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Like to like yourself for a suburban site to...

Like to like yourself for a suburban site to enjoy the sounds of nature and listen to the crowded twitter of the feathered family. In order to attract for some of these little helpers who destroy various pests, you should prepare for their sake a short"gift"- a feeder. Winter is the real skill for the birds. Near a layer of snow, it is difficult for them to find food for the sake of maintaining actual forces. The bird feeder is quite a salvation for the sake of birds in the winter months, if they are obliged to be released not only through frost, but also from hunger. There is a surplus of options, like to execute a feeder with your own hands, allowing you to make unique designs from improvised materials.
The collection of ready feeders is quite wide. However, all the same it is much more fascinating to include fantasy and to design an unusual and attractive design from useless materials. In addition, it is permissible to attract a family to a useful and interesting occupation.
It's unreasonable for you to have a good feeder for the birds: Matter of production, stubborn to high humidity and temperature extremes, the use of which will make the feeder ready to serve for more than a single season.
The details of the construction are cut out of boards 20 cm wide and 16 mm wide <
Instead of waterproof plywood, it is allowed to remove Plexiglas, for the sake of fixing it in the side walls, it is necessary to cut grooves with a depth of 4 mm using a milling machine. The best size of the side wall, made of plexiglas, is quite equal 160x260 mm. For the sake of fixing the side panels to the end of the walls, it is also possible to remove the screws.
For the sake of connecting the parts of the feeder for the birds from the tree, it is possible to remove wood edges and glue, for no reason and simple screws. The corners of the product must necessarily be sanded. For the arrangement of the perch, a round stick (el. 8) is used, which is attached to the edges of the rim in the drilled 10 mm holes.
Now it is allowed to strengthen the roof. For this, the left half of the roof is fixed firmly to the side walls. Separately, the right half of the roof and the top are interlocked. A little later, with the help of furniture loops, both halves of the roof are assembled into a single structure. The gap between the plexiglass and the bottom of the structure formed in the assembled product allows to regulate the feed supply: one feeding of the feeder can be enough for 2-3 weeks. Thanks to the transparency of plexiglas, you can see freely because of the amount of food for the sake of birds.
The beautiful and multifunctional structure is almost ready. As a finishing line, the work can be covered with a layer of linseed oil or painted.
Other unique ideas
It is preferable to extract containers with a volume of more than 1-2 liters, which will allow visitors to visit the feeders and treat themselves to"delicacies"not only to small sparrows and cilia, but to pigeons and other relatively large birds.
In the upper part of the package, holes for the sake of passing a fishing line or a lace. The length of the fastening element should be 25-40 cm. On both sides of the container, using two scissors or a knife against each other, two spacious entrances are made, allowing birds to enjoy the meal freely. For the action simple-minded design takes less than 15-20 minutes. The finished work is freely fixed with a lace in a comfortable place near the house and filled with beloved bird delicacies.
Проявив мало фантазии, дозволено из самых обычных бутылок сделать уникальные кормушки ради птиц, которые станут реальным украшением участка
Ordinary in the manufacture and comfortable in the care of options for bunker feeders
Thinking, like to build a bird feeder for a bird, it's not necessary to"reinvent the wheel". Suffice it to recall the examples of arrangement of multifunctional constructions familiar to youth and, having shown little imagination, to make the hanging"dining room"fascinating in execution, which is enough to amuse the family with a nice appearance, and feathered guests with savory treats.

The buildings for the cottage, made in an unusual form, decorate the part and increase its pleasantness. Houses, gazebos, greenhouses, built in the form of geodesic domes, quickly as if will not go unnoticed. To realize the intention of a small geocupol is quite easy. With the construction of such a structure, the power to cope with many gardeners, despite the originality of the frame structure. Small expenses for income building materials allow you to perform all the work in the shortest possible time. Dome technologies are also of interest to builders of suburban dwellings. The place inside such a cottage is characterized by overstated functionality. In the house-dome for 20% more usable area due to the reduction of the number of enclosing structures. For this, we manage to save building materials. Building structures, which used a mesh pillowcase as a bearing structure, appeared in the middle of the last century. The first geodesic dome was designed by Richard Fuller (USA). His invention of the Yankees patented. Unusual for the sake of those times the construction was planned to build in order to obtain a cheap comfortable dwelling in a short time. All manage to mass building in accordance with the invented technology failed. The skeleton of the geodetic dome of type 2V for the creation of small structures. Different according to the length of the edge are highlighted in color and denoted by the signs For the sake of small country houses, the structure of the 2V dome is usually chosen. The frame is assembled from 2 kinds of ribs, denoted for the sake of convenience for the sake of convenience by Latin characters A and B, which are also distinguished by an exact blue and reddish color. The blanks are also marked in color, in order to simplify the assembly of the frame structure. For the connection of individual edges of the skeleton of the geodesic dome, use special nodes, called connectors. There are three types of connectors to be installed in a 2V-dome design:
4 finite;
5 finite;
6 endpoints. For calculating the length of the edges and the number of connectors use online calculators, which are clogged with the initial cause of the object: the radius of the base, the frequency of the partition, the desired height of the dome. Three types of connectors used for joining the edges of the frame dome converging at one point (the tip of a polygon).
Huge hemispherical objects, the diameter of the base of which exceeds 14 meters, is built using 3V and 4V domes. To be the smallest breaking frequency, extremely long edges are obtained, which complicates their preparation and installation. Being a 3V dome building the length of the ribs is almost three meters. Recruit a frame from such lengthy materials is problematic enough.
Selecting a different kind of dome (4V), reduce the length of the edges in front of 2.27 meters, which greatly simplifies the assembly of the dome structure. Dulling the length of the structural parts leads to an increase in their number. If there are 165 ribs and 61 connectors in the 3V dome, there are 165 ribs and 61 connectors, then the 6V dome has 555 pieces of the same rib height, and 196 connectors have connectors. The pile foundation for the installation of huge dome structures allows to build the necessary strength and stability
Sample of construction of a dome greenhouse Before construction is determined with the base area of ​​the future greenhouse, also with its height. The size of the area of ​​the base depends on the radius of the circle, into which it is inscribed or near which the correct polygon is described. If we assume that the radius of the base is quite 3 meters and the hemisphere is half a meter high, then for the assembly of the 2V dome, 35 edges with a linear value of 0.93 m are useful: 30 edges of 0.82 m long;
6 five-point connectors;
10 four-ended connectors;
10 six-pointed connectors.

В качестве каркасных ребер дозволено извлекать бруски, заборную доску, профильную трубу, также особые двойные стойки-распорки. Быть заготовке ребер учитывают их ширину. Ежели выбирается заборная дощечка, то ее придется разделять для изрядно равных частей при помощи лобзика.

Выравнивание площадки
Подготовив безвыездно конструктивные элементу грядущего купола, приступают к выравниванию места около строительство сооружения. При всем этом должен вооружиться строительным уровнем, потому что площадка должна существовать совершенно ровненькой. Выровненное помещение отсыпается слоем щебня, кто хорошо утрамбовывается.

Строительство база и сборка каркаса купола
Then proceed to construct the base of the greenhouse, which, together with the height of the dome, will make the place comfortable for operation. Then the structures of the base begin to recruit the frame from the ribs in accordance with the scheme for which the sequence of the connections is shown. Finally, the polyhedron is forced to turn out. The skeleton of a half-meter hemisphere for the arrangement of the greenhouse for the dacha is made of wood bars, connected by a connector method in accordance with the scheme together To facilitate the assembly is allowed through the staining of different lengths of ribs in different colors. This color separation of individual parts of the design will avoid confusion. The isosceles triangles, assembled from brusks or pieces of a profile pipe, are fastened together by connectors (special devices). Although small designs can be fastened with screws and ordinary mounting tape.

Fastening polycarbonate sheets
Polycarbonate sheets are cut to the frame, cut out in the form of triangles. To be mounted use special screws. Seams between adjacent polycarbonate sheets are adorned, and together insulated with racks.

According to the perimeter of the greenhouse, beds are made, but their height should be equal to the height of the base of the frame. To finish the fences use different materials. Better and more elegantly mixed with plants grown in the greenhouse, a natural rock. For the sake of convenience, the path in the greenhouse, according to the ability, is made wide. Certainly they arrange a room for rest, from which it is permissible to see the beauty of outlandish plants and flowers. The frame of this domed greenhouse is made of a profile pipe. The faces of the polygon are made of polycarbonate sheets, which let the aristocracy pass and block the ultraviolet rays For optimal use of the interior space, polypropylene pipes are used, which strengthen to the facets of the frame. For these pipes, pots with ampel plants are suspended. On the sides of the greenhouse planted low plants, and closer to the center - tall. For the sake of maintaining a sufficiently high level of humidity inside the dome, a swimming pool with water is installed in the northern part of the structure. Strengthen the greenhouse effect inside the greenhouse allows a reflective peel, which is attached to the structure of the frame located above the water tank. The internal ennobling of the dome greenhouse is carried out with the greatest introduction of the available space. The height of the plants influences the selection of the place of their planting in a greenhouse of such an unusual shape
House in the form of a half-open hemisphere The house, made in the form of a half-open hemisphere, is quite the nicest place for a summer residence. This air building is going to the course of 1 working day. The installation of the frame is made of a profile pipe. The diameter of the dome is 6 meters, and the height of the object is 2.5 meters. It is possible to get such size 28 square meters of usable space, sufficient for the accommodation of friends and relatives. The design of the 3V dome is also done using online calculators. As a result of automatic counting, it turns out that for the construction of the gazebo is useful:
30 pieces of ribs in accordance with 107.5 cm;
50 pieces of ribs corresponding to 126.7 cm. The ends of the ribs cut from the profile pipe are flattened, drilled and bent for 11 degrees. For the convenience of assembling the lattice of the geocupole, according to the scheme, monotonous ones are marked according to the length of the rib by the same color. In the end, there will be three groups of parts that strengthen the well-wisher to a friend of the scheme's agreement with the help of washers, bolts and nuts. After completing installation of the frame, create floor covering material, as is permitted testing:
plywood sheets;
colored polycarbonate web;
soft shingles, etc. If you close the top of the top of the frame, you get a unique semi-open house. With the help of curtains, it is allowed to decorate the remaining free space in accordance with the sides of the arbor. To achieve the unusual design of the dome structure will allow your imagination.