten exotic raznosolov? All the time depends on the style in which a new lighting device is conceived. Wish in country style - wrap the jute with a jute rope, fixing it for the glass with silicone glue. Do you want a vintage style? Cut narrow longish strips of colorful calico, cotton patterns or guipure and"dress"your jar in your great-grandmother's dress. Do you like the techno style? Remove the voltage coils and diode lamps from an old TV set or tape recorder - reel the copper wire for the jar. Cylindrical test tubes of light-emitting diodes stick like decor - they will even more refract and modify a lot of light, In a reward through bottles, glass jars are sometimes colorful - paint them with colorful stained-glass paints.
The unique opinion of the lighting design for the sake of giving in the style of pop art - the plan of the can of multi-colored fluorescent paints applied to the internal appearance of the glass jar in the form of spots of the wrong shape. Accumulating the sun aristocracy for a day or night, banks will exude a soft unobtrusive glow, shimmering with juicy colors of neon blue, pink or lemon color. Composing glass containers of different heights and diameters, painted with matching luminophores matching color, you can make a colorful composition group in your own garden, illuminating the path to the house, the alpine hill or the flower bed. The bank, covered with a myriad of small dots painted with phosphor, emits a soft, luxurious aristocracy
Variation #3 - from tin cans
After drinking beer and biting with sprat in tomato sauce, do not rush to engage in waste tin cans - in the country house all the time you need. For example, for the realization of non-standard thoughts in the development of summer cottages that can give your garden a unforgettable look.
Which for the sake of it is necessary? A hammer, nails of different diameters and a wooden piece of cylindrical shape. Throw for the paper the motivation for drawing - the desire, so that it was not a very intricate lock-up decoration. Now attach your essay to the tin can, and inside it put a piece of wood - it will save the tin can through deformations. Punching holes for an equal distance with nails, transfer the image to the jar - you will get holes through which the polite aristocracy quite penetrate. An ordinary beer can transform into an exotic lighting device due to the pattern formed by small holes
Which desire could reflect, which from the union of cans through canned food and wooden clothespins can turn out such an unusual lighting device
Variation #4 - out of order materials
After the construction of the cottage often there are various building materials - cement, plastering consistencies, watery nails, and so on. To preserve endlessly such consistencies is impossible - they vividly absorb water and are taken by lumps, and to throw out power does not rise. Do not despair, here are a couple of new thoughts, it seems allowed to attach a building benefit with utility for the sake of the cause, specifically, for the sake of creating summer cottages. Using an unnecessary part of the cement and plaster consistencies, it is possible to perform a fairly unparalleled lighting device
Take a huge and small plastic bottles, cut the bottom and put one into the other, fixing them with a threaded pin. Turn the received design downwards with a neck and install it, assume, for a tin can of a suitable diameter. Mix the cement mash and fill the space with 2 bottles, at times shaking the shape for the sake of its even filling. Then freeze the solution, cut the bottles and release the plafond. Forming from the cement slurry separate pieces, put them together - you will get the news according to the beauty patterned egg-lamp
Variation #5 - from wood and ropes
Picking up small, however expressive dry twigs, glue them overlapping in a chaotic order for a naive inflatable ball. If the glue grabs, carefully unplug your design through the ball and blow it off. The lampshade in the eco-style is drunk, you just need to refill the light bulb and connect the lighting device to the net. Unnecessary branches through cut trees will be a good material for the creation of a country lighting fixture in the form of a ball
According to the same principle, using inflatable balloons, make a lampshade in the form of a hemisphere of jute rope. For this, draw a border for the ball and, evenly gluing the crossing points, wind it with a rope. Then, like the glue will dry out, carefully blow off the ball and detach the rope cover through it. White lace rope lighting creates a festive atmosphere for your terrace or patio area
For the sake of that, in order to perform a lighting device from a tree, you do not necessarily have to know to scold or scold - to eat a piece of finished wood semi-finished products that need only be applied artfully. If you twist the birch bark into the shape of a cone, you will get a very brittle and well-dressed shade to the lamp
Do not rush to roll out through the stumps - they are allowed to perform not only a stool, but also an unusual holiday lighting device
Variation #6 - made of plastic
Plastic bottles have long been exploited in the tail, and in the mane for the sake of various country dachas. What was not invented above by the ingenious nationality, conjuring with"och.emelymi"handles over plastic bottles. Notwithstanding being late through the mass trend, we hasten to suggest the above variation of the"recycling"of the plastic bottle through the creation of an unusual lighting device. Here is an unusual lighting device - or a hedgehog, or an insect, can come from an ordinary plastic bottle
Lamp-ball made of plastic. 1. Cut off the bottom 2. Bond 3. Bend according to the radius 4. We form the ball 5. Set for the base 6. We connect to the net
wp-content/uploads/2014/01/svetilnik_pl_but-e1389313244414.jpg"rel="lightbox [4048]"title="Luminaire made of plastic leaves">
Lampshade for the lighting device made of plastic leaves. 1. Cut out the rectangles 2. Cut out the leaves 3. We fill the edges with a soldering iron 4. We connect the leaves with a wire
Therefore, we cut a bottle for rectangles, from which we cut out the leaves. The edges of the sheet are melted with a soldering iron, giving it a more natural outline. With a hot needle, we burn 2 holes and pass them into their copper wire without insulation. From the individual leaves we collect the branches and form from their globular plafond. Do not rush to throw out one-time glasses after the reception of guests - better glue out their beautiful motley lighting device
Buy balls for the sake of ping-pong, glue from their pretty circles, and then connect according to the vertical - the futuristic chandelier is ready
A unique chandelier can be made from other plastic products - disposable dishes, plastic cups and balls for the sake of ping-pong. Due to the initially laid conical and spherical shape of this product, their gluing will inexorably lead you to the creation of a spherical or cylindrical lighting device. Creating a cheerful and immediate setting for your dacha seems to be the best way to promote caloric lighting from colorful beads
Stringing huge plastic beads for a wire, twist it with a spiral and form a spherical plafond of a small diameter. You can get a rather unique chandelier for the sake of giving, if you compose balls of beads of different colors and diameters, attaching them to longish suspensions to the frame. The old disks and records cluttering up your closet, now it seems like it's impossible right - they will get amazing lights for the sake of giving
Here is a unique opinion of the lighting device for the sake of music lovers - those who have a building swamped with time-consuming music storage devices - discs and records. Mindlessly, however, from old compact discs you can get an excellent lighting device. Pretty slightly drill, beforehand marking the 5 holes for an equal distance the well-wisher through a friend according to the circumference of the disc, not extremely approaching the edge, and then to fasten the disks with a wire between them. Such a multifaceted design can own any diameter depending on the size or your patience. If it is assumed that the lighting fixture is fairly floor-standing or table-top, then to one of the disks playing the base occupation, glue 3-4 erasers. Hanging pretty disk balls to the iron plate, Corrugated plastic pipe is excellent transformed into a shell lamp - you can just put a light-string into the pipe
Variation #7 - from old household utensils
The most comfortable in iron utensils is already existing perforation, which can make unusual light spots according to beauty. Prosaic grater, colander or strainer - these are ready-made lampshades for the sake of your home-made lighting devices. Having detached the handles through the two sieves, tie them with wire - you will have a plafond in the form of a ball. Spots of rust or peeling enamel mask, covering your product with bronze or silver paint from the can - a retro-lighted device with a technogenic aftertaste of a drunk. Drill a drill hole in an old saucepan or fill the bulb in an ordinary grater - you will create non-transferable lighting effects
Do not rush to throw out grandmother's services in rosy roses with a narrow cobweb of small cracks - glue the saucer to the cup with super glue, drill a hole for the sake of an electric wire - and a vintage lighting device is quite a decoration for a nostalgic summer house or gazebo. Even an ancient tureen can start with a good shade for the sake of the country kitchen - careful make a hole in her day, pass the electronic rope and secure the lord. The old earthenware, which you inherited according to your heritage through grandmothers, is differently retrofitted into a retro luminaire
We hope that the worthy ideas, proposed by us, will help some Plyushkin find a worthy excuse for his own desire to accumulate unnecessary things. Now they can eat to breathe into the old baggage the newest existence - creating unusual lighting devices for the sake of the beloved garden.

Lampshade for the lighting device made of plastic leaves. 1. Cut out the rectangles 2. Cut out the leaves 3. We fill the edges with a soldering iron 4. We connect the leaves with a wire
Therefore, we cut a bottle for rectangles, from which we cut out the leaves. The edges of the sheet are melted with a soldering iron, giving it a more natural outline. With a hot needle, we burn 2 holes and pass them into their copper wire without insulation. From the individual leaves we collect the branches and form from their globular plafond. Do not rush to throw out one-time glasses after the reception of guests - better glue out their beautiful motley lighting device
Buy balls for the sake of ping-pong, glue from their pretty circles, and then connect according to the vertical - the futuristic chandelier is ready
A unique chandelier can be made from other plastic products - disposable dishes, plastic cups and balls for the sake of ping-pong. Due to the initially laid conical and spherical shape of this product, their gluing will inexorably lead you to the creation of a spherical or cylindrical lighting device. Creating a cheerful and immediate setting for your dacha seems to be the best way to promote caloric lighting from colorful beads
Stringing huge plastic beads for a wire, twist it with a spiral and form a spherical plafond of a small diameter. You can get a rather unique chandelier for the sake of giving, if you compose balls of beads of different colors and diameters, attaching them to longish suspensions to the frame. The old disks and records cluttering up your closet, now it seems like it's impossible right - they will get amazing lights for the sake of giving
Here is a unique opinion of the lighting device for the sake of music lovers - those who have a building swamped with time-consuming music storage devices - discs and records. Mindlessly, however, from old compact discs you can get an excellent lighting device. Pretty slightly drill, beforehand marking the 5 holes for an equal distance the well-wisher through a friend according to the circumference of the disc, not extremely approaching the edge, and then to fasten the disks with a wire between them. Such a multifaceted design can own any diameter depending on the size or your patience. If it is assumed that the lighting fixture is fairly floor-standing or table-top, then to one of the disks playing the base occupation, glue 3-4 erasers. Hanging pretty disk balls to the iron plate, Corrugated plastic pipe is excellent transformed into a shell lamp - you can just put a light-string into the pipe
Variation #7 - from old household utensils
The most comfortable in iron utensils is already existing perforation, which can make unusual light spots according to beauty. Prosaic grater, colander or strainer - these are ready-made lampshades for the sake of your home-made lighting devices. Having detached the handles through the two sieves, tie them with wire - you will have a plafond in the form of a ball. Spots of rust or peeling enamel mask, covering your product with bronze or silver paint from the can - a retro-lighted device with a technogenic aftertaste of a drunk. Drill a drill hole in an old saucepan or fill the bulb in an ordinary grater - you will create non-transferable lighting effects
Do not rush to throw out grandmother's services in rosy roses with a narrow cobweb of small cracks - glue the saucer to the cup with super glue, drill a hole for the sake of an electric wire - and a vintage lighting device is quite a decoration for a nostalgic summer house or gazebo. Even an ancient tureen can start with a good shade for the sake of the country kitchen - careful make a hole in her day, pass the electronic rope and secure the lord. The old earthenware, which you inherited according to your heritage through grandmothers, is differently retrofitted into a retro luminaire
We hope that the worthy ideas, proposed by us, will help some Plyushkin find a worthy excuse for his own desire to accumulate unnecessary things. Now they can eat to breathe into the old baggage the newest existence - creating unusual lighting devices for the sake of the beloved garden.
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