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Grinder grass with their own hands: an overview of...

Grinder grass with their own hands: an overview of 4 variants of homemade grass cuttersIt seems like perfectly to walk according to its own garden, in accordance with its beautiful paths, admire the well-kept beds and flower beds, and then eat a ruddy apple unswervingly from a branch. However, for the sake of that, all this beauty was, it is necessary to work much. In order for the bottom to be cereal, organic materials must be written abundantly. Mulching with herbs is a brilliant method to keep the soil in good shape. It is allowed to decompose for beds at a time afterwards mowing or pre-punching. In order for the thick trunks of greenery to decompose more actively, they are advised to crush it beforehand. It is allowed to perform a chopper of grass with your own hands or simply bribe it.
The selection of finished equipment in almost all depends on the fact that the volume of raw materials is to be grinded. After all, grinded grass is needed not only for the sake of fertilizing the land. It will be necessary for the one who has a subsidiary situation: the crushed grass is added to the feed of livestock and poultry. With a small amount of work can freely cope with the help of ordinary cuttings. A triangular plate with a strong and sharply sharpened lower edge is called without cause . The grid is a simple tool for the sake of grinding the grass. If the scope of work is small, then gasoline or electronic grass cutters are not allowed to buy or do. Wear a cut for the stalk and get to work
For the sake of work, the chop is planted for a long stalk. It allows you not to bend to be doing work. The raw material, which is to be cut, should be spread out for the earth in a layer of 10-15 cm. The view should not exist rigid, and the discharge of grass is not extremely huge. Here the cutting is not dull and does not quite spring. To be hit by a cut from the top down, the grass is cut for small parts.
If the volume of processed green is quite large, we need a decent aggregate, choose who will help this video.
Self-production methods Variation #1 - Drill you in the help!
A good travorezku painfully just allowed to design out of an ordinary drill. The fact that this simple structure works specifically is allowed to see for the video posted below.

Therefore, the action of grinding recalls the work of a food processor: in a cylindrical body, the occupation of which plays the usual weather, there is an acute sharpened knife. To rotate it according to the circle with the highest speed is the dissection of the grass. For the production of this travosechki used two-mode drill"Temp", with a capacity of 850 watts. The knife is made of a hacksaw blade. The full reason is hidden in sharpening the knife. If it is made correctly, the grass is not sufficiently wound up for the point. The knife is forced to remain untainted and free through the greens.
Sharpen the knife with a one-sided sharpening. He is forced to exist and is aimed at the sharpened plane downwards. If you have to crush fresh grass, the best form of a knife is a rather tight diamond, so that the cutting edge would"come to nothing"about an angle to the edges. In the latter case, it is allowed to round the point to the point. Here the grass, for which the centrifugal fortress will affect, slides steadily along the cutting edge of the knife to the edges. It is cut freely and is not wrapped around the knife.
Variation #2 - for the sake of the owners of the Typhoon vacuum cleaner
The employee's view of this device does not differ in any way through the preceding one. Simple it looks more civilized and its performance is higher. If in the past, the grass was already in the container, the cutting tool was placed much, now the raw material is fed through the upper hole, and the finished substrate leaves through the lower one, located in the side of the apparatus. To ensure that the finished silage is not scattered, it is necessary to remove the protective cover for the outlet opening. Probably, such a travorezka looks not unreasonably representative, like the purchase, but it is functional and virtually free. Determine which is more important to you
Grinded grass is collected in the weather, which should be farsightedly replaced near the output hole. Of course, when choosing the height of the racks for the sake of the unit, it should be taken into account that the weather of everyday characteristics should freely break through for the sake of placing it in a suitable place. For no reason at this same"Typhoon"? The case through the old Russian vacuum cleaner"Typhoon"is perfect for a simple garden shredder of grass: it has an upper hole of a more suitable size. Once again I repeat: this is the best option. However, it is not unparalleled!
No matter what cylindrical capacity, whether it's an ancient pan, the weather or a piece of pipe is also suitable. The engine capacity of 180 watts is allowed to borrow an old washing machine. For the knife will go the old hacksaw road, and as racks it is recommended to use a rectangular profile 15x15 mm. Here the bushing 40 mm high, for which the knives will be tolerated, will have to be turned for a lathe. The action of the chopper plant is not unreasonably complex, it seems. For the photo: #1 - body, very fit, since it is allowed to load grass from above, #2 - the engine through the washing machine, the No. 3- position and the appearance of the knives
The engine with the removed pulley fastened for studs from below to the container. In order to pinch the knives, you need 32 mm water nuts across. To make the bushing farsightedly cut the thread around these nuts. Do not forget about the hole for the sake of the motor shaft. In order to ensure a reliable fixation for the shaft, two holes of 7 mm in diameter are made in the bushing with the M8 thread cut for the sake of locking bolts. For the motor shaft on the back side, the sites are turned over for the sake of increasing the reliability of fixing the bushing by locking bolts.
For a height of 15 mm in the upper part of the cylinder, the Bulgarian removed faces, in order to form a square with a side of 25 mm. For him knives will be worn. In order to perform knives, it is necessary to cut out 4 blanks from the hacksaw blade with a Bulgarian. In the central part of each workpiece, a square hole with a side of 26 mm is cut out. The width of each part depends on the degree of rigidity of the initial metal. Of course, the knives should be closer to the bottom. Their cutting edges are sharpened using a grindstone. The bolts fixing the bushing are placed above the knives. For the photo: No. 4 - the hub for fixing the knives and connecting the motor to the hull, No. 5 - the square, for who after the knives will be fixed, No. 6 - the chopper platform, which is made in the form of a truncated pyramid
If there is no ability to perform an output hole for the sake of silage right next to the knives, then it is equipped from the side. For the sake of this Bulgarian is allowed to make a circle 7x7. For the formation of the guide body, tin is used. To the chopper the body is fixed with M3 bolts. The platform of the unit must be very stable. For this, its base is done more than the higher part. To execute it is very multifunctional and comfortable.
Meta platform is not only to restrain the chopper, and to guard the engine. It is fixed to the container with 3 bolts M 6x45. The lateral faces of the platform are better covered with sheets of tin. In the stands, the thread is cut around the M3 bolts, with which the sheets are fixed to the platform.
Variation #3 - a grasscutter from the one that was near the hands For the sake of simple travorezki useful:
pump"Agidel"or any such electric motor, gifted to operate at 3000 relative per minute and feed through a 220 V voltage grid,
an ancient aluminum casserole
for the start of the motor, you need a button, the exercise of which will play an excellent role through the washing machine,
the plug and the cord.
We suggest you take a close look at the photos, as they do not need special comments. All the way to the maximum of course. Start creating a grass chopper and you will be great all-around. Direct attention to the fact that the knives in this shredder are located. Probably, you will choose this particular sample
The engine is installed near the pan, and the start button is at the rear of the platform, Such grass, crushed with the help of grass cutter, is perfect for feeding livestock and poultry, also for the sake of mulching purposes
Variation #4 - homemade straw chopper
Three The last unit with the success of turning grass into silage. However, if we need a chopper, not only grass, but also hay, it is worth looking at yet another invention, which is very carefully presented for the video below.

Few security warnings
Every assortment, the product of which is described above, is provided with sharpened cutting details. So that he served you endlessly, brought indulgence in the work, and not injured, observe the performance of work simple safety techniques.
If the operation of the unit is connected with electricity, be doubly careful and take the necessary measures. Mostly watch closely because the travorezku not try to include the kids. It is better to overdo it than to notice! All about chains for electric saws: how to choose, replace and sharpen correctly

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